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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Secret Santa 2012 Stories Topic!


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Hi everyone, Merry Christmas! This is a thread for users to post their stories for the 2012 Secret Santa Exchange! Please note who your gift is for, and if you want it to be posted from "Anonymous", you can send me your story and I can post it in this thread for you :)

The gifting period starts today or tomorrow (12/24-12/25), and extends to New Years Day (1/1/13). You can post your gift at any time between these days. I hope everyone enjoys their gifts, and have a happy holiday!

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You can do your own topic if you wanted to! If you didn't mind, would you be able to post a link to that topic, or at least a notification that it is in a seperate topic in this thread too, just incase the person comes here instead of seeing your story thread first? Thank you :)

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