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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Happy Place


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You know those moments when this fetish just makes you feel blissfully happy? Like you suddenly have a little sun where your heart should be, and you go all warm and fuzzy and you can't stop smiling?

I'm having one of those moments now.

So this person, that I find attractive, he just sniffled a little, and now I want to hug the world and roll around giggling because EVERYTHNG IS BEAUTIFUL AND NOTHING HURTS.

I mean, things like this are sexy to me, of course they are, but they can also make me feel this surge of affection and warmth towards a person, mixed with something that pig has described as having an 'aww-gasm'.

It's so strange. And so wonderful. I love, love, love having this fetish. It almost seems unfair to people who don't have a similar fetish, because I can't imagine they experiece things like this? Euphoria caused by a little sniffle. Whut.


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Just reading your post made me giddy, VoOs! :laugh: I totally agree with everything you said. I often feel this way, especially when it comes to writing or co-writing/roleplaying with someone. I get totally excited and stupidhappy when we plan out a fetish-y scene and just can't contain myself.

I love, love, love having this fetish.

Amen sister! :D

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  • 3 months later...

It's so strange. And so wonderful. I love, love, love having this fetish. It almost seems unfair to people who don't have a similar fetish, because I can't imagine they experiece things like this? Euphoria caused by a little sniffle. Whut.

Yessss. This. 100x this. With certain people a little nose rub or itch is all it takes to make me melt with happiness and gain a rush of dopamine from the adorableness.

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Ahh this post makes me happy as well! Those moments of sparkly sunshine are just blissful, as you say :D. Been awhile since I've got an 'aww-gasm'. It should happen soon.

And I now have a word to explain the almost-but-not-quite sexual feeling I get reading a really sweet h/c fic. Thanks, spoider! :blush:

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Agreed almoooost 100%-- don't forget those awful moments when a family member sneezes and you'd give just about anything to get rid of the damn thing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have never been ashamed of this fetish. Maybe embarrassed to admit that I had to someone I felt deserved such honesty from me, but there have been moments, particularly with my ex (who was accepting, indulgent, and embraced it in its entirety) where it transcended just being a fetish and was something truly beautiful. Moments where it could bring tears to your eyes because of how it touches you. I've never experienced something so touching and cathartic since, but I definitely know what you mean.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes! The other day actlly I was at the counter at work about to ring someone out and he hesitated and did /the face/ with his hand like half up to his mouth ~you know what happens next~ and then he was like "ha, sorry, didn't want to sneeze all over you" and I was like "You're fine" **continues ringing him out** but I was like LIFE IS AWESOME MY JOB IS AWESOME WEARING A UNIFORM IS AWESOME THAT GUY WAS AWESOME THIS CHECKOUT IS AWESOME, AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME :lol:

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Coming to this forum right now and reading stories and such is giving me this feeling right now as I'm going through an extremely stressful situation right now and I can come here and just be like "Awww" as you said.

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This happens so often now, but most notably was the other week, when my boyfriend came home from work and sneezed like 5 times in a row. I didn't even make him take a shower (he usually kinda smells all sweaty when he gets home), I was that happy and didn't care about anything. :D

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