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Nose rubbing anyone?

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I love to see someone rubbing furiously at their nose especially if from allergies. It also could be a distracted rub now and then. Or it can also be from a randomly itchy nose and it can be an anticipation for an upcoming sneeze. For me it's really a huge turn on. It's like the person's trying to fight an impending sneeze... And it can be that the nose is really stuffed up and that he scratches the nose with a balled up tissue... Mhmmm... Just totally yummy! :D anyone with me? :)

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Nose rubbing from the right person and in the right way can be adorable. Also, pulling the nose (or holding it) between thumb and forefinger has similar appeal.

So I'm completely with you...


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I love nose rubbing. Sometimes, I'm fairly certain that I actually like it even more than sneezing. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I really like it. xD I think it helps that I also have a nose fetish in addition to this sneezing fetish, and obviously the involvement of the nose has some impact on it.

That being said, I do find it a bit harder to indulge. I can write a sneezing story, but I can't really write a nose rubbing story. xD I'm always trying to come up with ways to do it, but it's slow going.

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Like Blah, I absolutely love nose-rubbing. Probably more than sneezing, even. Huge, huge turn-on for me.

I love when people just keep at it... furiously, desperately... the kind of repeated, purposeful rubbing that almost looks a little painful and just screams 'bad allergies'... I love the idea of a person's nose being so itchy that they can't help but rub.

I have a strong fascination with itchiness, and trying to relieve itchiness, and the demanding, unbearable urgency of that sensation. I guess that's where my love for nose-rubbing comes from. I used to be very embarrassed about it for some reason, but I'm learning to be more and more comfortable talking about it.

But yeah. Nose-rubbing is teh sex.

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*Melts* MMMmmmm nose rubbing is absolute love. Just that furious type of scrubbing, much like VoOs described is just...UNF. And it adds that little tint of color to a persons nose. I mean, how can you NOT love it!? :drool:

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Oh god yes - especially that desperate, frenzied rubbing that makes the guy's nose all red and irritated-looking. Mmmm.

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Agreed on all counts! Nose scrubbing is the best!

I also like nose twitching and when people sorta use their upper lip to push at their nose too (it's hard to describe that action....)

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I had a friend that would always rub her nose side to side with side of her hand a day or two before getting a cold. I just remember how her nose would "collapse" and then of course she would get really good nose symptoms with her colds. I even caught one from her. That did make nose rubbing something nice for me.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I've found that the longer Ive been with my boyfriend.. the more my fetish grows. I never used to like nose rubbing- but now I do. It drives my crazy (in a good way) when my bf rubs and itches his nose. He does it, a LOT.

He even sometimes uses my shoulder to itch his nose when we're lying in bed. And it also turns me on just to hear the words, "My nose is itchy" or "Im just scratching my nose"

Ugh, love it,

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Well nose rubbing in itself doesn't do much for me, but I can really enjoy it in certain contexts. Like if someone is rubbing their nose to try to avoid sneezing, but it doesn't make the sneezes go away, just delays them for a bit. So in that case the nose rubbing is pretty much just part of the sneezing buildup and I really like it if I'm in the mood for things to drag out longer. Also with my SO I find that I'd get much more enjoyment out of me rubbing his nose than him rubbing it himself. I guess it's sort of like a dominance thing where he can't sneeze until I let him. :twisted:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I myself find it cute when guys(I prefer males for this fetish really) they either sniffle or Rub there nose innocently and their nostrils flair. Like one of my friends I poked him but just noticed he was rubbing his nose with his fist. How adorable c: I don't know maybe it's just me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A long time back I posted a thread in the Observation forum about my friend Emma and one of her nose rubbing episodes. Apologies if the following also belongs in the Observations but as it is more a general description in relation to the topic at hand I thought it best to post it here.

Emma is a petite pretty blonde asthmatic with bad hay fever and is in my opinion the very epitome of what makes nose rubbing such an attractive trait to those who have the fetish. Unlike some Emma isn’t in the least bit embarrassed about her allergies or asthma and will for example quietly happily use her inhaler in public. What’s more she has no shame at all in rubbing her nose in full view of others regardless of whom it is and where she is. And I’m not talking about a little light dainty rubbing with her index finger but rather full-on intense upward rubbing with the palm of her hand classically referred to as the allergic salute. Her nose is well suited to this particular rubbing technique as it of the upturned snub-shaped variety.

As I’ve previously mentioned, the great other thing about her is the fact that she will happily discuss all these things with you if you bring up the subject with her. That being said I’m often too embarrassed to do so unless I’ve had a couple of drinks first! One time she told me how she had a permanent crease across her nose and is a result of all the rubbing and that at times when she was younger her mum would used to tell her off about doing it so much. It was something all the lines of ‘do you realise you’ve rubbed your nose so much you now have a crease along it’. It really is amazing to actually be told stuff like that.

The sheer intensity of the itch she must feel in her nose also makes her screw up her face while she rubs it especially when her hay fever is at its worst. It’s actually incredibly unladylike but also an amazingly sexy thing to see her do with such regularity! I must admit it can become so ridiculous at times that I think that no one should rub their nose that much and therefore she seriously needs to visit an allergist. That being said I really hope she doesn’t as the last thing I would want is for her to stop doing it completely but if she ever does I can still count myself as very privileged to have been witness to so many of her brilliant nose rubbing moments.

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