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How far back does your obsession with sneezing go?


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I'm just wondering how old people were when they first remember being obsessed with sneezing - not necessarily in a sexual way. I can remember being 4 years old and being fascinated/obsessed with sneezing.

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Mm, same here. 3 - 4 years old.

At that time, sneezing was both an obsession and something similar to a phobia. I loved sneezing in picture books, and when people told me stories involving colds or allergies, but real-life sneezes and sneezing in movies and cartoons freaked me the hell out. :laugh:

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I would probably say 4 or 5, i can always remember watching things like Dungeons and Dragons, Incredible Hulk cartoon and the cartoon series of Police Academy and being intrigued by sneezes in those shows.

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I vaguely remember being terrified if anyone sneezed near me in person until the age of 6. I would run and hide because I didn't want to catch germs. But I looooooved it in tv programs. I can remember watching Sneezly and Breezly at the age of like 3 (which is literally as far back as my memory serves me.)

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For as far back as I can remember until like the age of ten; I HATED sneezing. My family members were basically all I was around though and always sneezing, gross. But then when I was about ten or eleven I remember adoring this sneezy boy in my class (who stayed that way through out school) I was able to identify him through his sneeze & I think I remember telling a friend I think this boy had a cute sneeze. :x I suppose I always viewed it that way, looking back starting with him. Though I do remember liking and at the same time being very uncomfortable with sneezy TV shows or movies. I don't know why, I think It reminds me that I adore blessing & being blessed but I'm too shy to actually bless someone so I end up texting them a bless you instead. ):

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I vaguely remember being terrified if anyone sneezed near me in person until the age of 6. I would run and hide because I didn't want to catch germs. But I looooooved it in tv programs. I can remember watching Sneezly and Breezly at the age of like 3 (which is literally as far back as my memory serves me.)

that was basically me too.... :P

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I was probably 4 when it surfaced. I'm not sure if anyone remembers SARS way back in late 2002. We had relatives in Hong Kong so it became a frequent topic at home. I even wrote about it in my diary, but I refused to write about the symptoms because they included sneezing! :/

By 6 years old I was in first grade. I used to zone out in class, taking in all the different sounds of sneezing and identifying each sneeze with the respective kid. I was very amused... but I think my teacher smelled a rat. She told my parents I wasn't paying enough attention in class. :)

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Such a surprising age for all of you. I would say that I started obsessing over sneezing at 14. I guess they sounded cuter as I got older.

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As far back as I can remember, I was amused by sneezing sneezing in books and on TV, but the first time it became associated with 'pleasure' was a specific incident that happened when I was eight. Since then it's grown to be a strong association.

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When I was in pre-school, whenever the teacher would read us a book about sneezing, I would love it. In third grade, this girl sitting next to me was allergic to dust, and kept sneezing, so I kept pushing all of the dust from my pencil sharpener towards her, and it would make her sneeze. The only person that i don't like too watch sneeze now is my twin sister.

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My first relevant memory is sneezing in a book when I was about 6 or 7. It was the american girl dolls series (if anyone remembers those) and it was definitely "pleasurable."

aaack but does anyone else remember the sesame street episode with the sneezing SONG?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-5Pz3w_YPA I feel like I saw it when my sister was about that age...like '98?

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My earliest memory of it is from 4 years. And yes, it was always pleasureable in "that way".

The same age is true for me, and, while I had exactly that same feeling of arousal, I didn't know that's what it was. I couldn't label it as sexual arousal. I just loved it. (And I knew this made me different. I hid it and felt guilty about it.)

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The earliest time I remember is from when I was around 7 or 8. I was playing with my action figures (some Ninja Turtles, maybe a Swamp Thing), imagining they were sick and sneezing. I didn't know why, but it was kinda fun. Then as I got older I became fascinated with commercials and shows on TV that involved sneezing. By that time it was a definite preference for female sneezing. I remember getting very, very excited by a specific commercial for allergy medicine whenever it came on and glued myself to the TV, giving it 100% of my attention.

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Almost as far as I can remember. Also, from a very early age, there was always the embarrassment. I simply hated it when somebody sneezed in my vicinity when I wasn't all alone. And people sneezing on tv was even worse - I remember several occasions when some cartoon or other made me literally run out of the room to hide my horribly confused reaction to the sneezing from my sisters. I was forever hunting for sneezes in books and videos, but it was all to be a huge secret, especially when I was a child. On the other hand, I tried to corporate it in pretend playing all the damn time, wanting my friends to pretend they had a cold, dictating how they should act. :lol: It wasn't until my 13th or 14th that I discovered the sexual aspect to my fascination.

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As long as I can possibly remember! But at first, it was more of a disgust I really hated it, from anyone. Except on TV, I was absolutely fascinated whenever anyone on TV was sick.

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About 3-4. Wow, if some of you mean what I think you mean then I am SSOO glad I'm not the only one who liked it in *that way* sweatdrop.gif

And telltale your signature pic is beautiful wubsmiley.gif

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hmm I was 5. man, I didn't know what I was doing, but I started humping my blanket while replaying that scene from Scooby doo when they're hiding and their noses get tickled over and over again in a more dramatic way.

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It's sort of strange...I actually HATED sneezing until I was about 10 or so. I was always fascinated by it, but it really freaked me out to watch anyone sneeze.

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I first noticed it about age 5 when the girl next to me in class sneezed and rubbed her nose and I desperatly hoped she'd do it again. I even remember her name.

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My earliest memories are from when I was around 2 or 3- probably 2 1/2, but I think I was a little older than that. It all started with my parents reading me Cinderella, she sneezed in the story and I asked what it meant, and I was instantly hooked.

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As far back as I can remember. I had a babysitter who would sneeze every time she watched me. I remember observing her closely for any sign of a sneeze. She probably thought I was a very strange little boy, staring at her all the time :)

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