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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How would you react if someone told you they had a cold?


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Same as TheCakeIsALie. Sometimes, depending on when it is, I might say something like, "That sucks that it's at *inconvenient time like finals, holiday, travel, etc.*"

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I'd say, "Cool story bro" and walk away. c: Unless it was Gakupo from Vocaloid..then i'd love him until the end of time, but ya know. ;)

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Generally with: "Feel better!" smile.png "Awww" being optional.

Same as TheCakeIsALie. Sometimes, depending on when it is, I might say something like, "That sucks that it's at *inconvenient time like finals, holiday, travel, etc.*"

I will agree with what girls have already said.

But if that "someone" was my family member I would pack my things and temporarily move to New Zealand.

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has happened to me before, i usually just end up going "hm." :lol: and then i have to decide whether im afraid of teh germs or excited to see this person with a cold....

But if that "someone" was my family member I would pack my things and temporarily move to New Zealand.

and this ^

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has happened to me before, i usually just end up going "hm." :lol: and then i have to decide whether im afraid of teh germs or excited to see this person with a cold...

Also, I'd try act over-casual and try not screw anything up that could give ANYTHING away...

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has happened to me before, i usually just end up going "hm." heh.gif and then i have to decide whether im afraid of teh germs or excited to see this person with a cold...

Also, I'd try act over-casual and try not screw anything up that could give ANYTHING away...

Same. I try to act as cool and normal as possible so that it doesn't raise anyone's suspicions.

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Generally with: "Feel better!" smile.png "Awww" being optional.

Same as TheCakeIsALie. Sometimes, depending on when it is, I might say something like, "That sucks that it's at *inconvenient time like finals, holiday, travel, etc.*"

I will agree with what girls have already said.

But if that "someone" was my family member I would pack my things and temporarily move to New Zealand.

That's so accurate. I Would be right next to you on that plane lol

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Depends on the person saying really. For most people I don't outwardly react any differently than your average non-fetishist I suspect, but unless it's someone I'm distinctly unattracted to I'll probably start paying closer attention to them in case they sneeze. If it's someone I'm attracted to I try to be obviously excited and/or stalk them. If it's family I douse myself in bleach and run as far away as I possibly can. :lol:

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I've got heaps better with this recently. I used to kinda just mumble "That's no good/too bad/that sucks".

Now I embrace my inner momma-bear and and do the whole "You poor thing!/Poor baby!" especially if it's a guy ;)

If it would be inconvienient for me to catch their cold I'll usually give a cheeky variant of "Don't give it to me or you'll be in big trouble!"

If my mother so much as sneezes however.....I make the spanish inquisistion look like a picnic. And I die a little inside everytime I have to spend time with her when she's sick.

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Unless it was Gakupo from Vocaloid..then i'd love him until the end of time, but ya know. ;)


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It depends on the person.

If it is one of my close girl friends, I would probably give a booboo lip and say "Awww, I'm sorry."

If it is one of my guy friends I'd probably just frown and say something like "boo" or "that sucks." I might press them for details about it if I'm feeling crafty.

If it is someone I'm particularly interested in, I'd definitely try to get them to keep talking about it, and if I was brave enough maybe do something flirty like rub their back.

If it is someone I don't care for or someone who's sickness weirds me out, I'd probably just make an incoherent noise. "Hmm."

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If they knew about the fetish, then I would smile and say, "that's nice, feel better". But if it's someone who doesn't know, I would feel slightly awkward and reply more negatively like, " aww that sucks".

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Well, I mean it totally depends. I mean what are they trying to convey, like how would they say it? If its just like a statement I also usually say Don't die, especially if its on the phone or text or something. If its like a miserable thing where it's more like it's a problem, then I'm more like Aww, I'm sorry, is there something I can do? Not in those exact words but you get the idea.

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