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I thought I was done after I had a shortish fit this morning, but I have to leave for work in about half an hour and I've been feeling gradually more and more like I might end up in the back room doing Part 2 of Dublin's Nose Is An A**hole this evening.

I can't find a single pack of tissues in the house, and don't have anywhere to buy them before work. If my nose DOES end up deciding to rebel against the constant onslaught of dust and grain-smell from where I work, I will probably end up using up a roll of paper towels or toilet paper.... but since I lost my handkerchiefs whenever this happens to me, rare as it is, I get this nagging notion in my brain that's like... toilet paper chafes and paper towels are 3 times worse, what if I brought an old teeshirt or something and used THAT if I have a sudden need to deal with a nasal emergency?

It wouldn't be the first time I've had to grab something unconventional during a fit. In the past, I've had to use a pillowcase a few times, I have once or twice used something I grabbed from the laundry, and once, as a kid, out of sheer desperation, I was alone after hours at some... church function I think it was (choir practice or youth group maybe?)... felt a fit coming on and ended up kneeling in a corner in one of the rooms they used for meetings and such, sneezing into the bottom corner of some ancient curtains.

To this day I'm not sure how guilty I should feel about that... I don't think those things had been cleaned since they were hung and probably never would be again... and when I think about it, if I was in the same situation today, I'd probably do that again.

Has anyone else ever had to maguyver some way to deal with a really messy fit or cold? What did you do?

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First off, this topic title is like, the best. And you are like, the best ^.^

I've never actually been in this sorta situation before as my nose is not much of a rebel, but an old teeshirt sounds like a plan! Also (forgive me if this sounds weird) underwear is about the same size as a handkerchief, so it'd be more portable also... >_>

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Ditto on the best topic part :D that curtains part made me LOL omg!

I've been desperate enough once at school to use folder paper once or twice. Discretely of course, or what i thought was discrete at the time. I'm not that much of a sneezy person unless I don't give my dog his weekly bath but my nose sometimes has a tendency to drip like a faucet when I'm sick. I remember sitting in class trying to pinch my nose and stop the dripping but finally had to give up and use a scrap of folder paper.

Other than that... its mostly just collar of my shirt if i need a quick wipe. Apologizes to those that don't like that sort of thing...

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I always have handkerchiefs available :)

I reccomend buying some more as they will come in really handy at all times during cold and flu season, but especially in this situation

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Definitely an awesome title...this is one of my favourite fantasy situations, being with someone with a really bad cold or horrible allergies who's run out of tissues, has no hanky and we have no way to get them more...xP

When I got a cold before I discovered the magic of pseudoephedrine, my nose used to run like a tap - which was really awkward in school particularly because I have an extraordinary mental block against sneezing in public (haven't done once in about 16 years :P) and blowing my nose in public as well. Something about not wanting people to know I'm sick and find me repulsive xP So what I used to do if I had no tissues and couldn't go to the bathroom was fold back my uniform's sweater sleeve, wipe my nose on the inside of it when no one was looking and then fold it back down. Disgusting, but...it worked well enough xD

Also...the curtain thing is awesome! xP

Edited by Kiwifruit
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I always have handkerchiefs available smile.png

I reccomend buying some more as they will come in really handy at all times during cold and flu season, but especially in this situation


I rarely run out of tissues because I'm mildly obsessed with them, but on the occasion that I do, I turn to my trusty handkerchief. If I ever lost it I would weep I would get a new one post-haste.

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Sorry if this is kinda grimy... but I rarely use tissues unless I'm actually sick. I usually use my sleeve or the back of my wrist...

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When I'm at home, I usually give in and use toilet paper or paper towels. But when I'm out, I've been desperate enough to use anything available, including tape, paper bags, and the inside of my shirt. Ewww lol

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If I am having an extremely messy fit I use whatever is at hand. If I'm by myself at home I have been known to go into the bathroom and just sneeze into the basin or tub and wash up afterward. But if I'm out I use whatever I can grab, I've used notebook paper once before!

And Dublin, you could use my curtains anytime. Your sneezes are epic! I just hope they give you some pleasure, I know sometimes a sneeze attack can be a burden.

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