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Sneeze Fetish Forum

This is the way the gumball bounces...


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Hey world,

it's me. I've been lurking on the forum for months now and finally decided to get myself an account.

I'm horribly overdue to comment on some epic fics I've seen around here and have fallen in love with!

Just so you know what it is you're getting yourself into... I'm planning to put some of my own stuff out here. I'm usually over on LJ and I know about at least one other person here, but I'm very excited to get to know lots of new people here and maybe entertain one or the other one with some of my own work for a change.

You'll notice rather quickly I'm horribly addicted to any kind of h/c and schmoop fiction. It's my little creative outlet and my ruling forces usually involve Supernatural and their respective actors. But latelty I've been feeling a little 'writer's block-ish' and outsourced to some of Glee's and my own characters. Let's see how that goes ;)

So yeah, that's all. For now. Have a happy halloween vampire.gif

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Good to have you on the forum.

*Whips up some pumpkin pie*

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Helloo-ha!! That's a very interesting title! Normally we get things like "Hey!" which is good but I've never seen one like this. Welcome, I hope you have fun here!! :D

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