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Wreck-It Ralph

Graham Cracked

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I have to be the one to talk about this, cause it's worth a post on every forum everywhere...ever.

Alright, I've been wanting to see this movie ever since I saw the trailer for it in Brave. We went to see it last night, the opening night. Personally, it's well worth it. And it's worth buying on DVD, too. I'm gonna be supporting this movie for as long as I can. I'm not gonna spoil anything here, and I've already talked a lot about it on my tumblr, so I'm just gonna summarize it.

This movie is probably the best movie I've seen in 12 years, if not ever. I honestly don't think anything can compare to it. The characters are fun to watch, there are references subtly and not constantly in your face (which is something I worried about), there are elements that are shown briefly but all come to a purpose at the end, and the TWIST. I'm not saying anything about it, but just think Sixth Sense had babies with M. Night Shamalamadingdong. But it was CLEVER.

That's what this whole movie was. Clever wordplay and a fun atmosphere with real characters. Something that's rare in movies nowadays. I highly HIGHLY recommend going to see this, as I'm probably gonna see it a good 3 more times.

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oh my god, someone else who calls him M. Night Shamalamadingdong O.O

But thanks for the review! I've been wanting to see that...

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I've been steadily gaining interest the more I've seen/heard about it, and after this I REALLY need to make an effort to see it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Sixth Sense was M. Night Shamalamadingdong, back when he was good at making movies. :P

Anyway, I really want to see this, but since I'm out of the country (and will be for a while), I probably won't be able to catch it in theaters. That being said, I WILL see this movie as soon as I can. There's not a power in the 'verse that can stop me.

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