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Winter And It's Stupid Benefits (Zayn Malik)


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A;N:I REPEATED THIS LIKE 10 TIMES BECAUSE OF MY DAD!HE KEPT ON TELLING ME TO STOP DOING WHATEVER I'M DOING!I WAS CRYING!Okay,i'm okay.I worked all day on this and this is my 11TH time repeating this -_-.So,my sneeze-spot for Zayn brought me here.

Zayn Malik woke up to a bad start in the morning.


He sneezed wetly into his elbow.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh,I'm getting sick.."

He groaned rubbing his already red nose.

He got to his wobly feet,and walked to the cabinet,which was unsurprisingly big,he saw a note and read it,it said;

Hey dude,its Harreh~Louis pranked you by leaving you behind,don't tell him i told you!Anyway.....................We are at the recording studio..:) Come here when you've eaten the breakfast i set aside for you.We left money BTW.

Zayn gruffly made his way to the kitchen,swiping the money into his pocket.He quickly opened the white fridge and took out some chicken Harry made.Yay,his favorite.

Taking a bite,he swore he tasted heaven.

"Thanks Harreh..."

Zayn gloated.

"And i'll kill you Louis."

Zayn said finnishing the chicken.

He got to his big,brown cabinet and opened it.

He started picking.











Isn't that Harry's?








Zayn took the gray sweats and put it on him.

Did i mention that was just pants?

After 1 hour that boy finally got to together,he chose a simple white t-shirt and a gray jacket as his tops.


He sneezed wetly into his elbow.

"How will i ever hide this from Li-li...and i should stop talking to myself."

The raven haired lad said,grabbing his phone and leaving.

He closed the door and locket it,and oh.There was that feeling.


Zayn sneezed,unfourtnetley for him,there were Paparazzi all over the place,fans too.

Running out of the hotel,the fans ran after him,Zayn slowed down due to a fit of coughing.

He ran into the cab,and closed the door swiftly.

After telling the Taxi Man where he was going,he finally calmed down.

Cause you were miiiiiiiiiine for the summer,

But we know it's,nearly oveeeeeeeer,

Feels like Snoooooooooow it september,

but i always,will remember,

You were myyyyyyyyy summer love...

You always will be myyyyyyyyy summer love...

The radio boomed.

"Hey,your tha' Zayn kid from Wonder' Action,aye?"

The irish taxi man said.


Zayn said curtly.

"My daughter loves you!"

The man said.


Zayn was cut off by a sneeze.

"Bless ya kid."

He said.


Zayn said taking a piece of paper and scribbled his signature on the paper.


Zayn said,giving the man the paper.

"It's for your daughter."

Zayn beamed.

30 minutes later,Zayn staggered in the recording studio.


Louis yelled.


Zayn growled,with concern as he doesn't want Louis to get sick,and also he was upset at Lou's prank.

Liam raised an eyebrow seeing Zayn's hair messy.

Harry put his soft hand on Louis shoulder.

"He's probably still upset with you."

Harry reassured with his slow talking voice.

"Well c'mon then!Lets not wait for the the grass to grow~"

Niall said,copying a british accent.


Harry sang loudly,while skipping away.

"Uncle si said we have to practice singing Over Again.We never performed it,thas why."

Liam said,sitting down.

He started..

Said i never leave her,

cuz her hands fit like my t-shirt tounge tied over three words,

running all over thoughts that make my feet hurt,

body's intertwined with her lips.

Woah,Liam is so goooooooooooooooood.~

Zayn thought.

Now she's feeling so low,

since she went solo,

hole in the middle of my heart like a polo.

And it's no jo-

Niall stopped,seeing the look on Zayn's face.

Zayn's eyes rolled to the left,and darkness pulled through him,he collapsed on Harry and Louis' arms...

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Oh, it's One Direction. lol

I thought it was something else. *is stupid* but either way, it was cute. :3

Although you might want to put a space after periods and exclamations marks. It makes it easier to read~ :3

Either way it's good, you should continue.

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Oh, it's One Direction. lol

I thought it was something else. *is stupid* but either way, it was cute. :3

Although you might want to put a space after periods and exclamations marks. It makes it easier to read~ :3

Either way it's good, you should continue.

Okay,so spaces after periods and exclamion marks. Got it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not an update :P

But,i need your help!

1. Should Zaynie Waynie be a stifler?

2.Do you want some slash in it? >:D (Choices: Ziam,Ziall,Zarry)

3. Should i let Zayn be a denier?

4. Should i let Zayn go through the rehersals or be sent home by Daddy Direction?


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1. YES

2. uhhh that's up to you but if you really want to add in slash, DO ZIAM :D


4. hmmm that's a tough one...maybe let him go through one of two rehearsals and them let daddy direction send him home? :)

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  1. 1. YES
    2. uhhh that's up to you but if you really want to add in slash, DO ZIAM biggrin.png
    3. HELL YES!
    4. hmmm that's a tough one...maybe let him go through one of two rehearsals and them let daddy direction send him home? smile.png

I'mma do all of that,and Ziam >:D

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  1. 1. YES
    2. uhhh that's up to you but if you really want to add in slash, DO ZIAM biggrin.png
    3. HELL YES!
    4. hmmm that's a tough one...maybe let him go through one of two rehearsals and them let daddy direction send him home? smile.png

I'mma do all of that,and Ziam 5.gif

omg i LOVE YOU aslkjf;oasjdf[ajsd

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1.YES YES YES but maybe the other ones try to get him to stop stifiling ;)

2.Ziam or Ziall :) both are adorable

3.yes please, my soft spot :3

4. What StraightEdgeRyder said :)

This story is going to be amazing <3 please update soon :) I'll be stalking the forum waiting ;)

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Omg! A 1D fic! Please make one with a lot of Nialler!!!!

Nialler?Nialler?That innocent cute little sexy bea-

Oh sorry,um.I'll dedicate that one to you.So um,basically,(i sound like harry there XD) sickness?Right?

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Please continue this! Im so excited!smile.png

Of course i will,I'm actually going on a trip,BUT I'll type the story down on my notepad,then just copy paste the thing on here :P

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  • 3 months later...

Not an update :P

But,i need your help!

1. Should Zaynie Waynie be a stifler?

2.Do you want some slash in it? >:D (Choices: Ziam,Ziall,Zarry)

3. Should i let Zayn be a denier?

4. Should i let Zayn go through the rehersals or be sent home by Daddy Direction?


1. Yes, but not all the time.

2. No, I'm tired of seeing those everywhere( No offense...)

3. Yes to a certain extent.

4. Sent home and taken care of.

Btw this is amazing!!

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Not an update :P

But,i need your help!

1. Should Zaynie Waynie be a stifler?

2.Do you want some slash in it? >:D (Choices: Ziam,Ziall,Zarry)

3. Should i let Zayn be a denier?

4. Should i let Zayn go through the rehersals or be sent home by Daddy Direction?


1. Some of the time. Maybe only when he doesn't wanna get on someone's nerves with all the obnoxious sneezing. :P

2. Why not Zouis? If I had to choose, Ziam.

3. YES!!!!

4. Stay in rehearsals. *grins devilishly*

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  • 3 months later...


2) your preference, but so ziam :)

3) same as #1

4) probably not until the end... at least have him try to sing or something.

great start :)

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