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The Official Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2012 Topic!


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Hi everybody! There was a large amount of interest for a Secret Santa Exchange this year, so I have been trying to come up with some forms for sign ups. There will be two forms, the first being a "Reciever" form, which is basically where you can describe whatever kind of gift that you would like.

There are two main sections of the "Reciever" form, the first being a section for you to describe a fandom that you like and would like your gift to be about. In the off chance that the gifter does not know about the fandom/chooses not to write or draw about it, I tried to make a section where you can describe an "Original Character", of any kind that you like! This is a chance for you to describe any character, any situation that you like! I am hoping that this gives the gifter a chance to delve into your own creativity, and it a good option if he/she prefers not to write about a fandom.

The second form is a short form, called the "Gifter" form. This is a form for you guys to basically let me know if there is anything you are completely uncomfortable with writing about, or will absolutely not write about. Feel welcome to fill this out, the goal is for everybody to have an awesome time this year and this is an important part of it smile.png

With that being said, I am going to post the two forms below blank, and when you fill them out you can send them to me via PM (Personal Message), in order for me to select recievers and gifters.

As far at 18+ material is concerned, to make this the easiest, I think that there should be no 18+ material in the exchange. If anyone objects or such, by all means feel free to let me know! With that being said, I think that sensuous, or sexy material can be allowed, as long as it does not break the 18+ code of the forum. No nudity or sexual situations, but skimpy clothing, "sexy" characters, contained "sexier" situations are allowed. If you have any comments or concerns about this issue, and if you have any questions as to what your form can include, feel free to let me know!

Lastly, does anyone have any ideas on how it would be possible for me to participate in this Secret Santa Exchange? I have been trying to think of a way xD

Deadlines: Forms in by December 7

I will distribute by December 8

Gifts revealed on...January 1!


Secret Santa 2012 Gifter Form


Anything you would NOT want to write/make art about:

Other Comments:

Secret Santa 2012 Receiver Form





Original Character:


Physical Preferences:

Sneeze Preferences:

Personality Preferences:

Other Comments:

Edited by Animeeze
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You can put your own name in there as well, can't you? I mean, worst thing that happens is that you know who has you.

When's the deadline for signing up, by the way?

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Okay, that is very true actually! I was not sure if that would be okay, but I think that I will do that too, because I would love to participate!

I edited the topic and listed the dates, I am sorry about that, I completely forgot on the first time around xD

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Thanks for organizing this! :D

As far as your participation goes, if we separated this into two threads with two people getting PMs, it might work, but on the other hand it could also result in lots of confusion and mass chaos. ; 3 ; I hope we can find some way for you to get goodies too!

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Thank you so much! Maru had a good suggestion, and if it ends up being a ton of people, I might have to match myself up with someone and at the worst I might know who it is. I hope that is okay, but I will keep thinking. In the meantime, I look forward to getting more forms and I want this to be a fun year for everyone on the forum!

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Yep, I put my name in when I organized it last time. :P It does give you the advantage of being able to hand-pick who has you if you want, but I tried my hardest to leave myself for last so everyone else could get what they wanted first.

Anyway, I'd really love to join, but I don't think I'm actually going to have time. I'm only going to be home for a period of ten days before January 1st, so I don't think I'll be able to work on something like this this year. I can't wait to see what everyone else turns out though. It's always great.

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Awesome, thank you Blah! That seems best and it seems to be the way that will have the least confusion too :) I think that the way you did it is great.

Ah, I wish that you could join! But if you are busy, that definitely comes first. You will definitely be there in spirit! xD

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I'll possibly be in. I have one trade story that I'm really trying to finish as soon as possible, (preferably last week).. so if I get that story done like NOW, I'd love to give this a shot. :) Hmmm...

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I once ran a Secret Santa on an LJ comm. I did participate. I did this by looking at my own entry the same way I'd look at anyone else's. I picked someone whose interests matched mine. If we got an uneven number of participants, I was prepared to drop out so that everyone else could have a partner, but I ended up being able to participate. I think it's totally fine if you put your hat in, here.

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Awesome, I am so glad that you guys are interested! Oh, I see Natto, that is a really good idea also. I think it will be good to look at myself inpartially like that too, and in the case of an uneven number is present I would be willing to drop out too :) Either way, I am happy organizing this and I am excited to see how it goes!

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I apologize for the repost, I just wanted to give an update that there are currently 7 members in the Secret Santa :)

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Can you change the gifter form to include fandoms we are familiar with? If I get someone who wants an anime or a novel I haven't read, I'll have no idea what to do for them.

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Can you change the gifter form to include fandoms we are familiar with? If I get someone who wants an anime or a novel I haven't read, I'll have no idea what to do for them.

I agree, that'd be made easier for me, too. I'll just send mine off with a little "Fandoms I'm familiar with" thing~

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Hate to double-post, but would we be allowed to put more than one fandom? Or just pick one and roll with it?

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Absolutely, you can pick or describe as many as you would like :) That is better because it gives the gifter more choices and more of a chance to match up with some one who knows it :)

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I apologize for the bump, but I just wanted to remind everyone that there is only one day left for entries!

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Okay! That sounds good to me! I will do my absolute best to make sure that everyone has a gift :)

Quick question, are there any more people out there who prefer female sneezes? It is okay either way, it would help pairing a bit and it would be awesome to have more participation also! :)

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Trying to decide if I want to do this or not. My schedule has been unpredictable as of late and I don't know if I'll have the time to dedicate to it.

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Thats okay Anony! As always, you are alot of fun to have around and it would be awesome to have you aboard, but if you are too budy I totally respect that too :)

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I can't PM yet and I'm just going to post here in the soul-deep hope that I won't get in trubs for it... :(

Name: hails

Fandom: Twilight

Preferences: Carlisle :drool:

Original Character: Yes: Siobhan McLean is her name and she's a vampire, 19 human years 118 vampire years

Preferences/Description: Black everything except snow-white skin and blood-red eyes

Physical Preferences: Picture the sexiest girl you've ever seen

Sneeze Preferences: Carlisle only please, and nice wet and messy, the sicker the better.

Personality Preferences: Somewhat weak!Carlisle, because he's never weak in the books/movies.

Other Comments: I really hope somebody does this; i really want to see some more sick!Carlisle on here :)

Sorry if i broke the rules!!! Feel so bad but im desperate!! *goes and hides in a corner*

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Okay, thank you :) You don't have to apologize, I will see what I can do :)

The entries for this year are now CLOSED! I will be a bit late on the distribution, but everyone will have an assignment by monday, december 10! I am sorry about that xD

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Okay, thank you :) You don't have to apologize, I will see what I can do :)

The entries for this year are now CLOSED! I will be a bit late on the distribution, but everyone will have an assignment by monday, december 10! I am sorry about that xD

Yes! Yesyesyes! Thanks!

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