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Odd place to keep a hanky


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I had a best friend who sneezed a lot. A hell of a lot, in fact. And having been brought up to be a good girl she always had her hanky at the ready. She would do the pre-sneeze face and a couple of gasps, and quickly the handkerchief would be whipped out of her bag, or pocket or, sometimes, magically appear from her cleavage.

That's not particularly odd. But there were a few occasions when, out in public and wearing a dress, she would launch into one of her sneezing fits and suddenly hitch her dress up and grab the handkerchief tucked in the side of her panties!

Now for me, that would be a double embarrassment - a sneezing fit and letting everyone see my panties! Why on earth would she keep a hanky there? Each time it happened, I wanted to ask her, but with the fetish and everything it would have been too weird, so I had to just act nonchalant about it or pretend I hadn't noticed.

Only once did I see another girl perform the same behaviour, and the same thing: the fetish prevented me from asking her.

Here on the forum I can ask without feeling (too) weird. What's the deal with keeping your handkerchief in your panties?

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Well, the only time i remember that happening was when we had mixed PE (physical education) lessons at early primary school.

One or two of the girls used to keep there hankies tucked into there PE pants or pleated skirts ready to use to wipe there face / blow nose. As for us boys at the time, cannot remember anyone having a hankie ayt hand during exercise.

I did have a g/f who did keep her hankie under her pillow at night or tucked into her pjs.

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I posted about this some time ago. When I was young girls used to talk about it as a funny thing they recalled from their childhood. It seems that for many years it was standard for girls, especially in school uniform, to wear huge blue knickers, known as "blue bags". In fact later they added "knickerlinings" that is normal panties worn inside the big ones. It was general to keep your hankie in your knickers. I assume until you were grown up enough to wear long skirts.

In the 70s film of Swallows and Amazons [a story from the 20s] the unaptly named Titty extracts her hankie from her blue bags when saying goodbye to her mother.....

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Are you serious? That's amazing and sexy! Thanks for sharing.

Look for similar hanky storage in an upcoming installment of my Cold Story.

Edited by ellamalaka
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Are you serious? That's amazing and sexy! Thanks for sharing.

Look for similar hanky storage in an upcoming installment of my Cold Story.

I shall read it...

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  • 7 months later...

OMG-thanks to Sneezy Sal for the great anecdote.No one deserves that much happiness in one lifetime,but you were lucky to be there.If her handkerchief was tucked into her panties,say on the left or right side,I suppose she could have discretely brought her dress up as little as possible with the raised side against a wall or building or whatever,but even so...If she were sitting down at a table,say in a restaurant,it would be completely unnoticed,because everything is below table line,and nobody could see the hands or the dress much--that would work in many instances. My girlfriend and I went to a restaurant one afternoon,and when I started to open a handkerchief to blow my nose at some point,she said-"oh,I brought one for you-it's in a safe place.Let me get it",then she just sat there,her hands in her lap,not appearing to move,while I waited,still needing a handkerchief,and worse,feeling a sneeze coming on quickly.A second later her hand came off her lap and she handed me the handkerchief-just in time.She'd had it tucked into her panties the whole time.When I finished using it she said I was lucky because if it had happened when I was walking down the street,I'd have been out of luck. I don't think it's especially odd to keep handkerchieves there,but retrieval is often a problem. You REALLY should have started a conversation somehow-a comment,a grin or something.She may have been a fetishist too! Really great anecdote!

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