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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hail, and Well Met!

Seeker of the Way

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Hello, all! You can call me Seeker. I've been a lurker for at least eight years. I felt it was time to take the plunge and be sociable. I look forward to conversing with all you lovely people. This is a longshot, but kudos to anyone who can guess what song my username is from. Happy Holidays as well!

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Welcome! And i'm gonna say either Lord of the Rings or the Labyrinth for your username.

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Thanks, glad to be here, and its two no's on the username. I did say it was a song lyric, didn't I? Shall I give a hint? I'm quite enjoying this game! (Moderators, feel free to move this if I've managed to derail my own thread.) Let's see... it's plural in the song, so seekers. Also, because that was a correction not a hint, here is one: sooj

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Also, because that was a correction not a hint, here is one: sooj

Are they the first letters of each word?

Seekers Of Old Joal......?

ummm I dunno, I'll keep thinking

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Also, because that was a correction not a hint, here is one: sooj

Are they the first letters of each word?

Seekers Of Old Joal......?

ummm I dunno, I'll keep thinking

Nope not an acronym. I'm surprised no one's just typed it into google by now; when I did it came up fairly quickly. I guess that would be cheating, though. It's actually the artist's nickname. I don't expect anyone to get it, as she's fairly obscure, but it's a favorite inspirational song of mine that really describes how I try to live. Thanks, Spoo, it's great to feel welcome. Did you draw that picture? It's quite good.

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I'm surprised no one's just typed it into google by now

Yes, that would have been cheating........

...and given that she is "fairly obscure", I concede!

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