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Creative rituals


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I know we have a lot of creative people here. I have also recently noticed that I have some very clear "rituals", things I just have to do, when it comes to painting. This makes me think that it's likely that other people have those too... so I'm asking, what are yours?

Please share! biggrin.png



  • When I paint, I have to be physically clean. I can be pretty filthy as I'm lazy with the shower and sometimes even amused by my own filthyness, but if I paint, I need to be clean.
  • I just need to drink green tea when I paint. It helps me concentrate. And there's something about the taste that adds to the feeling of being "clean".
  • Even if it's bad for the light, I paint on evenings/nights. I don't know why, but it just isn't the same during daytime. One reason must be that I'm unlikely to be disturbed by then.

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When I'm writing a poem, I have to use paper and pen; I can't compose poetry on the computer. I've tried, and it just doesn't work.

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Ooooh, this should be fun...

I can only work on my main story if no one is watching. It has to be in a college-bound notebook with a sanyo uniball .207 pen in either black or blue. No typing. Usually have to be listening to music.

I read aloud what I'm writing, or typing, almost unconsciously. I also repeat my ideas out loud when I get them several times to make sure they stick.

I crack my knuckles frequently while thinking.

I'm always chewing on something, be it my fingernails, gum, or something odd that ended up in my mouth.

She's not a ritual, but usually if I'm writing, my cat is trying to occupy the same space as the keyboard and I end up having to type under her.

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LOL "Rituals"

>I can't write on a blank document so I kinda just smash my keyboard until there is a substantial bit of nonsense on it. I can write just fine with a pen and a notebook though LOL

>It has to be either really quiet, or so noisy that I can't make out what other people or saying for me to write ^^; I honestly don't get how it works but in the end both sides become like this buzz for me that I don't care about so my stuff gets done.

>No music, or at least none with lyrics.

>All my ideas come when I'm about to fall asleep, in the shower, or in my dreams LOL

>I almost always prefer the notebook to the keyboard.

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i can only draw certain things when listening to something of the same thing O_o example: if i want to draw a surreal picture. i listen to (unsettling) ambient music :P if i want to draw a cartoon of some kind, i just, well, i turn on cartoons :lol: its interesting

When it comes to writing, i ALWAYS need to write on a word document, though ill use paper if completely necessary, i need to type. even if its saving a drafft on my phone.

and i always need to look nice....i dont know why, but if im drawing/writing i change into something that i would comfortable being out in public with....

>I can't write on a blank document so I kinda just smash my keyboard until there is a substantial bit of nonsense on it.

Okay, now THATS interesting, ive never heard of that before :o

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I don't know if I have specific rituals, but there are things I do more often than others:

> When I write something, I usually have to write the whole thing in one sitting, or in a matter of days where most of those days are filled with writing. Otherwise, I feel like I lose track of my ideas and the whole piece ends up being wonky and just bad when I read it over.

> I almost always write when it's after 9 or 10 at night and I've retreated permanently to my bedroom for the night. I think it's mostly the idea that everything in my house is winding down and no one's likely to come in and look at my computer.

> If I'm writing with pencil (which I prefer over pen) and paper, I twist the pencil over and over in my hand.

> I write more often when I'm really tired. It's like my brain automatically activates with good ideas when I'm on the verge of falling asleep.

Its usually a ritual of mine to... (erm this is embarrassing)... to flip through other drawings I've done... before working on something. It gets the juices going I suppose.

^ I do stuff like this, too, except I read through my old (really horribly written) fanfics. The only problem when I do that is I never end up getting anything new written. :lol:

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I don't have any rituals, myself. But I'm just a musician. We're lazy like that. tonguesmiley.gif

Basically, if I have a cool idea in my head and a guitar's nearby, I'll roll with it. Similarly, if I pick up a guitar and something cool just falls from my hands onto the fretboard I'll work on it until I have something solid. I don't like to force it, that never works. But I like to just turn off all distractions and focus if I have a creative flow going, because they don't happen often enough!

John Cleese does an interesting lecture on creativity I think we could all benefit from:


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When I write, a lot of ideas for poems, stories, or certain scenes come to me when I'm listening to music. So when a certain song or piece of music inspired an idea, I listen to it in an endless loop over and over again to get into the right mood and to constantly "feel" the idea. This can go on for days and even weeks, until I slowly lose track of the feeling conjured up by the song. It's important that I have written a substantial part of the overall idea or scenario at that point, otherwise the idea will get lost and I won't be able to finish it. That really annoys me, because it's not that I forget about what I wanted to write, but the feeling attached to it is somehow getting weaker and weaker until it's gone and I am not able to conjure it up in the same intensity again.

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I'm not sure if I have 'rituals' since I'm still trying to figure out how to motivate myself to write. I stopped years ago aside from the odd story but I'm trying to start back up again and I've found some things that help.

1: I write in the morning. It just seems to make my mind clearer. Especially if I went to bed thinking about my story. I can mull it over in the shower and then set out to writing. I don't have to set aside any previous thoughts.

2: I play instrumental music for white noise, or I wear ear plugs. There's a certain zone I get into when I finally manage to lose myself in writing and I become very sensitive to noise. Earplugs stop me from losing my shit. ^^;

3: I find that playing music before I write or draw can help get me in the mood. XP But for some reason it mainly works on my wood wind instruments (tin whistle, flute) and less so on my guitar. But I've been playing flute for longer so maybe I'm just able to relax more.

4: This isn't a ritual, but I've noticed that I can always write best at 2 AM. Which is extremely unhelpful because I like having a normal sleep schedule. Someday I may try going to sleep early and waking up at 2 to write, then go back to sleep. I don't know if something about the silent hours of the night kicks on creativity, or if the sleep dep stopping me from editting myself is responsible. sweatdrop.gif I may have to try spoider's solution sometime. ;D It sounds like a very effective way to get into a clear mind state.

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Like most others here, I don't know if these are clear rituals, but here's how I usually write:

I gotta be alone with my laptop, so no one can look at my writing. (I don't think anyone in my family even knows that I write stories.) I'll either be in my room OR at the dining room table during that hour or so between when I get home from school and my parents get home from work.

I might mull over my story for weeks before typing the actual words out. I've always liked to be prepared before working on anything. But, that still doesn't stop me from writing stupidly slow. OTL

I always listen to music; with lyrics, I might add. I know that lyrics are supposed to distract your mind or something, but I'll listen to the song in-between sentences. Also, many of the songs will be in Japanese or another language I don't ENTIRELY understand. I've wondered if this should have the same effect...

I always use a dictionary application when writing so that I don't use the same word over and over. Repetition bugs me. XDDD

Lastly, I suppose I will glance over my old stories for a bit, just to get into the mood.

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Also, many of the songs will be in Japanese or another language I don't ENTIRELY understand.

This is mainly what I listen to when I write, too. It's like you know they're saying stuff, and you might understand some, but it's different and less distracting in my case because I don't find myself singing along to it and being distracted unless I've listened to the song 700 times and therefore have memorized some or all of it. :lol:

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I get my best inspiration at 2 to 4 in the morning. Like it's pretty much the only time I ever draw anything good. Not great for school nights >.<

I always have to use mechanical pencil, at least some of the time. Like I won't use it for soft shading (usually) but for everything else I just have to. I know it's frowned upon but oh well.

The music I'm listening to always has to match the mood/theme of the drawing.

I have to finish the entire thing in one sitting or there's a 95% chance I'll NEVER come back to it. This can be a real pain while oil painting. :/

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[quote name=crazi :P' timestamp='1352345028' post='478818]

I have to finish the entire thing in one sitting or there's a 95% chance I'll NEVER come back to it. This can be a real pain while oil painting. :/

Yeah, I'm the same. If i sit down at night (or early in the morning....) to draw, I will NOT go to bed until that drawing is perfect XD

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I guess the closest thing to a creative ritual for me is that I first do a small-scale sketch of my comics, then a full-scale sketch, then the linework, then I trace that linework onto a new paper, and THEN I ink the thing. Basically, I will draw the same image four or five times to get to final 'product'. :laugh:

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Oh my goodness, so glad I am not the only one who is particular about my creative process.

Ok with my writing:

  • It has to be when no one is home or no one is awake. Even if there are people in the other room and my back is to a wall, I can't focus on my story knowing they might walk in or worse start talking to me. I get so involved and deep into my head and my characters when I'm writing that if I'm distracted at all (even by being ready to respond to someone if they want my attention) it takes me totally out of it and I start writing crap.
  • I have a three to four draft process. I have to write my first draft ALLLLLL at once in a big writing blur that usually lasts until the wee ours of the morning. It usually is hilariously bad because of this, but it's the only way I ever get to the end of the story. (Example, in the FrostIron fic I posted here, one of the original lines was "I seem to can't." And I stared at that line for a solid five minutes trying to figure out why it looked wrong, because it was five in the morning and I'd been writing since like 10 the previous night, before realizing that it just didn't work, at all.) Then I go through with a separate document and retype it, fixing any mistakes or inconsistencies as I go, adding detail, flushing out scenes I rushed through a little too hastily. In my third draft, I do more of the same, and also read back through my first draft to make sure I didn't cut any scenes I'd like to keep, and also making sure none of my characters are acting out of character, and making the dialogue more believable, etc. The fourth/third-and-a-halfth draft I just fix any spelling/grammatical errors.
  • I neeeed to write on a keyboard. I can't do pen/paper because it isn't quick enough to get my thoughts out that way and it's nearly illegible at the speeds I wind up scribbling at.
  • I can't show anybody my work until the end of draft 4.

For drawing:

  • I need to be wasted amounts of tired to draw anything well, so usually my work happens after staying up all night at like 4 or 5 in the morning and ends with me collapsing on my bed asleep
  • I need to have music playing softly with about the same beat/rhythm through songs so I can maintain my focus on my art
  • I pencil sketch, then ink with multiple sizes of microns, then coloured pencil if i feel like colouring.
  • I also can't show anyone my art until it's totally done.

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I'm joining the "SHUT UP MUSE AND TALK TO ME LATER" crowd. Mine always seems to speak to me when I can't write: on the phone, on the shower, at 3 in the morning or when I'm at work, or right in the middle of an exam.

Also it tends to spike when my blood sugar is low, and then it turns into... Well I can't think straight and eventually I'll pass out but if I stop to get sugar my Muse might stop speaking...

I canNOT do instrumental music though. I've tried, but I end up conducting along with it...

There are certain places I prefer to write - the train, at work (only during sleepovers and active nights though), my bed and my windowsill especially.

I also have the habit of either reading over my previous chapters or stories about a character. Or else, I usually associate characters with songs or bands do I'll listen to that. :D

I don't do drafts. I'll either scrap a piece entirely or else slog over it until I deem it done. I'm horrible at proof reading, too. But, my perfectionism is such that if I don't think it's good, it doesn't have wording changed or anything - it gets binned. And I know I've lost some great beginnings because of that...

I'm learning how to write on a computer, because of my wrist, but I couldn't for the longest time. It HAD to be in a notebook. And HAD to be a certain type of pen. Of course I'll try and pass that off as, it glides so I don't grip as hard so less work for my wrist, but we all know it's compulsive :P

I think the most interesting ritual I know of though, is my friend, who MUST be wearing a scarf. Even if it's a 30 degree day, she'll be in one!

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Hey, thank you for sharing y'all, this topic makes an interesting read! :D

Looks like many of us favour the night for creative endeavours. I've been thinking that one reason for me personally is also knowing that I don't need to do anything else after. I can just do my stuff and fall asleep.

I'd like to mention here that when I started this topic I was talking strictly about painting watercolours. Fetish art, writing? I can do at any time of day with no special hassle. And to an extent, even painting acrylics. But when I paint watercolours, non-fetish stuff, the ritual behaviour strikes. :lol: The cleanliness thing is especially odd. I wonder if I'm scared of staining the paper with my own body? I actually mentioned this one to my shrink the other day, who mentioned knowing a (female) writer who is the same about writing, especially about having clean hands. She said it isn't actually that rare and links it to the way a woman is thoroughly washed before a childbirth. I found that interesting.

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Great topic!

I get a lot creative ideas when I'm on long car trips.

I usually do my best work in the evening/late at night.

I tend do create really amazing things when I'm angry.

I like to watch TV/Movies while working. I especially like watching animated programs, that really helps me.

I work best when I'm home alone.

I'm also one of those people who has to finish in one sitting. If I don't finish the whole thing, I try to compromise by finishing a section of it. If that doesn't satisfy me, then I will work until I can't "see" it anymore. Meaning, I will keep at it until I'm so tired that I can't make something look the way it looks in my head.

I really don't do well with pencils. I've tried so many times, but I just hate them. :lol: I love all types of pens, sharpies, and crayons. I loooove crayons. Go figure.

I was just thinking about this today. I deliberately stopped trying to be a perfectionist when I was younger because I wanted to do well in art school. I do so much better when I'm constantly re-inventing my original idea. Often the outcome has little or nothing to do with my initial thought.

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Interesting about finishing in one sitting. For me that depends completely on what I'm doing. Whatever it is, I need to feel that "it's going to be good", or I can't leave it.

Another thing that is somewhat related - I think I've mentioned before that I'm a "binge painter". I have a cycle of around roughly 2-5 months, most of which is painting only a little, and none of it is very satisfying. Most of the time I don't even try, I just wait and try to believe I haven't lost my ability to paint. The things I do during the downtime might be ok, but none of it is really that satisfying. Then comes the spree - if starts with an intense desire to "just do a bit of something", and I end up painting several things in succession that really give me that wonderful feeling of "being onto something". Then it goes away again.

I think I'm in the beginning of a spree right now. Finished a little something earlier today, and later thought - what the heck I'm doing waiting, don't they always say that waiting for an inspiration or a "right moment" is an amateur thing to do, painters paint. So even if not feeling like it (it's actually a rather physical feeling) I took a streched paper and started painting something I've been planning to do... what happened was a mistake after a mistake after a mistake, and I ended up scrapping the whole thing. heh.gif I think it's partly about my style, which is really quite unforgiving, it has to go right on the first try, because it has to look easy, almost accidental.

Important lesson to me I think, about not caring what others say no matter how experienced and cool they are, and listening to my gut feeling that has brought me the best paintings before as well. smile.png

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Important lesson to me I think, about not caring what others say no matter how experienced and cool they are, and listening to my gut feeling that has brought me the best paintings before as well.

Yes! GUT FEELINGS ALL THE WAY MAN ME TOO. Not sure if that's the best to go as a writer though LOL Most of the pieces I'm proud come in one sitting, and they're all momentary spurts of inspiration and come with an "OMG I GOTTA WRITE" kinda feel. It's almost never planned though :lol:

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I'll have to split this up::


-Must have music, preferably in accordance to the mood of the scene ( sad music for a sad scene etc) or instrumental music.

-Usually, I need to be alone because I get self- councious about my work, especially my fetish work.

-I need to have a hot beverage, not sure why it has to be hot.


-Like Spoider I need to be nice, mellow, relaxed and creative. It helps.

- I need to have something with lots of refrences handy, either several art books or the internet.

- I need to do small sketches and a color study before every piece, especially if I'm going to bring it into Photoshop.

-If it's a sketch, then I usually put a movie on or something in the background. If its a mood driven piece, I use music or an audiobook (love those things).

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Oh god I know I have my share of these... Never really thought about it untill now :P buuuut;

•I'm I'm digitally drawing, if my parents walk through the door behind me, I flip to Google Chrome because.... Well, I don't really know, force of habit I guess! Only for digital though, I love when people look at my traditional stuff.

•I feel really awkward drawing noses, and I will re draw it untill I'm satisfied.

•Gotta go fast! Ahahahah, yeah I try me hardest to draw quickly because it takes like 10 hours collectively if I don't.

•I sharpen my nails to points (Since 4th grade, iunno I feel weird without it) but my right hand middle finger is dulled because of its not I risk scratching myself while holding a pen or some equivilant.Like I don't do that enough, heh

•When I warm up my trumpet, I play Regal March from my head every time :D G F F, G F F, G F E D! And on till I feel comfortable.


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