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I quit my "real" job. If you were 22 and had no money, what would you do?


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I quit my first job after uni. It was an awful corporate job. I just hated it. My mother is beside herself with worry that I'm going to be homeless or that I ruined my whole life or whatever. I live on my own across the country, and, yes, I need to make more money for rent soon, but I think I'm doing just fine.

That said, what would you do if you were in my place? If you didn't want to work a corporate job and you didn't know what you wanted your career path to be just yet? I'd love to travel but I don't have money for it. Do you know of any ways to travel really cheaply? I'd be on my own which can be dangerous as a young woman... Or what other interesting things to try or ways to make money are there?

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If I were you, I'd get a shitty job that barely pays the rent, but does, and explore come creative things or do some short courses to try and find some inspiration as to what I wanted to do.

With travelling I know some people who work simple, casual stuff while they're travelling to pay for their expenses. I work at a restaurant and we always have people from other countries coming and working as kitchen hands while exploring around our area of Australia. I have no idea how they plan for something like that, or how they actually find the jobs, but it can be done. If you head somewhere with a strong tourist season then they'll be looking for temporary workers (ski places in winter, beach resorts in summer) then finding a travel-paying job could be easier if you time it right.

... that's probably advice you already know, but it's all I have. Hopefully other people will have something more helpful for you :)

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I can't think of a way to travel cheaply that would be safe by yourself. If you have friends that you can visit or travel with- that would be good.

In my opinion balancing having a job that you enjoy, and having a job where you can make money to *do* what you enjoy (after work) is a good solution. I've taken jobs in the past that I haven't really liked- but I was able to make money and look for things that I *did* like. I know at least around where I live that there are places that offer career counseling- that might be a way to talk to someone and explore options for jobs that would fit your talents and that you would want to do. Your former university may offer that type of service. I can imagine that if you aren't quite sure what direction that you want to go career-wise that it really might be difficult to find a job that you really connect with. And if you find that you don't have the training for the path that you really want to go, you can get scholarships or financial aid and pursue that training or education. Or take a part-time "cruddy" job to help pay expenses and get the education/training that you need.

I wish you all the best with your pursuits. :)

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i agree to find a job that barely pays the bills. work retail or in the food industry for a bit. those are the kinds of jobs people can "hate" but are comfortable hating knowing that it's only a temporary thing in most instances. i think even if you are miserable working a short-term job, the knowledge that one day you'll land somewhere better will help. plus it's no fun to be stressed over money even if it is for a good reason like not knowing what you want to do with your life. i work at a girl's clothing store and don't particularly like it, but when i graduate from college i'm gonna keep it in mind if it takes me a bit to land on my feet. :)

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It's best really to not quit a job till you've got something else lined up, but not much you can do with that tip now :P

Why don't you try killing 2 birds with a single stone and try get a job in travel. :)

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I don't know if this is something you'd be interested in, but have you ever heard of WOOFing? It stands for working on organic farms and there are farms all over the world that will take on workers. They don't generally pay more than a food stipend, but they generally do offer some form of housing (though often that's in the form of "bring a tent") and it's a decent way to travel cheaply if you're willing to be a farm hand for the duration of your stay. Sort of along the lines of what Mercury was saying only with less pay and more farming :lol: So definitely not for everyone. But you can check out the main woofing website here. http://www.wwoof.org/

Another option for travel is that if you're a college graduate you could always apply for the Peace Corp or something similar.

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Get a job and make some money. Plenty of time for travelling later! That is, of course, if Ouro's really brilliant plan doesn't work for you. It's just no use being picky about what you do for a living these days.

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this title cracks me up because I am 22 and I have no money :P I was in pretty much the same place until a few months ago, so...

Major props for doing what you think is right for your life. It's idealistic, but to take the first step to being happy with your vocation rather than settling (if you don't have to) is awesome.

I feel like the first step if you can't "decide what you want to do" is think about why you hated your job--the type of tasks you had to do every day? the people and culture? the industry itself?

Have you considered an AmeriCorps program? I know that the Peace Corps has a long application process and then a long waiting period between getting accepted and actually leaving. There are some AmeriCorps programs that travel to different places for a year, and some that stay in one place. (I was in a subset called VISTA for a year and it helped me figure out what I want to do, so I have lots of good things to say about the program).

I traveled the summer after graduation and when I came back I was broke as h*ll. The can't afford food, how will I pay rent, have to take the bus thing is less glamorous than it sounds...

Random thought, joining clinical trials is a way to earn more money if you're eligible and live near a hospital or college.

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I'd join the Army. I'm serious. You'd get to travel, learn a skill, get a free education and blow shit up while you made up your mind. Plus employers tend to look really favorably on military experience, for a host of reasons.

Then again I'm biased. smile.png

Edited by Dr. Tran
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EDIT- So I totally scrolled through the comments. Ouro said everything I was going to say, which was-

"I was in your position at 21, and there are some great suggestions here but if you're looking for cheap travel then consider an organisation called WWOOF (willing workers on organic farms.) If you're at all outdoorsy, you can travel almost anywhere in the world and work on a farm in exchange for a place to stay and all meals, often with time off. It's a great way to travel for very cheap. Also couch surfing. I spent the summer planting lettuces in Iceland and then making apple juice in Slovenia. smile.png"

That'll teach me. Haha! Hive mind!

Edited by Salamander
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Grad school? You would have to take out student loans, but it may be worth it if there's something you are truly interested in studying!

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Having been (and currently in- getting additional certification) in grad school- I most definitely would advise against doing that unless you *know* what you want to do- it is pricey. Not sure what it would be by you- but here even at a State university it's $1500 per class (without books or anything).

The traveling suggestion that people have put up I think are excellent. I'd also recommend that if you do grad school (and do study abroad) that you go to a career advisement place. That can really help you figure out a path that would be a good fit.

Again- all the best!

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Also better not join the Army. I'm serious. You'll get an education, but it's of a... singular kind. Of course, if you hold with this whole idea of "everyone in the army is a HERO and a SAINT", then it might be a dream career.

But then again, I'm truly and utterly biased. :innocent:

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There are a number of ways to travel and work after graduating from college. Does your former college have a study abroad office? This is a link to some programs on another college's website. http://www.simmons.edu/blogs/300thefenway/2012/02/work-and-travel-overseas-after-graduation.php I regret not traveling more or working overseas after my undergrad years. It's one of the best times to do it: since you are relatively unencumbered with the baggage of adult life, you can pack your (real) bags literally and go. You should just do some research online about programs. I'm sure you'll find a number of things. Google "gap year after college" and lots of programs come up. You won't be broke, and you will get to travel.

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In the navy! Yes you can sail the seven seas! In the navy! Yes you can put your mind at ease! In the.... Sorry... I'll just go now, shall I? ymca.gif

Edited by Ouroboros
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello my dear! I have been in your position! At 25 I'm still not bleeding money. @_@ But I do what I do! You could try babysitting, nannying, tutoring...But per the traveling thing? I had the same concern! Try teaching abroad!!! www.eslcafe.com has a lot of listings in various countries, for various lengths of time. It's a decent way to travel for less! You get to LIVE in a foreign country for a little while! I mean, seriously! Haha. I was nervous but I did it and if the opportunity ever comes up again then I will. :) It's completely worth it! Go off the beaten path and get paid for it!

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Backpacking is usually fairly cheap... Do you have any friends that would go with you?

In terms of jobs... I'm always advertising what I do... But, I'm currently a disability support worker, and it's honestly one of the best things I've done. Hours are flexible, so it's fantastic for when uni starts back up, and it is hard work (can be both emotionally and physically draining at times) but it's so rewarding. I was lucky enough to be given training by my company as well, so I didn't even need any certifications! Plus, I don't think it matters which country you're from, there's always going to be a high demand for it, so jobs should be fairly secure.

... But, on the other hand, it does mean dealing with all sorts of bodily fluids, plus showering and changing and feeding... and cooking and cleaning. It depends on the needs of your clients. And, there's a whole variety of, say, communication abilities, that I deal with. But, I have met some absolutely amazing people, both workers and clients. And, every day I'm reminded of just how lucky I actually am. Plus, I leave a shift and I know that I've been able to help people achieve some sense of normality, and it's just the most wonderful feeling :-)

Or... Au pair could be another thing... Like a travelling nanny? I know a lot of people here in Aus travel to Europe... and get paid to live in the house with people and look after their kids and do cleaning and the such. Plus, a lot of the families you might work for travel themselves, so you can see a bit of the world that way :-)

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