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Sneeze Fetish Forum

MirandaSings on YouTube...


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She sneezes at 1:54 and at the end she comments about how she can't breathe out her nose and it's really ticking her off...

I don't watch her EVER and my friend from school like worships her so I decided to check her out; this is the one I happened to watch. Hahahaha figures :lol1:

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  • 3 months later...

I love Miranda! She is absolutely hilarious; especially the music video for Starships. Always loved her! Haha but are you guys sure those are sneezes? I feel like they aren't but maybe I'm weird. stunned.gif

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I've only ever watched one of her videos because my cousin adores her. For the novelty of it, I may have to check this out. c:

Also interesting to note- there's a version of her in Seussical floating around YouTube where she has to fake a sneeze.

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This is the video of her singing 'All For You' from Seussical the Musical...she played Gertrude and like what Paws said she had to fake a sneeze... so here it is!

(It's around 2:12)
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I love Miranda! She is absolutely hilarious; especially the music video for Starships. Always loved her! Haha but are you guys sure those are sneezes? I feel like they aren't but maybe I'm weird. stunned.gif

Yuppo, it's how she sneezes. Watch this:

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  • 1 year later...

Aw, that was cute! Love the buildup, and how her sister blesses her before she gets it out. Plus, she has one of those super-nasally sneezes that I can't even begin to spell, but I find them really cute for whatever reason.

Thanks for the link!

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