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Thank god your stories only come once in a while. My mind needs time to recuperate so it can melt again when I try to think about what happens next, and even more so to comprehend what just happened. -eyetwitch- All this blood-bathing and older woman love thing is rather very interesting and so very...connected. But disconnected. But it still makes sense. Or not. Maybe I just think it makes sense and it's all a ploy to make my brain have the ultimate meltdown when you reveal that my theories barely even scratch the surface. (Btw, I'm not sure who Reese Witherspoon is either :'D after a quick visit to my good friend, Google, I learned that she was stabbed and came back)

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I feel like a little kid who doesn't know how to count yet trying to play connect-the-dots. The clues are there, I know they are, but I don't know which ones go together, how it forms a picture. Of course, I know that there are clues there. I can see them. But I don't know what they mean, what they lead up to. I understand that they mean something, but what? Ugh, Scion, I swear your writing will be the end of me. :wub:

bye. :heart:

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The thing I notice about your stories is that I always feel like I'm getting what's going on and then don't end up fully getting it, if that makes any sense. I love the feeling of it, but they're definitely stories I need to read more than once to feel like I (almost) fully understand them. That scene with all the blood was pretty intense. I don't even know if I dislike any of these characters yet (which, if I did, would only mean you did such a good job making them unlikable xD). I'm still trying to figure out connections between Quinn and Tabby, or more like how the connection between them became...this...present day part. And Felix. Still loving Felix. ^_^

Teach me your ways!!!! I have trouble fully developing either. Usually my plot is better than my characters, but both leave something to be desired. Haha, that made a lot of sense, actually. And having character driven plots can be pretty awesome if you do them right - which you clearly do - since the characters ARE the ones leading you around. XD

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I don't try to figure out what's going on. I never get it till the end anyways. Except litle bits. Like if you try and tell me Quinn is not a vampire, you might have to die. :)

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As long as you want to read my stories, I will always keep writing more!

i´ll take this as a PROMISE!!!! yes.gif because there will NEVER be a time when i don´t want to read any story of you! nono.gif

awww poor quinn feeling so miserable and so much...BLOOD...everywhere...ohhhh god eek.gif

a proposal of marriage....happy crying.GIFtwitchsmile.gif this is so CUTE!!! yes.gif if only my husband would have fallen on his knees for me...glare.gif but in the end i did it and of course he said YES heh.gif

ok...what else...so tabby is quinns teacher and felix doesn´t know how to react in quinns closeness...

but why quinn drew the twin trees is still surprising...maybe a hint of telepathy or pure boredom?!?!?uhhuh.gif

this chapter is good to understand and some of my confusion is gone...for now...maybe it will come later again twitchsmile.gif

please more! wub.png

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I haven't read any of your stories before and now I think I may just have to read as many as I can find! I think I have an idea of where the story is going/understand what's going on at present but given how compelling your writing is, I am probably way off in my assumptions. It is a testament to you as a writer that you are able make Quinn a complex and engaging character, whilst he is essentially a functional mute. Interested to see if Tabby can work out "feeling" she has about Quinn! Thanks Scion! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Thank you all so much for your amazing comments. I adore each and every one of you. You don't even know.

Part Five:

Twelve and a Half Years Ago:

Tabby paused in her studies to glance at her ringing phone and roll her eyes, knowing exactly who it would be. It had become somewhat of a routine. Every night around 8, he’d call and ask her out; she’d reject him; he’d go all pouty, and the conversation would end with him threatening that she would most definitely give in one day, because no one could resist him forever.

“No, I won’t go out with you,” she said into the phone.

A growly old-man’s voice replied, “Young ladies these days, such troublemakers!”

Holding back a laugh, Tabby said, “I know it’s you, so don’t bother.” When had she started speaking so familiarly with him, anyway? She couldn’t remember.

“You sadden me, Tabby. How long are you going to torture me like this, huh? I have feelings too, you know.”

“Do you? Any proof of this?”

“Hmm, how about I paint your portrait? Girls like that, right? Or-or-or I could write you a song and you could pretend to like my voice while I sing it to you?”

Tabby bit her lip. Here she was in her room full of posters of cute celebrities she’d never meet, and yet when a guy actually showed interest, a senior nonetheless, all she could do was run away, because she was afraid of what would happen. Relationships just seemed so…painful. “I don’t think so,” she said eventually.



“Ugh, yeah, sorry. I gotta go,” he replied tightly.

Against her will, Tabby felt concern unfurl inside her. She picked at the blue polish on her nails.

“What’s wrong?”

The dial tone was her reply.


McQuinn tossed the phone into a pile of laundry on his bedroom floor, then hid myself under the covers. He’d eaten hardly anything, but he still felt like he had on that one Halloween that was best left in the past. And he didn’t think puking in her ear would win him any points with Tabby.

Just as he was drifting off, the phone rang, and he cursed, knowing his mom would freak the hell out if she heard it “so late at night.” The woman went to bed at 6PM every day, and he pretended to do the same. It was safer that way.

“What?” he grumped into the phone.

“Um…it’s me…Adam?”

“I should hope you know your own name by now.”

Pause. “Tabitha called me.”

Now that made McQuinn sit up, though he regretted it seconds later when the nausea returned. “Why? What did she say?” And didn’t he sound a little too interested?

“What do you want with her?” Adam said in a near-whisper. “Tabby’s really nice. And, um, she’s not like…not like…you…”

Flopping back onto his pillow, McQuinn asked, “Not like me in what way, Adam?”

“Um…well…she’s not…she’s not…” Adam cleared his throat. “She’s not experienced.”

And I am? McQuinn wanted to laugh, though he wasn’t amused. “Ah. You know me very well, then. I see how it is. You want her for yourself, don’t you? You can admit it, bud. I won’t judge.”

“Also,” Adam said, ignoring this, “she thought there might be something wrong. Is there?”

“Other than this non-conversation? Not really.”


“What?” he snapped. Wasn’t Adam meant to be his friend? If he’d wanted a lecture, he’d have gone straight to Tabby’s father.

“I don’t know. Is there anything, um, wrong? Or something? ‘Cause I’m gonna call her back and—”


Adam stared at the phone in his hand. McQuinn had hung up on him. Adam gritted his teeth. He’d looked up to McQuinn at first, thought he was cool and envied the way he didn’t seem to care what people thought of him. But now? All he saw was a guy who did whatever he wanted without concern for how he affected others. He treated Tabitha like crap, and yet she lapped it up.

Nice guys really did finish last.

Every time he got angry, though, he thought of the times McQuinn had stepped up and defended him. Before Foster McQuinn, Adam had felt worthless. He’d taken all the abuse thrown his way by fellow students because he thought he deserved it. But McQuinn had treated him like he mattered.

No one had ever done that for him before. And for that alone, Adam couldn’t hate the guy. Couldn’t even dislike him. McQuinn was the good-looking, smooth-talking brother he’d never wanted, true. But he was Adam’s best friend—his only friend—and Adam would never betray a friend.

He’d liked Tabitha from the moment he’d set eyes on her in the sixth grade. She’d always been kind to him, but it had never gone further than that. They hadn’t even started talking until McQuinn had moved to town six months ago.

As long as McQuinn was serious about her, Adam would ignore his own feelings for her, because there was no way he’d risk losing the only friend he’d ever had, not even for Tabitha Kim.


Present Day:

Felix looked back and forth between Kimmy and Quinn, eyes narrowing. What was up with the expression on teach’s face? It was like she’d seen a ghost. Quinn’s face was, as usual, hidden behind his hair, so no help there.

At least if she was staring at creepy vampire boy, she wasn’t studying Felix’s pathetic doodles. Even so, the exchange made him uncomfortable. Peeping toms must feel like this, he reasoned.

Then dropped his head dramatically in shame.

“That’s…an interesting sketch, Quinn,” Kimmy said, stuffing strands of loose dark hair behind her ears. “Where did you get the idea for that?”

A slight shrug from Quinn. “Dunno,” he mumbled, and cupped a hand over his nose. “Heh—heh—heh’tschmpffxshh!” His hand moved up under his bangs, fingers massaging his brow.

“Hmm,” Kimmy frowned. “Are you not feeling well?” For a second, she reached out a hand as if feel Quinn’s forehead, then drew it back hastily and cleared her throat. “You look really pale.”

“I’m okay,” Quinn said to the ground.

Nodding, Kimmy retreated, casting one final glance over her shoulder at Quinn and biting her lip.

“What was all that about?” Felix asked before he could think better of it. He waited a few seconds before concluding he was an enormous idiot. Had he actually expected an explanation from a guy who basically said one word every six and a quarter months?

Quinn reached into his pocket and drew out…a brown glob of…something Felix could not identify. Mouth in the fly-catching position, Felix watched Quinn consume the UBG (unidentified brown glob). Perhaps it was that air of mystery that made him attractive to older women…that I wonder what he’ll do next?/I wonder what he’s snacking on now?...type of allure.

After finishing up the UBG, Quinn wiped his hands on his pants. “Hah—hah—ihh…” Or maybe it was the way he brutalized his nose with his fist, or the way he—“Hahnxfsshnchh!”—made sneezing sound like the most painful process in the universe, or the way he looked around after each sneeze to make sure no one had noticed.

Felix bonked himself on the head with his drawing pad. Life, why you so mean to me???


“Shouldn’t you be in the laaaaaadies room?”

Felix hesitated in the bathroom doorway, then said in a squeak, “I don’t think the girls would appreciate that, but thanks for putting the option out there.”

Can’t this chimp come up with any new lines? It’s always the same.

The guy in question, whose name Felix deemed unimportant (incidentally it was Felix Roberts who everyone called Rob-O), snorted out a laugh. When he left several seconds later, Felix sighed in relief—then tensed again as the ape-man spoke.

“Hey, look! It’s vampire boy! Try not to bite anyone today!”

Great. Just freaking great. Resigned, Felix stepped out into the hall to face his fears. He could give Vampy all the nicknames he wanted, but this brainless buffoon was not allowed.

“That bathroom,” Quinn said in an eerie, hollow voice as he pointed a finger at the door. “It’s for men, right?”

Good old Rob-O chortled. “Why don’t you focus on dumpster-diving? I hear you’re good at that.”

If Felix had to describe Quinn in four words, he’d say: male version of Samara. As in, that Samara. Also known as Sadako. “So then, I don’t think you’re allowed in there,” Quinn went on, still pointing that thin white finger at the bathroom door.

Robby-Robster scowled, and Felix thought that if it were him Quinn’s unseen gaze was directed at, he’d probably pee his pants. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s for men,” Quinn droned. “But you appear to be a quadruped.”

Smothering a laugh, Felix pressed both hands over his mouth.

Rob-o-nator merely blinked stupidly. “Huh?”

“Exactly,” Quinn finished, then turned and walked away.

Felix chased after him. “Wait up! What was that back there!? I didn’t know you had it in you! You totally smoked that guy! Freaking awesome!”

Quinn didn’t look back, though he did pause for a second to muffle a sneeze against his arm. “HahIHPSHhuhh!

Grabbing the guy by the elbow, Felix spun him around—then squealed like a pig and jumped away. Quinn’s eyes flashed ruby red.

“Sorry! Sorry!” Felix put his hands up, backing up slowly. No, no, no, not this again! I’m too young to die! There’s still so much I have left to do—because WHYWHYWHY I haven’t DONE ANYTHING YET!!!

Quinn backed him into a corner; Felix closed his eyes and grimaced, waiting to feel fangs bite into his neck—Quinn gripped Felix’s upper arms, leaned in…

Nooo!” Felix shoved Quinn as hard as he could. To Felix’s shock, Quinn’s legs melted out from under him and he slumped backward onto the floor. “Q…uinn?”


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So interested. I don't know if my tired brain can muster a proper comment, but if I have to resort to incoherence to tell you how much I love this, I most certainly will. :heart:

Every part!! You never fail to impress me, and I'm so...so...ahh! The right word eludes me, but this is really, really awesome, and I'm pleased with the entire thing. You're infinitely wonderful, Quinn's insult that clearly went right over that guy's head is excellent (and it took me a while to get it because brain stopped functioning, but once I did, I grinned). xDD

I reeeeeeeally wanna know what happens next, and as soon as I return from my few days without internet, I will be searching for this intently. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving! :)

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....I'm appreciating this fainting business too much.

Felix is so funny :D

At least if she was staring at creepy vampire boy, she wasn’t studying Felix’s pathetic doodles. Even so, the exchange made him uncomfortable. Peeping toms must feel like this, he reasoned.

Then dropped his head dramatically in shame.

And also "What will he snack on next?" LOOOOL I don't think I even need to tell you think but I love your writing.

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SCION MORE PLEASE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMG!!! heart.gifheart.gifheart.gif

I would write a more component reply but my brain is mush right now sooo..... yeah. smile.png

Happy Thanksgiving! bleh.gif

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*budum budum budum...budum budum buuuuhhhddduuuum* (should be my heartbeat ;))

my brain feels like butter which someone left on the table and forgot to put it back in the refrigerator :lol:

this is freakin´AWESOME!!!!!!!! :yes:

i´m SPELLBOUND...honestly! :heart:

please more! :wub:

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ElementsofGray: Ohh, reading your comments is always the highlight of my day haha, but you know that already! I have long ago run out of words to tell you how much your kindness means to me. Thank you for being amazing!!!

Emily: Hehe, I thought you might appreciate that little fainty-fainty bit. This story is making me insane, though, 'cause I keep thinking about what's gonna happen while I'm supposed to be driving and then...bad things happen. Luckily I'm not dead, because if I died I probably wouldn't rise again. uhhuh.gif People like me should not be allowed to have a driver's license MUAHAHA. Why am I telling you this? WHYYY!?!

VividBubbles!: LOL, any comment is appreciated!!! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Ciuty80: Aww, thank you thank you thank you!!!! This story makes my brain kind of mushy, too. teehee.gif

Sneezelover123: Haha, I'm soo happy you like this! THANK YOU!!

Part Six:

Twelve Years and Five Months Ago:

“I thought I’d find you here.”

Sitting at the base of the twin trees, Tabby wiped tears from her eyes and peered up at Foster. Under the glow of the sunset, he looked almost angelic, his features highlighted in shades of gold. Seeing him lightened the heaviness in her heart, and she smiled.

He crouched down in front of her, rumpled her hair. “I’d advise you to stop buying hermit crabs,” he said with the hint of a smile. “It’s dangerous for your health.”

She nodded. Foster leaned in and kissed a stray tear that slipped down her cheek. Her heart thudded. How had it become like this? When had she come to the point where she could no longer resist?

Tabby wound her fingers through Foster’s hair, let him bring their mouths together. A mild autumn breeze ruffled the leaves around them.

“How’s your mom today?” she asked when they parted.

Foster shifted to sit beside her, and she rested her head on his chest while he played with her hair. “She’s okay. Been better, been worse.”

Tabby wanted to press for a more detailed answer, but knew if she did he’d only clam up. He did so much for her, made her so happy, kissed away her tears, and yet she felt she could do nothing for him.

“Adam’s in love with you, you know,” he said, resting his chin on the top of her head.

She knew, but she wished he hadn’t brought it up. She felt guilty enough already. “Can we talk about something else?”

Foster pushed her away from him, his expression severe. For a moment she thought he’d yell at her, but he merely rested his head on the trunk of one of the twins and closed his eyes.

Tabby touched his elbow. “What’s wrong? Are you mad at me?”

“Not mad,” he said through gritted teeth. “Just…a stomachache. I’ll feel better in a minute.” To her pure astonishment, he lay down on his side and put his head in her lap like he was going to sleep right there.

“Um, wh—what are you…doing?”

“Sleeping,” he mumbled into her thigh. As she studied his face, she noticed how tired and pale he appeared, half-moons bruising the skin beneath his closed eyes, his cheekbones more defined than she recalled. Had he lost weight?

Concerned, Tabby merely whispered, “Okay,” and petted his dark hair. He drooled a little in his sleep, Tabby noted, and felt her affection for him grow.

That’s when she knew she was in trouble.

=I’ve fallen for him. And now there’s no going back.=


Present Day:

“Quinn? Quinn!” Felix squatted down next to the guy, laying a hand on his arm, which somehow felt glacially cold and fiery hot at the same time. “Hey, can you hear me? Quinn?”

Quinn’s lashes fluttered. He groaned, hand coming up to rub his head. When he tried to sit up, Felix put an arm around his back, supporting him so he wouldn’t fall back and splat his head open. From this angle, Felix could see the whole of Quinn’s face, and it made him want to roll his eyes.

No wonder Kimmy was interested. You didn’t come across faces like that in real life—at least, that’s what Felix had thought. So why was Quinn trying so desperately to hide it? Could he be part of the mafia? No, wait, that made no sense. The CIA! He was an undercover CIA agent who got really into his character and…occasionally sucked people’s blood…

“Felix? What’s going on here?” The Bradster clip-clopped around the corner, looking even more dour than usual. “What are you two doing on the floor?”

“Well, the thing is, he—”

But the Bradster wasn’t listening; he was staring at Quinn with his mouth open. Teach took of his glasses, cleaned them with his shirt, then replaced them. “Just get to class!” he snapped, then stalked off.

Felix shook his head. Vampy sure did have an unusual effect on people.

“Soooo,” Felix said to the wall, “are you okay?” The wall didn’t reply. He glanced back to where Quinn had been sitting and…no one was there. “All-righty, then. I’ll just go ahead and pretend the past ten minutes never happened. Yeah. That works for me. And now I’m talking to myself. Sanity, I love thee.”


Baron watched Quinn stare blankly at the black TV screen. Bitterness itched beneath his skin. No matter how much you thought you knew people, you never really did. August was supposed to be better than him, was supposed to be noble and kind.

Why are you doing this? Even I know this isn’t right. Even I know…

“Here, kid, eat up.” Baron chucked a blood packet at the back of Quinn’s head; it bounced to the floor, and the brat made no move to pick it up.

“Why am I here?” he asked in an empty voice. The way he was sitting somehow disturbed Baron; he looked posed—like in those old photographs people used to take of the dead. A single bloody tear sparkled down his cheek, catching on his chin.

Because August has lost his mind.

Hihhh.” Quinn finally broke his eerie pose to curl his fingers under his nose. “Hh—h—ehh…”

Instead of avoiding the junk strewn across the floor, Baron merely strode right over it, hearing plastic, glass, and wood crack, shatter, and splinter beneath his tread. He was done walking on eggshells around August, done pretending everything was okay. It wasn’t.

HehMGKshh!” Tenting both hands over his face, Quinn slumped to rest elbows on knees. “I’m not supposed…to be here,” he murmured. “Ih—ihEISHngtch! hh.

“Come on, sitting here in the dark like this and staring at a TV that isn’t even on? Don’t you think it’s a bit morbid?” Baron came up behind Quinn, laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Morbid,” Quinn mused, a chill in his voice. “Yes. Death is a morbid thing.”


Baron heard someone pick up on the other line, but no one spoke. “August?” he said.

A faint rustling noise.

“Why are you doing this?”

Long pause. “You know why.”

Sinking back against the bathroom door, Baron squeezed his cell phone to near breaking-point. “But why are you involving him? He’s just an innocent kid. Don’t you even care what this is doing to him!”

“It’s the only way to make them pay,” August said.

Just let it go already!” Baron growled—but August had already cut the connection.


Quinn felt, quite justifiably, like the living dead. Although Felix tended to turn white whenever he approached, Felix never asked him to go away, probably because he was too afraid of what Quinn would do. If there was any way to end this, he’d do it, but that choice had been taken away from him.

And he didn’t know why.

He didn’t remember much, but bits and pieces were starting to surface, floating at the edge of his mind. When he looked at Ms. Kim, he could almost forget how much pain he was in.

But today she seemed sad, her eyes red and puffy.

As he worked on his still life, he shot glances at her through his hair.

“I know what you’re doing,” Felix said suddenly, putting down his pencil. “Kimmy is a very pretty woman, but don’t you think it’d be best to keep the peeping tom-ery to a minimum? I say this as a friend, you know. Not that I think we’re friends or anything…” He dropped his chin.

“Friend,” Quinn repeated, his vision going fuzzy. “I…used to have one of those.”

“Really!? Uh—I mean, yeah. I’m sure you did!” Felix went back to his drawing—if one could call it that. It looked more like the scribbles of a six-year-old.

Uhhh.” Jabbing his knuckles up under his nose, Quinn did his best to will the sneeze away. All he wanted to do was fade into the background. “Uhhihh…chnnk!-nuhh…”

Felix’s lips twitched. “If you’re trying not to draw attention to yourself—” He lowered his voice to an exaggerate whisper—“it’s not wor-kinggg.

Quinn felt his temper stir—like he’d suddenly woken up after a strange dream. “You don’t have any friends, do you?”

Pencil freezing on the page, Felix huffed. “O—of course I have friends! Lots of friends! I have, like, ten friends!”

“What are their names?”

After pouting theatrically, Felix dropped his head to the table. “Fine,” he said, voice muffled. Then, in a weepy voice, “You’re so mean!”

A girl wearing a skirt over her jeans got up from her seat to throw out a half-eaten sandwich. Quinn watched her closely. His first instinct was to retrieve the perfectly good food and eat it himself, but that was…wrong. Wasn’t it?

“I don’t like that look,” Felix peeped. “You look hungry. Why do you look hungry? I don’t taste good, I swear! My blood tastes like rotten gym socks and fish guts.”

“So,” Quinn said from the corner of his mouth, “not only have you tasted your own blood, but you have also tried gym socks and fish guts?”

“It’s a long story.”

Seconds later, Quinn’s gaze coasted back to Ms. Kim. She kept dabbing at the corners of her eyes with her slender, pianist fingers. In a while, she’d come around to their tables and ask how they were doing. He knew he wouldn’t be able to say the words aloud, but he had to know. He tore off a sheet of paper from his pad.

What’s wrong? he wrote, and held the paper up in her direction.

For a moment surprise crossed her features, then she smiled and shook her head. “Nothing,” she mouthed, and he found himself watching her lips. He wanted to touch them.

Dizzy, Quinn rested his head in his hands.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re imaging things you shouldn’t be?” Felix asked.

Heh”—he shook his head—“ehXSSHiyuuu!” A tickle arose at the back of his throat, but he knew if he started coughing, he wouldn’t be able to stop, and…the blood…

He felt her then, coming up behind her, scented her flowery perfume and the hint of clean sweat. Another rush of dizziness scorched him. Putting a hand to his head, Quinn urged it to stop.



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While I'm reading this, a song called "Built for Sin" starts playing and I felt like it just totally matched cause since y'know Quinn is a vampire and stuff and built for sin (hahahaaaaa shoot me please) but he's not a terrible person just all mysterious and with a bad history. I think I'm sorta connecting the dots here maybe. More than I did when you were writing "The Key to Strangers" at least LOL

I would totally sit next to you in your car while you're having all these mishaps with thinking of your wonderful stories and stuff :'D also muahaha you told me because you secretly desire my presence as you spew your ideas. I haven't forgotten about that marriage proposal LOL polygamy let's gooooo

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Concerned, Tabby merely whispered, “Okay,” and petted his dark hair. He drooled a little in his sleep, Tabby noted, and felt her affection for him grow.That’s when she knew she was in trouble.=I’ve fallen for him. And now there’s no going back.=

wub.png It's okay, Tabby. I've fallen for him too.

“Soooo,” Felix said to the wall, “are you okay?” The wall didn’t reply. He glanced back to where Quinn had been sitting and…no one was there. “All-righty, then. I’ll just go ahead and pretend the past ten minutes never happened. Yeah. That works for me. And now I’m talking to myself. Sanity, I love thee.”

He. Felix. biggrin.pngheart.gif

Sinking back against the bathroom door, Baron squeezed his cell phone to near breaking-point. “But why are you involving him? He’s just an innocent kid. Don’t you even care what this is doing to him!”“It’s the only way to make them pay,” August said.“Just let it go already!” Baron growled—but August had already cut the connection.

Okay. Well, confusion has officially set in. smile.png Do you remember my connect-the-dots analogy? Well now, not only do I feel like that, but it's also like I skipped a dot or two while I was trying to figure out what the numbers mean. So now I have to figure out how those dots fit in while still trying to find out what the numbers meant. Ugh, this is so confusing. But, I guess that's one of the reasons why it's so much fun to read! tonguesmiley.gif I do love my puzzles. laughing.gif

BYE! bleh.gif

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YAY, I got back for this part! I was worried I'd miss one or two (not that I wouldn't catch up all at once, but I wanted to reply to all of them individually xD).

I love the way you describe things so much. I don't know if I said that before, but every other line or so as I read, I thought, "Wow, that's such a good way to say that, it's different." Quinn's character only becomes more appealing - that exchange with Felix, it's great, and they work so well together. It felt like there was a little more life to Quinn, like he was waking up a little or something. xD

But dude! The way you end these parts is amazing!! I end up scrolling down, seeing the end, and then scrolling back up just so I can pretend it doesn't end so soon. :lol:

I'm glad my comments can make you happy!! It is your awesomeness which allows for any sort of amazingness on my part to come forth. :D

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Oh, God.

I love this. Seriously. There's all these random little paintings everywhere and flashes of light and colour that are somehow all going to come together to make a rainbow or the Mona Lisa or something like that. But, it's kinda like we're fitting them together blind - we have to just feel the edges and work out where we think everything fits.

It's amazing. I'm soooooo jealous. Seriously, I'd kill to be able to write like this.

Oh, and Quinn... I'd love to see him have a banter-off with someone some time!

But ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what am I meant to do until there's more?

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...and still i have not the right words to tell you how i LOVE this entire story...i´m sorry :cry:

but one thing...i can´t take my eyes of the screen whenever you post a new update!

with every word the whole scenario is visible before my inner eyes...it´s so fantastic!!! :yes:

please more! :wub:

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Emily: NONONO I will not allow you to connect the dots so early on muahahaha. You don't know you don't you don't! Despite this, I would like to go ahead with the wedding as soon as possible. I'm totally cool with polygamy. Me and my ten boyfriends and you and however many boyfriends you have. It'll be a big family! Bring it on!

VividBubbles: Haha, I think you may become even more confused soon! 'Cause I'm about to introduce a "new" (but not really) plotline/twist. I'm excited to see how much you figure out, though, you clever girl!

ElementsofGray: Yay, so you're liking Quinn more now! (I not so secretly have this obsession with making characters start of kind of iffy and then trying to get people to like him/her over time...you probably have picked up on that by now, hehe). I'm relieved you feel that way about my writing 'cause I always feel like I'm being repetitive and boring haha. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!

stephab13: Oh my goodness don't say such nice things to me!!! Now it's gonna be hard to find things that compare, seriously, LOL. Thank you so so much. I can't explain how much your words mean to me. It really gives me hope I may become a real author some time in the far off future. XD

Ciuty80: Every word in your comment was exactly the right word! Trust me, your comment made me the happiest person ever and I truly can't thank you enough!

Part Seven:

Twelve Years and Five Months Ago:

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Foster froze with his hand on the front door. Another few seconds and he would have made it.

“I’m just…going for a walk.”

His mom came up behind him and he heard her sniff. “Wearing cologne?”

“That’s not cologne,” he said, closing his eyes. “That’s my natural scent.”

“Don’t you dare get smart with me, Foster. You think I don’t know what kind of boy you are? I know how you treat women. You’re just like your father!—thinking you can get away with anything because of your looks. Selfish—you’re selfish and cruel, trying to play tricks on your own mother.”

Her breath tickled the back of his neck, smelling sharply of onions. Nausea bubbled up in his gut, and he thought for a second he was going to lose it right then and there—but he managed to hold it in.

“I’ll be back later, Mom.” Before she could haul him back, he escaped out the door and ran.


Tabby glanced at her cell phone—Foster was late. Maybe something had happened with his mom? Should she go in and see?

“Don’t worry,” Adam said from the driver’s seat. “He’ll be here.”

Mara, the girl he’d recently started dating, smiled back at Tabby and nodded. The two looked cute together, Tabby thought. Mara was tiny, only five feet, and the skinniest thing Tabby had ever seen. Adam was the exact opposite—but somehow it looked right.

“Here he comes!” Adam announced.

Tabby pressed her face to the car window and grinned. Foster sprinted across his front lawn, only slowing when he reached the Jeep. After whipping open the door, he threw himself inside, nearly crushing Tabby in the process.

“DRIVE!” Foster shouted.

“Ah! Okay!” Adam slammed on the gas. “What’s going on? Why are we speeding?”

We’re not,” Mara chuckled. “You are.”

The car slowed.

Laughing, Tabby shoved Foster off her lap. “Get off, pervert!”

Foster batted at her hands, glaring ferociously. “DON’T TOUCH ME!”

Shocked, she could only stare at his angry expression, wondering what she’d done wrong. Had she hurt him somehow?

“What’s wrong with you?” Adam asked, sending a scowl over his shoulder.

Mara tapped Adam’s shoulder. “Watch the road, please.”


Turning his back to her, Foster laid his cheek on the window and closed his eyes. He was so…pale, the corners of his mouth tipped down as if he were in some sort of pain.

“Hey.” She touched his back. “Are you okay?”

His lips formed the parody of a smile. “Yeah. Sorry I flipped out just now.”

Tabby shook her head, worry unfolding in her heart. “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” she asked, speaking softly so Adam and Mara, chatting together in the front, wouldn’t hear.

He nodded once, and Tabby decided to let it go. If there were something seriously wrong, he’d tell her.

Wouldn’t he?


Present Day:

Abruptly inundated with pulses of pure, radiant, burning life, Quinn surged to his feet, swayed, then immediately sat back down again as an axe crashed down on his skull.

It was cold and dark and something with too many legs was crawling up his arm. A sick, rotten aroma slammed his sinuses, making him want to choke—only he couldn’t move, couldn’t even tell if his eyes were open or shut. Rockets of pain streaked through his stomach and chest, then into his heart.

Something thick and wet rushed up into his mouth, dribbling out his parted lips. It was going to drown him! Blinding terror wracked his bones; he struggled to gain control of his limbs.


Finally, some small amount of feeling crept back into his muscles, and he was able to turn his head to the side, coughing and choking up a river of bubbly fluid.

“QUINN!? Can you hear me? Hey! Hey!”

“T—Tabby,” Quinn croaked. Blurred shapes hovered in his line of sight, slowly morphing to form a face. Her face. Quinn’s throat closed. She was so…beautiful.


Eh? What da…? Felix looked back and forth between Kimmy and Quinn, who were locked in the most epic staring contest he’d ever witnessed. He doubted they were even aware of his existence.

“Umm. Hello?” Felix waved a hand in between their faces, which were mere inches apart. This was not looking good for Kimster’s teaching career. “Okay, okay,” he said, wracking his brain, because in a few seconds the whole class was going to become aware of the spectacle. “Yes! When I snap my fingers, you will both awaken. On the count of three. One! Two! Th—”

“What did you just call me?” Kimster asked Quinn.

“You’re crying,” Quinn said, still intently focused on her. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m—I’m not,” she said, as tears flowed from her eyes in rivers. Covering her face with her hands, Kimmy turned and hastened from the room without a word.

Quinn stared after her, massaging his forehead. “Hh…hhhh.”

Awkwardly, Felix began, “That…was…intense…huh?”

ihTXSKknuhhh!” A teardrop of blood leaked from the corner of Quinn’s eye.

“Uhm…uhhhh…” Felix made random hand gestures, decided he’d accomplished nothing, then said, “You’re kinda bleeding from your eye…err…yeah.”

White fingers captured the bead of blood, and Quinn bent his head so that his face was hidden behind his hair.

An odd feeling made Felix want to get as far away from Vampy as possible, but he an equally odd feeling held him back. And just what was up with all these ‘odd’ feelings, anyway? Geesh. “Maybe you should go to the nurse. You did faint. And now you’re, well, leaking in places you shouldn’t be. AND OHMAN THAT SOUNDED REALLY BAD BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT.”


“Oh God,” Felix said, “here he goes.”

Quinn flipped his hair out of his eyes to glare briefly at Felix before sneezing into his wrist. “HuhmmfttCHUU!” He waited a few seconds, wrist still in place, before, “NYGGtzsshnk!

“Are you sure that was a sneeze?” Felix asked, vaguely concerned. “Maybe I should record it with my phone and play it back for you so you can hear, because that cannot be a sneeze.”

“You should try recording yourself,” Quinn muttered. Then, “You can…record stuff with your phone?”

“Of course I can! Have you been living under a rock somewhere? And what do you mean I should try recording myself!? What are you implying!?”

“That I look at you and see a male, but…that voice…are we sure you’re a guy?”

For a moment, Felix sat there, mouth agape. “You—you—you just—I can’t believe—you really! Stop hiding behind your hair! I need to know if you’re smirking or not! Hey! HEYYY!” Felix whined when Quinn dodged his flailing hand. “Stay still!” Snatching up a pair of scissors from the table, he waved them in Quinn’s face. “I—I can always just chop it off, you know!”

Quinn froze.


“What do I think you meant?” Quinn asked from behind his bangs.

“Er? What?” Felix whapped himself in the head. “Nothing, nothing. Never mind.”

“Your mind,” Quinn said. Felix waited for more. Nothing came.

Did this guy go to Creepy School or something? “My mind…what?”

Samara—QUINN! QUINN!—said in a monotone, “Your mind is a scary place.”

Felix nodded shamefully. “Yes, it is.”


Felix hated going home. He never knew what to expect. Some days he’d find his dad in the kitchen, cooking up every random thing he found in the fridge, and others his dad would be seated in his recliner in the family room, staring emptily into space.

Today happened to be an occasion of the latter.

“Dad?” Felix approached slowly as not to startle the man. “Dad, I’m home.”

No response. His dad sat in his chair, dead eyes half closed in his tired face. Honestly, he looked at least fifteen years older than his 44 years.

The TV was switched on, which probably meant his mom had stopped by during her lunch hour. At one time, they’d lived in a huge house surrounded by other huge houses in a huge neighborhood. Now they lived in a tiny cape his mom liked to call “cozy.” Felix didn’t much care about that.

As long as his father was happy and healthy.

Which he hadn’t been in over ten years.

“Are you hungry?” Felix asked. “I’ll make you something to eat. What do you feel like?”

His dad remained in his semi-vegetative state.

Sighing, Felix used his sleeve to wipe the drool from the corner of his dad’s mouth. The man’s breath smelled like he hadn’t brushed his teeth since he was born. Guilt overran Felix. He needed to try harder to help his dad. Sometimes, it was easy to let things remain the way they were, because that’s how they’d been for almost as long as he could remember. He had no clue what his dad’s smile looked like, or what his laugh would sound like.

A deeply hidden part of him even harbored some jealousy and resentment toward the cause of his father’s grief. Didn’t his father care about him at all? Why was he less important than…?

But that wasn’t fair.

Honestly, Felix. You’re jealous of a dead boy? Really? No, reeeeeally? First the peeping tom-ery and now the dead-boy jealousy? And you wonder why you don’t have any friends. Pathetic.

He’d whip something up and try to get his dad to eat—before the man’s body wasted away. That would have to be enough to make up for his currently-on-a-potty-break sanity.


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You totally lost me on the number of don'ts LOL So shall we do thing wedding thing now-sh? And add any new additions to the family by paperwork should they come along? Personally it sounds like an excellent idea. :lol:

T __ T I knew Felix had to have some sort of backstory but I didn't expect it to be this tragic. Your narrative technique there is so amazing cause it like just combines his voice plus his sad story and it all still sounds like him with his funny lines but it has that certain ;___; element and it's all so soifuioasfuiaos Also I don't know what you mean by a "real author" dude. In my world, you're already one.

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Wow. :wub:

My brain is gone. Completely waisted away. :drool:

More please.

bye. :heart:

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WHAAAAAT?! Connections...they're slowly forming in my brain. I'm trying not to think of too many specific ways this might be going (mostly just because I don't like being wrong :laugh: ), but SO many vague indications of what's going on have suddenly sprouted in my head and it's wonderful amazing.

Of COURSE your characters only become more likable! Unless you intend them to be otherwise...but Felix! He's such a quirky guy. xD And he's getting a story now! It's funny, because as I was starting to read this part, I was wondering what Felix's relevance to the story was, what his purpose is for Quinn, what he was going to do in whatever big part you had in store for him, and then here you just gave it to me! Or the start of said important role, that is.

Dude, WHY are you so awesome?! I'm not complaining in the least, but holy crap, every time I go back and reread your stories and stuff, I end up just...falling completely in love with them again because you're a fantastically beautiful writer who has some kind of magic gift that you've honed to greatness! Seriously, I admire you a lot.

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Felix and I need to become friends. Like, immediately. Actually all of them. I can just insert myself into this amazing little land of yours, right?


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“Are you sure that was a sneeze?” Felix asked, vaguely concerned. “Maybe I should record it with my phone and play it back for you so you can hear, because that cannot be a sneeze.”

“You should try recording yourself,” Quinn muttered. Then, “You can…record stuff with your phone?”

“Of course I can! Have you been living under a rock somewhere? And what do you mean I should try recording myself!? What are you implying!?”

“That I look at you and see a male, but…that voice…are we sure you’re a guy?”

ohhhh myyyyy that really made me giggle!!! :lol:

this conversations just fit in so perfectly...just awwww :heart:

i LOVE you!!!!!!!! :blushing:

the fog in my mind is getting a bit thinner the more details, interactions and connections you reveal ;)

i like that!!! :yes:

please more! :wub:

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Emily: For sure, let us wed immediately! We've put this off for far too long! XD And real author ohmygosh you said that how could you that's too much ahhh save me how could you, really??? Have I told you lately how much I love you? I LOVE YOU MARRY ME NOW PLEASE.

ElementsofGray: With so many predictions, one of them is bound to be correct! Felix, ahh, yes. I am so obsessed with his "relevance" right now *you will know what I mean later, ahaha). Took me some time to figure out what it actually was, but...kay I'm gonna stop gushing about my own story or I'll sound weird. XD Also, I want you to know how much your compliments mean to me, but I'm not sure how to explain. Before I became "Scion" no on ever complimented me on anything, let alone my writing! So for you to say these things to me is just...I...don't even know. Thank you so much (wish I could say more!)

VividBubbles!: Hope your brain is doing well again!!!!

stephab13: Sure, why not!? I'm sure Felix would love the attention. :D

Ciuty80: Thank you!!! I love you too! More revelations are on the way. :yes:

Part Eight:

Thirteen Years Ago:

Sitting on the front steps of his neighborhood home, Felix bounced his feet up and down. His big brother was coming today, like he did every weekend. When he got there, Reece was gonna teach him how to ride a bike without training wheels. No one would pick on him anymore then, because he'd be too cool!

Seeing the familiar white car pull up, Felix jumped to his feet, grinning hugely. "Big bro--"

When Felix caught sight of...her...Reece's mom, his smile popped like a balloon. She got out of the car, grabbing his brother's arm as Reece made for the house.

"I'm not done talking to you!" she yelled, her face like a scary halloween mask.

Reece pulled out of her hold. "That's too bad for you, then."

The Halloween Lady slapped his big brother hard across the face. Reece put a hand to his cheek, then said something Felix couldn't make out.

Monster Woman screamed, and this time instead of slapping brother, she punched him. He staggered, and Felix saw the moment brother noticed him. Ignoring Witchy Face, Reece ran up to him and crouched down, smiling.

"Heyy," he said, ruffling Felix's hair. "What's with that face? Should I get you a buket?"

Felix wanted to cry, because no one should ever touch his big brother like that, but he laughed instead. But as brother continued to smile at him while Witchy drove off, Felix couldn't stop the tears that sprang to his eyes, and before he knew it, he was sobbing. His brother scooped him up, hoisted Felix onto his shoulders, and started running in circles.

And once again, before he knew it, he was laughing.

He had the best brother in the world.


Standing outside the art room window, Quinn watched Ms. Kim pull her long hair up into a loose knot. He felt like a stalker, but the thing was…she was the only person who made him feel alive. It sounded ridiculous even inside his own head, but it was true. When she was around, the fog lifted, and he felt like he could breathe, like he was as he’d once been.

If he ever had been what he’d once been.

A group of students walked by on their way out of school, and he quickly pretended to be watching the grass and stifled a sneeze into his wrist--"ishhMXGt!" When they’d passed, he peered back through the rectangle of glass.

Mr. Bradley had entered the room, and was standing beside her desk. They exchanged a few words, Ms. Kim looking ready to burst into tears; finally, she nodded. Bradley drew a black box from his pocket, opened it. Ms. Kim reached out for the ring; Quinn clawed at his chest as his heart squeezed.

In that moment, both teachers twisted to stare directly at him.

Quinn stumbled backward, feeling like the ground was rocking beneath his feet.

A voice from behind him said, “Hey. Brat.”


The kid was pretty damn pale, even for a vampire. Baron took his elbow just in case he decided to pull another nosedive. “I’ve been waiting for half a damn hour. Were you planning to show up, or what?”

Quinn clasped Baron’s arm, fingers biting into skin. “Tell me,” he said. “T—hh—huhPTSCHngt!

“Calm down,” Baron instructed, trying not to let his temper show.

“Tell me—” The kid started coughing, hand pressed to his mouth; it was time to go. Blood oozed from his left nostril as he looked down at his red-stained fingers.

“Damnit, I don’t have time for this.” Not caring who saw, Baron grabbed the brat up and flung him over his shoulder. He wouldn’t openly defy August – but that didn’t mean he had to play the game, either.


“Where should we go?” Felix asked. Out of options, he’d dragged his zombie father into the car, hoping the outing would bring some life back to the man’s bloodless complexion.

His dad sat motionless in the passenger seat; his hands remained interlocked on his lap, exactly how Felix had arranged them.

“McDonald’s? The park? The moon?” Felix wagged his eyebrows. “Hooters? Huh, huh?”

No reaction, save a trickle of drool down his stubbly chin.

You and Hamster-Vampster would get along well, he thought, then slumped disgracefully behind the wheel. “Bad Felix. Bad, bad, bad.”


“Sooner or later, the kid’s going to remember,” Baron said. If it were possible to break his cell phone into a million pieces without ending the damned call, he’d do it. In fact, he was considering it anyway. “How do you think he’s going to react? What is your plan, exactly? It’s not like they can kill him. You think they’ll behead him again and again, every day for the rest of their lives? You think they’ll burn him at the stake every Friday night before dinner? What the hell are you thinking? He’s innocent!”

“No one is innocent.”

There was absolutely no pity to be found in those words, Baron realized, a sinking feeling in his abdomen. This was really going to happen.

And he knew he wouldn’t be the one to stop it.

As it began to rain, Baron stalked up the sloping driveway toward the house. The kid was in there. Starving himself. Drowning himself. Dying without actually dying.

You lowlife scum, he berated himself. You good-for-nothing piece of shit. You rat-fu—

“I’ll be home soon,” August said in his crisp, austere accent. “I’m not going to miss my chance.”

“Don’t hang up!” Baron yelled, kicking the cement step with his booted foot. “Do you know what you’ve done? HE’S DEAD! DON’T YOU GET THAT? YOU BRING HIM BACK FOR THIS? HOW CAN YOU—”


The phone slipped from Baron’s numb fingers. The kid stood on the front steps, gaze directed at Baron. He’d never, not even in the 100 years he’d lived, seen someone look so…shattered.

“Hey…” he faltered. “Kid…”

"Take me there," Quinn said. "I want to see."

"No, you don't."

"Take me there," he repeated, droplets of rainwater clinging to the ends of his dark hair. "Please."


Felix had only been here once since the day his brother had died. His dad used to come every day, but eventually he'd started acting less like a human and more like a vegetable.

"Dad," he said to Carrot Man. "We're here." When he got no reply, he added, "Don't you wanna say hi to Reece?"

His dad's fingers flexed slightly on his lap. From him, that was like jumping up and down and screaming YESYESYESYES!!!

Felix sighed. He was in competition with a dead boy - there was no way to win against someone who was already dead. Bad, bad, bad. I'm mentally spanking myself.

He'd loved his brother more than anyone, but now all he had left were these feeling of resentment and jealousy? -- for the boy who'd comforted his little brother, even after being beat up by his own mom? Why was he such a sack of ostrich poop?

Felix helped his dad walk through the well-kept cemetery. His dad, at one point, actually took the lead, his feet carrying him to his favorite son.

As Felix stared down at the gravestone, he felt like melting into a puddle of goo. He'd only been six when his brother had died, but because he'd loved him with all his heart, the memories remained bright and shining as the freaking sun.

Too bad it couldn't rain inside his brain.

His dad went to his hands and knees in the mud-streaked grass, head bowed. He didn't make a sound as tears escaped his eyes and dripped down onto the dirt.

The rain had stopped, the clouds dissipating to make way for the sun. Instead of making him feel better, the cheery weather made him want to bash his head in with a rock.

But if you bash your head in with a rock, you'll be dead.

I know that, brain. Thank you very much.

This was what it had come to, Felix mused. If his dad wouldn't respond to him, he'd talk to himself. Everyone did it! It's not like it made him crazy, or anything. Well, it probably did but maybe if he went crazy he could join his dad in Veggie Land and they'd slice eggplants together. Were eggplants vegetables? What exactly was the definition of a vegetable, anyway? He'd have to look that up later.


For just a moment, Felix's heart stopped, and he thought that his father had actually spoken, had voiced something for the first time in too many years to count on both feet. But no.

That's wasn't his dad's voice.

It was Quinn's.


I feel like this is confusing but not at the same time, which is even more confusing. ??

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