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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Marcus Mumford


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So i've found the JACKPOT guys!! I've been looking for a sneeze by this guy FOREVER. Believe me when I say I nearly died when I heard this.

For those who don't know this is an interview of my favorite band of all time... Mumford and sons! Marcus sneezes twice near the end of the first video, and then two more times in the beginning of the second. He's so cute, he's super embarrassed by them and fidgets throughout the interview.. HE'S JUST SO CUTE!! AHHHHHGH!!!

Not sure if he was sick.. but he was really tierd. And the interviewer commented "You should go to bed" To which he replied "That would be nice"..

So sweet I love this guy..

seriously this has only happened in my fantasies... I'm so happy!! please enjoy!

http://mumfordandson...c 411 interview

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I actually can't believe this, that was just so wonderful I can die happy now wow he is just so beautiful, I loved him already but after watching that... wow just wow.

when he raises his finger to announce the first one, that was so bloody adorable I'm drooling wow

please marry me Marcus *faints

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uhhh this is glorious. I've been listening to them nonstop for like the last month

and yeah

just love.



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THANK YOU FOR FINDING THIS. I do believe I owe you my life. wub.png

Edited by Paws
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GLORIOUS! I adore how they all give him a little pat and check in on him. It's super cute. And FOUR sneeze?! *melts*

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Mmmm yes, the sympathetic back-rubbing and the "Do you need a tissue?". :wub: Wonderful stuff.

Great sneezes as well, I must say, especially the first two.

Thanks for sharing!

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AUGH, that was SO CUTE. Thanks for posting these!! wub.png he looked so embarrassed.

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GLORIOUS! I adore how they all give him a little pat and check in on him. It's super cute. And FOUR sneeze?! *melts*

Um, yes. So much patting, and shoulder squeezes. I especially like how the guy two seats away feels compelled to reach over and pat him as well. These boys are ADORABLE. They just seem compelled to comfort him every time he sneezes, and who can blame them. He's a cutie. Saw him live recently.

A breathy, hitch voice, and a finger held up, and blessings afterward, and a fantastic sound especially in the first one. Died and gone to heaven. Dear Gods I want fic. It feels so wrong (I am ambivalent about RPF) but wow drool.gif

Edited to add- I may have watched this multiple times, and right after he sneezes Marcus sniffles, pats his trouser pocket and addresses someone off camera to ask "Did you get 'em? ... Cool." Who wants to put money on him talking about tissues, or do I have my fetish goggles on too tightly?

Edited by Salamander
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@Salamander- you saw them live!?! UGGH!! I'm actually gonna see them in February because they're coming near to my campus! so excited.

no he wasn't asking about tissues.. I think he told the guy to get his coat for him earlier in the video. Before he started sneezing. :)

@fetish 123 Uhm i don't think it's country related! oh gosh, sorry you can't see it! I don;t think the videos are up anywhere else. Can you try another computer maybe? :( I hate when that happens to me =__=

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I managed to rip the first three parts although it won't let me rip the last one right now for some inexplicable reason. There's only sneezing in the first two parts. The files aren't massive but are too big to upload here. Happy to upload them to sendspace and share the link here or in private if that's allowed?

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i would like

I managed to rip the first three parts although it won't let me rip the last one right now for some inexplicable reason. There's only sneezing in the first two parts. The files aren't massive but are too big to upload here. Happy to upload them to sendspace and share the link here or in private if that's allowed?

I would like that, yes! :-)

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Part 1 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/fgvbsb - Sneezing is towards the end, around 4.40

Part 2 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/kn861o - Sneezing at the beginning, around 0.18

Part 3 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/qsl3yq - Umm, for almost completion's sake I've included this although there's no sneezing in it.

Part 4 still wouldn't rip, so not entirely complete, sorry!

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