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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Embarrassed by just the word?

Graham Cracked

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[[[sort of an odd way to say I'm back on the forum, though don't get too happy about it. A lot is still happening in our {my fiance' and my} lives that might keep me away here and there. I just wanted to post here and there, though possibly not too frequently for a while.]]]

This has been bugging me...ever since I first figured out I had this fetish, even before it, I've always been embarrassed to say, hear or even type the word sneeze. Even now, I have to glance away from the keyboard just to type it...does anyone else feel that way, or is it just me? >///<

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To a degree, yes >////< I was doing better with it in recent years, but I'm starting to get more sensitive towards it again.

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Yeah, I can say it okay now but typing it is still weird for me...as is hearing anyone else say it >.<

This made me realize that even though I announce my sneezes from time to time especially in front of my jumpy girlfriend; that I am very uncomfortable saying the world or hearing it from other people. Unless someone's wav is announcing! Aha. But I type it just fine & even find it cute...I'm strange.

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I used to find it awkward, so much that I would steer the conversation away if the topic came up. It was like, if ever I used the word in a conversation, I would think, "Oh no! Did I say that in a weird way?" But then I became more confident that it was all in my imagination.

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As long as it's in English, I have no problem saying or typing it. If I have to say it in Swedish, however... eep. Do not want. >< heh.gif

To be honest, I really don't envy the English native speakers on this forum. The thought of always having to discuss this fetish in my mother tongue is very strange to me. I feel much safer here, hiding behind my Second Language Barrier, you know? The English words are still sexy and potent, but they feel more distant somehow. Almost like euphemisms, if you will.

Language differences. Never cease to amaze me. <3

Edited by VoOs
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I can type it here on this forum, but I wouldn't dare use it anywhere else! Not written or spoken! I'd rather die.

The one and only person I can say it to without being all ALSDKFJ! is Sneesee. I felt dumb the first few times, but it didn't take long to get over it. Sometimes I say it to TYS when we're playing around, but I'm always wincing on the inside. blush.png And other than that, I just don't say it!

When other people say it (family members excluded) I always get a little giddy. HEEE! I'm simultaneously embarrassed and thrilled.

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As long as it's in English, I have no problem saying or typing it. If I have to say it in Swedish, however... eep. Do not want. >< :lol:

To be honest, I really don't envy the English native speakers on this forum. The though of always having to discuss this fetish in my mother tongue is very strange to me. I feel much safer here, hiding behind my Second Language Barrier, you know? The English words are still sexy and potent, but they feel more distant somehow. Almost like euphemisms, if you will.

Language differences. Never cease to amaze me. <3

I am with VoOs here. The Croatian word for sneeze is... stupid. :shy:

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I find it awkward even in writing, and even in reading! I'd rather just describe (or read) what's happening than see or write the word. It's an uncomfortable word. I don't think I actually ever ever use it ever. Odd, I never thought of it like that. Though I'm alright with the gerrund form, "sneezing". man, language is weird. <3

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I can type and read the word sneeze. Can't say it, though. Hell, when I have to use the word I write it down. Always. On the plus side, my friends think it's hilarious :rolleyes:

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Growing up I could never say it. And any time I was forced to say it I could never say it naturally. It was always awkward and uncomfortable. But ever since I joined the forum, I have become much more confident in myself and my fetish, even though it remains my personal secret. Now, I can say "sneeze" without any problems! Before I could never bless people either, but now I love blessing people! I even love trying to sneak in a sneeze conversation to some unknowing companion every once in a while.

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Like other have already said, as long as its not in my native language it's ok for me, I can quite handle the word. But saying it in my own language? Eww no please! And it sounds so bad too :D <starnuto> no. Don't like it.

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Saying sneeze out loud or having to talk about it does make me uncomfortable, but typing it is fine. It all depends on the situation, too.

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I think I'm a minority in this, but I actually love saying it around other people. Even though its a completely normal word, its seems so naughty to me because of the fetish, so I end up grinning like a doofus for no reason, especially if that person doesn't know about it.

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It really depends on my situation. If I'm feeling particularly brave then it's fun to push the boundaries and say it but I can never do that in front of family. No way. Even saying it in front of other people feels a bit weird because it's like I'm straining my voice a little. However I love saying the word "cold" or "sniff" or "runny nose" or whatever. They make me feel attractive in a jacked up way.

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It's gotten easier over time, sometimes now i can cover my reaction quite well with some people and not be bothered at all- usually with people i don't know so well though, but never ever with my family- i just can't go there, sever mental block on that one and i can't see that ever lifting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get super embarrassed saying the word "sneeze" and all its cognates. In fact, I can't even remember when the last time was I said it. I really avoid it.

And I don't even have a real sneezing fetish, more of a cold fetish.

Therefore, I also can't bring myself to say the word "cold" in my native German.

I am totally with VoOS and LocaLocaBoka here, it is easier in English because you get kind of a distance to it.

Plus it helps that the word "cold" is so ambiguous in English.

In German (and a lot of other languages) there is a word just for the illness so that's a huge challenge for me.

Whereas in English, I am fine saying "It's very cold today", so saying "It's just a cold" isn't that much of a stretch. I'd still cringe inside though.

So all in all, I try to avoid saying anything cold symptoms related, in any language.

And ast the same time it gives me this insane pleasure/content if a hot guy says any of these words.

Oh god, I have to laugh and cringe at the same time writing this, because it just seems so messed up and weird - not in a bad way.

But damn, not being able to say the word "cold" in your native language, because you like it too much when attractive people are ill... stunned.gifteehee.gif

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The word makes me blush when someone who knows about the fetish say it.

My boyfriend will always ask if I heard him sneeze or he'll try and find a way to make me say it, which I will, while trying to hide my face.

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