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Questions about your sneezing (Please answer)


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I just want to give simple questions to you. Please answer them.

1. Are you a woman or a man?

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

About me.

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I'm a frequent sneezer.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I can't stifle.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Normaly I have building up.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

I think normal (or loud for a woman?). When I have a cold or an allergy fit, they are louder and violenter.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I'm a multiple sneezer. Usually I let out more than 3 times, without a cold or an allergy.

Enjoy! Lulu

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Oh I love things like this!

1) Woman

2) Nope sadly.

3) I physically can't stifle. If someone would like to write me a stifling guide for dummies I'd be very, very grateful!

4) I never, ever have quick, spontaneous sneezes. I always have to coax them out (usually breathing heavily for a few seconds or whatever). Mental block does not help.

5) Ugh I have no idea! They're not really quiet but I sneeze in such a variety it's hard to tell. I don't scream sneeze or anything so I'd say normal.

6) Single. I've sneezed a double like once I think which sucks.

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1. Girl :>

2. Lately I do sneeze more often, but at random times of the day, and it's almost always a single ==;

3. I think I'm pretty good at stifling LOL It's silent and if I don't stifle hard enough I kind of just...sneeze through my nose which is really awkward and uncomfortable. I certainly wish I could do those cute little half-sneeze things though ^^; I usually stifle but if my nose feels runny I usually just kind of hold it back until I know it'll end up in a relatively small sneeze.

4. They usually just come as an irritating itch and leave just as quickly. This morning I sneezed 4 times in a row, which was a pretty rare occurrence for me. Sometimes an itch just comes and stays there and just doesn't come out though.

5. They're probably relatively quiet, and they sound like exaggerated coughs so I don't get blessed very often. :c If I do, it's like in the form of a question.

6. Single, like my relationship status. The most I've ever sneezed was about 15 times in a row.

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1. Woman

2. Naturally, rarely, even if I'm sick.

3. I always stifle if I'm around anyone. When I'm alone I try to let it out but oftentimes I stifle out of habit by accident.

4. Usually a little bit of buildup

5. Medium volume?

6. Normally doubles or singles. I think I sneezed 3 times in a row like once in my whole life.

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Ooh, I like these survey types too. :)

1. Are you a woman or a man?

I'm a woman.

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I usually sneeze once or twice per day.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Either one, depending on what I'm doing and who I am with.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Not usually, no.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Oh, it depends on why I'm sneezing. Usually regular, but on the rarrrre occasion that I have to sneeze from a cold it's startlingly loud.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually I only sneeze once, although when pepper makes me sneeze it's usually two.

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ooh yay! an interview! let's see..

1- woman

2- not a ridiculous amount, but pretty often

3- stifle, due to mental block. Trying to get over it, though. Most of my .wavs aren't stifled

4- yes, when it's allergies. When it's just a normal sneeze, not typically

5- normal, except when it stifle. Then it's quiet to even silent (ninja silent...)

6- it varies between singles, doubles, and the occasional triple. I get fits from allergies, though

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

More often than most. I'd say 10ish a day, depending on where I am.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Let it out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Not usually.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Normally doubles(I think, anyway)

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

A bit more than usual I'd say.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Both, depends.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Yes, almost always.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

It depends.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I can be both; 4-6 times.

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I just want to give simple questions to you. Please answer them.

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

On average, I sneeze 2-8 times a day

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I usually let it out, but I can stifle if I want.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

There's a tiny build up but nothing too dramatic for a normal sneeze.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

It depends, but I usually sneeze doubles.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Sometimes every day. Other times I can go for days without sneezingangrysmiley.gif

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Just let 'em fly

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

No. Just a quick inhale and sneeze.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Anywhere from one to six. I never know how many are coming.biggrinsmiley.gif

Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

not very often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

just let it out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?


5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?


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1. Woman

2. Often (several times a day)

3. Stifle, always

4.Just a little bit

5. Quiet (or silent, if I can)

6.Usually doubles, sometimes singles.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Pretty often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

It depends...if I'm alone, I always let them out...if I'm at a lecture/class, I usually try to stifle. There's a 50/50 chance of either when I'm with friends.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Occasionally...not often though. I can usually feel the tickle building for some time before I sneeze, but my breath doesn't often hitch or anything.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Totally depends on where I am/who I'm with.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I usually sneeze in doubles, though they come almost just as often in anywhere between 1 and 4.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not as often as I'd like to, but every so often, yeah.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I know how to stifle but I don't do it much; especially since I'm in a mental block now, I'd rather them let out than stifle.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

There's the semi-often build up that follows, not very long usually

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Somewhere between loud and normal, I'd say

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Normally, I sneeze singles. Sometimes doubles, but it doesn't happen a lot.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

i am a princess

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not so

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Either one

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

long always ugh

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

multiple, usually two

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I'd say average - not especially often.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Stifle in public always; I can even do it silently most of the time. When I'm alone I let it out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Not really.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Depends. Can be very quiet if stifled. :) My regular sneeze is normal/fairly forceful I'd say, and definately louder if I have a bad cold. And since I'm always alone when I do my "out" sneezes, I can sometimes have fun w/ it and vary the sound. My craziest-sounding sneezes are if I'm sick, driving my car, and need to sneeze. I don't want to look away from the road so I sneeze straight on ahead and for some reason that makes it MUCH louder and ridiculous-sounding. Thank goodness it's never happened to me when giving anyone else a ride!

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Doubles are pretty common for me, but three or four in a row normally means I'm sick. :(

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

probably a little more often than average

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

usually I hold them back (rather than stifle), but sometimes I let them out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?


5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet

about average

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average

multiple! probably average of 3-4, but sometimes 6 or 7, even if I don't start out holding them back :)

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1. I'm a guy

2. I sneeze fairly often, usually 3-5 times a day. During allergy season that usually increases to 10-20 a day.

3. It depends on where I am at the moment. If i'm around family members or in an inconvenient position, I try to stifle if I can. But if I'm alone, I just let them come out naturally.

4. Usually I feel a tickle and some buildup before a sneeze so I know it's coming.

5. Normal volume.

6. Like I said, I usually sneeze 1 - 3 times a day. Sometimes I'll sneeze a quick double, followed immediately by a third. It's rare for me to sneeze more than 3 times in a row outside of allergy season but it does sometimes happen. Colds generally don't make me sneezy but allergies will definitely get going for multiple fits per day.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

not very frequently.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I don't usually stifle around family( I know reversed ;) ), but I really like to do it when I'm alone. idk why. :)

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Oh yes. I have a semi-long non-audible buildup before my first sneeze. After that they're only a single big breath. :)

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

It depends. If I feel like it, I will almost yell it out. Normally, it's normal volume I'd say.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Multiple! :) Usually 3-4 sneezes.

Thanks I enjoyed that. w00t.gif

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not too much; a lot more in the spring. :)

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I can't stifle.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

A little; not too much

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Somewhat loud but not ridiculously so

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Normally singles or doubles; during the spring with allergies sometimes a few more, say 3-4.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Maybe three or four times a day, regardless of the season.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I hate to stifle.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

No, unfotunately. I rarely have anything more than "Ahh..." before the sneeze bursts out.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Twice, usually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

A bit, maybe once or twice a day. Weirdly enough, I think I've been sneezing more since I joined the forum haha.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Not sure, it's not stifling exactly, but my sneezes aren't very big.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Pretty long buildups, but sometimes no sneezes with them.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Normal volume.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Always just once :(

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I just want to give simple questions to you. Please answer them.

1. Are you a woman or a man?

i am a man i hope ;)

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

a few times a day..

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

it really annoys me when i accidentally stifle so i try and just let them out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

not really, its actually hard to get out my hankie in time usually

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

moderately loud

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?


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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?


3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Let out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?


5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Loud or normal

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?


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