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Miscellaneous Non-Fetish Personality Facts


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Everybody's got their interesting personalities, likes, opinions, etc. Share them!

For instance...

I have a fondness for smoothies. They're the only thing I can make.

I'm a terrible cook. I light the utensils on fire, not just the food.

My cat is usually found sitting on my chest or my keyboard while I'm online.

I have a really weird sleep schedule No matter when I go to sleep, I wake up at 4AM, and can't fall asleep again until 6. After 6, I can sleep for as long as I want. In the summer, this is really annoying, but while I'm at school it isn't so bad because I'd have to wake up somewhere in that window anyway.

I can quote several movies from start to finish on command, including all three Back To The Futures, Megamind, Airplane!, How To Train Your Dragon, Tangled, Midnight In Paris, A League Of Their Own, and 10 Things I Hate About You.

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Oh-oh, this sounds like fun!


I am terribly... what's the word... vivacious. :lol:

Which is very interesting if you have in mind how clumsy I am. I fall while walking on the flat surfaces on regular bases.

I don't wear trousers. There are many reasons why.

I love to sing, no matter I actually can't sing well. :) I'll buy my parents earplugs for Christmas.

I love to spend the crazy amount of money on books, movies, video games and CD-s.

I am crazy about the Roman history, especially the period of empire.

Here it is: the random randomness.

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During my last summer holidays, I found it impossible to get more than 4 hours sleep in a row. (Thank God for trips to America and jetlag curing all that!!!)

I also... it's not a fear, but I'll still say it's a phobia... to Rubix Cube's. Thank you, perfectionism and OCD :P

I once gave myself whiplash - requiring a trip to the ER and Valium - headbanging to Bohemian Rhapsody. At the Biomed Ball. Who says pre-Meds don't know how to party? :P

And, LocaLocaBoka - tripping over flat surfaces is a skill! So is tripping up stairs. I happen to be proficient in both! :D

... AltoFairy, can I ask how you managed to light utensils on fire?! And which ones?

... I can't quite beat that. Though, we tried to make a gluten-free sponge cake once. It failed. So we took it outside and played frisbee.

Also, food related, when I was little I was staying at my Dad's place. We put dinner on and went to the video store - coming back with Babe. It was only when we walked in the front door and smelt meat cooking that we realised we had pork chops in the oven...

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(Quote isn't working 'cause my laptop is awesome) I was helping my dad brown some pita bread, and he didn't teach me how to flip it right, so in the process of awkwardly fumbling a hot pan around with a plastic spatula it melted all over the bread and caught fire.

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Do I hear tripping over flat surfaces and upstairs? I'M JOINING THIS CLUB.

I have an unbreakable love and need for fruity mints and gums.

I have a mustache sewn on my backpack.

^ Along with that, I also really really love making little things out of stuffing and felt! Sewing unnecessary objects is a hobby of mine, aside from stalking the forum. :P

Also, does anyone else have hair that is impossible to deal with? ==; (I mean honestly, you stupid mop, either you're all straight or you're all curly, pick one!)

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Do I hear tripping over flat surfaces and upstairs? I'M JOINING THIS CLUB.

I have an unbreakable love and need for fruity mints and gums.

I have a mustache sewn on my backpack.

^ Along with that, I also really really love making little things out of stuffing and felt! Sewing unnecessary objects is a hobby of mine, aside from stalking the forum. tonguesmiley.gif

Also, does anyone else have hair that is impossible to deal with? ==; (I mean honestly, you stupid mop, either you're all straight or you're all curly, pick one!)

Oh my god. It's like your my twin. Yes. I have a fluffy, gravity-defying purple mane. I sew and embroider my life away. And I'm rarely seen without gum.

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YES OMG MY HAIR it's so freaking THICK and yeah, I don't know if it's wavy or curly or what the hell it honestly wants to do.

... That being said, I'm considering a perm (after thinning it out MASSIVELY) just so that it can pick a side. I DO NOT WANT EVERYTHING ABOUT ME TO GO BOTH WAYS STUPID HAIR.

AltoFairy, I bow down to you. That is a seriously impressive effort. Especially lighting a spatula on fire!!!

Not quite as impressive, but I did once stall my car while flooring the accelerator. #totallyshowingmyagehere :P

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Sometimes I wanna just take a razor and shave all my hair off.

^ True story.

Oh, AltoFairy! 8D Whoa, dude we're the same age too whoop! Haha, twins separated at birth :lol:

This has got nothing to do with me, but my Japanese teacher had never used a microwave before and she tried to cook a yam in it. It was wrapped in a paper towel. When she walked back out to get her cooked yam, it was on fire and she had to get a bunch of other teachers to help her put it out LOL The next day there was a sign that said "The smell is just burnt food! Sorry for the inconvenience!"

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my Japanese teacher had never used a microwave before and she tried to cook a yam in it.

^ Kind of reminds me of the story my mum told me about my great grandmother using a microwave for the first time. She was heating a muffin and put it in for several minutes, went back for it, and found it was about as hard as a baseball and completely inedible. It's not quite as exciting as yours, but I thought it was funny. xD

Anyway, personality thingies:

I can't sleep without blankets practically cocooning me.

Sort of like you guys with your sewing, I could crochet my hands right off making things I have no use for. When I have enough time and get really into it, I crochet nonstop all day for as many days as possible.

I have a pile of about 30 books in the corner of my disaster of a bedroom that I've yet to read.

The only meal I have any skill in cooking a variety of things for is breakfast.

For most of my day, I think about going to sleep, and then I'm awake half the night.

I use a lot of words in my normal speech that my friends think are weird, even though they're not unusual words. Like "beverage" instead of "drink."

Oftentimes, I'll tell someone something one day and then get all excited about it and tell them again the next day, forgetting I already told them. This happens frequently, and I wonder if people think there's something wrong with my memory (although it's really quite excellent with most things).

Alright, I'm gonna stop here because now that I've gotten really into listing things about myself, I'll just keep going on forever. :lol:

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I'm a major procrastinator.

I like to wear shawls and floral print and lace and tall socks, and keep my hair in a bun. I like to say my fashion style is like 20's meets 50's meets old ladys' couches.

I'm way into equality for everyone.

I love to cook and bake, and I'm really good at both. I love to draw, but i'm notttttt so good at that. I hope with practice I'll improve.

I prefer tea over coffee, but I can't resist a coffee shop. I like jam.

I've been part of the Sherlock Holmes fandom practically my whole life. I have a thing for intelligence.

I can't sew, or knit, or crochet. I can cross-stitch? Not really useful, ha.

I'm sort of the mother or big sister of my friends, in that I love them and try to take care of them when the need it, and give them the best guidance I can and listen to them as best I can when they have issues. They say I am good at that. I'm just glad to be of help.

I'm really excited because the holidays are happening soon and that's my favourite time of year.

I spell things the British way because I like it better. I feel like I "fit in" more with British culture in general than I do with American, actually.

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I get really excited over small things (like cheese).

I'm not a neat person but I tend to have an "organized chaos", meaning I pile effing everything into complicated stacks but still manage to know where everything is.

I laugh at my own jokes. I secretly think that I am the wittiest person alive. >_>

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I'm not a neat person but I tend to have an "organized chaos", meaning I pile effing everything into complicated stacks but still manage to know where everything is.

MA'AM I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN. I'm the same LOL I'm just like "DON'T TOUCH MY MESS" when my mom tries to organize it. :lol:

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I have to strip my bed, and then remake it before I can sleep.

I'm scared of Balloons and Waterfalls.

I just as excited about Christmas as a five year old would.

I love every single one of the royal family.

I often have dreams about random things, and then wake up in a different room.

I really like exercise bikes.

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I'm not a neat person but I tend to have an "organized chaos", meaning I pile effing everything into complicated stacks but still manage to know where everything is.

MA'AM I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN. I'm the same LOL I'm just like "DON'T TOUCH MY MESS" when my mom tries to organize it. heh.gif

This is me too!! My dad walked into my room the other day and started yelling at me to clean it, but I only ended up putting things I don't use to the side. The things I use every day, like school stuff? Strewn about the floor. I don't know why they doubt my ability to find (almost) everything in my room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha that's so me as well! XD Its just like if I need it I can find it and if I don't need it then I don't need to find it!

Me, well I'm a complete nerd, like accelerated math and science and most other subjects quite frankly, doing scholarship (roughly NCEA level 4 for those who don't know) calculas two years before i'm even supposed to do level 3 and my complete favourite subject is chemistry followed by calculus. And despite all that I nearly failed year 7 art. Depressing right? I am also a perfectionist, to the level that I have spent about 24 hours over the course of one weekend (two days, not a long weekend) on a single history project because it wasn't quite right XD

Other things, I love to bake and one of my friends swears I put drugs in my brownies 'cause they're really addictive. I love the beach and am absolutely terrified of dogs!

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Haha that's so me as well! XD Its just like if I need it I can find it and if I don't need it then I don't need to find it!

Me, well I'm a complete nerd, like accelerated math and science and most other subjects quite frankly, doing scholarship (roughly NCEA level 4 for those who don't know) calculas two years before i'm even supposed to do level 3 and my complete favourite subject is chemistry followed by calculus. And despite all that I nearly failed year 7 art. Depressing right? I am also a perfectionist, to the level that I have spent about 24 hours over the course of one weekend (two days, not a long weekend) on a single history project because it wasn't quite right XD

Other things, I love to bake and one of my friends swears I put drugs in my brownies 'cause they're really addictive. I love the beach and am absolutely terrified of dogs!

Wi-five, fellow genius child! (And yes, wi-five. Like wifi, only a high five.)

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I should probably note here that I have a tendency to disappear for expanses of time. I promise to come back when this happens, as I love it here. But yeah, so expect that...

Ooh an edit feature. How convenient, now I don't need to double-post when I've forgotten something. :D

Okay Edited to add: I should also note that I'm a smartass. I sass. Frequently. Don't take it personally, it's noting against you in specific. I also make seemingly trivial personal notes on things (see two lines above). I try to use emotes to differentiate between the two. :)

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