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"Dandelions" - Narnia; Tumnus (M)


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Hi, friends! biggrin.png Spoo here with something I wrote a few months ago, actually. After reading this absolutely adorable story from Loli-popp, I've been inspired to share my own Mr. Tumnus fic (thank you for the unintentional encouragement, Loli-popp!). He's such a little darling, that faun~ happy.png

This takes place in the universe of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. So basically, during the first movie. Let it also be known that Lucy Pevensie is not a child here. nono.gif She's about seventeen/eighteen or so. On that note, this wasn't intended to be Tumnus/older!Lucy, but if you want to see it that way then be my guest. tonguesmiley.gif

Otherwise, enjoy~! heart.gif



by Spoo


The sound of Queen Lucy's laughter, Tumnus decided, was among his favorite things to listen to. There was something endlessly joyous about her vocalized amusement, especially when it was caused by something he'd said.

He knew that she was no longer the small, disorientated child he'd found wandering the woods. No, she was very much a young woman now. She was also just as kind, just as amicable, and just as eager to spend time with her dear childhood friend.

The two walked arm-in-arm through the forest, having dedicated the day to catching up with one another. The Kings and Queens had recently returned from a visit with the Red Dwarves that had lasted a few weeks. Upon returning, the youngest of the royal family had summoned Tumnus and nearly toppled him over with the strength of her embrace.

It was a bit embarrassing to admit that his Queen was now a little taller than him.

Still, Tumnus was eternally grateful that even after she'd reached maturity, Lucy Penvensie had yet to tire of her silly faun. Surely there were far better Narnian creatures available for her entertainment but, for whatever reason, he was continuously selected as her most requested companion.

"The feast, Tumnus," Lucy narrated, speaking of her travels. "I'd never seen so much food before!"

Once upon a time there would have been a 'Mr.' preceding his name, but that had stopped quite some time ago - when his Queen had traded her freckles for matured, rosy cheeks.

This, of course, mattered not to Tumnus, who laughed quietly.

"Dwarves are known for their bountiful meals," he commented.

"Yes, well. Edmund and Peter were certainly pleased. I'm not so sure about Susan. I don't think she's fond of eating with her hands, which is what we were instructed to do. Dwarf custom and all," Lucy explained.

They continued through the forest, heading down paths and greeting those who they saw along the way. They soon arrived at a large meadow that stretched much farther than the eye could see. If one squinted, they might have been able to make out the slivers of trees on the other side, but even that felt more mirage than actuality.

"Tumnus, look!" the Queen exclaimed, pointing ahead. "The dandelions are in bloom. They're absolutely everywhere."

It took one word in Lucy's sentence to have Tumnus' hooves stopping in their tracks. His blue eyes trailed to the open field and gazed at the yellowish flowers and their accompanying fluffy balls of white. Both were swaying in the warm spring breeze, sending seeds in the current of wind. Luckily, it wasn't blowing towards them.

Thank Aslan for that.

"They're quite beautiful," Tumnus said, not wanting to leave Lucy's observation unanswered.

"I think so, too," she agreed.

Too long of a pause passed then, causing Tumnus to internally fret. Silence meant contemplation. Contemplation meant deciding. Deciding meant there was something desired.

"Shall we?"

Oh no.

"Shall we what, my Queen?"

Lucy released Tumnus' arm and then stepped to be in front of him. She lifted her arms and began walking backwards into the field.

"Shall we have some fun!" she laughed.

When she was far enough, Lucy allowed herself to fall back into the cushioned grass. Instantly, a swarm of dandelion seeds were cast into the air, having been freed by the Queen's action.

If Tumnus took a step back, it was completely unintentional. Instinct and personal experience drove him away from the flowers, as though they were poisonous to the touch.

From her bed of dandelions, Lucy gazed at him. She appeared the perfect image of her younger self, disheveled and giggling with tiny clumps of white clinging to her copper hair.

"Whatever are you waiting for?" she asked, sitting up.

Tumnus desperately tried to come up with an excuse as to why he couldn't join her, but nothing was coming to mind. At least nothing that wasn't an embarrassing plight.

Goodness, he really had no choice.

A brief glance into Lucy's pleading eyes confirmed this; he was helpless but to obey. Very slowly, the faun began to enter the field. It was foolish of him, but he held his breath as he moved to where the young woman lay until he stood beside her.

Lucy looked infinitely pleased. "Isn't it wonderful? I do hope they'll start singing for us."

Normal dandelions didn't sing, but the ones in Narnia were notorious for offering a soft melody when they were content.

"Perhaps," Tumnus agreed, eyeing the swaying flora cautiously.

"Wait," Lucy continued, turning to lay on her side. She framed her ear with a hand. "I think they've already begun!"

Sure enough, a quiet humming emanated from the ground and began to gradually fill the air around them. It was a soothing tune - one that mimicked the Narnian lullabies that Tumnus often played on his flute.

"They must enjoy your company," he observed, ignoring the tiny itch he felt blooming in his nose.

It had begun.

"No, they're enjoying our company," Lucy corrected, reaching up to grab the faun's hand. With a playful expression, she tugged him downward.

Tumnus, having not been expecting the action, lost his balance and collapsed beside her, sending another clump of dandelion seeds skyward. He scrambled to sit up, to remove himself, but it was far too late for that.

His fur was positively littered with the seeds. The same went for his hair.

Lucy must have found his current appearance beyond amusing, for her laughter joined the singing of the dandelions and created the most beautiful music Tumnus had ever heard. Unfortunately, he couldn't properly appreciate it for very long.

Not with his eyes watering and his nose tickling terribly.

"M-My Queen," he breathed, slowly bringing a hand up to his face. "Forgive me, but I haven't biihhh…been honest wiiihhh…w-with…heh'tschhish!"

"Bless you," Lucy said, sitting up again.

"Th-thank you, but..hihh.…hih'ittsschhuh! Ih'tttschhxt!" Tumnus dipped his head into the palm that was cupped around his nose and mouth. "Please excuse me, I…I…heht'ISCHHhhh!"

Oh dear. That one had escaped his composure quite a bit. Tumnus' caprine ears grew hot.

A bit concerned for her closest friend, Lucy leaned towards him and set a caring hand upon his bare shoulder. "Are you alright?"

He shook his head, his eyes streaming. "I'm extremely allergihhhh…! Eh'tschhhghtt!"

This wouldn't do at all.

Tumnus pushed himself to stand up and walk out of the field. Lucy joined him, following behind until they were back at the edge of the forest where, sadly, the poor thing continued to sneeze and sneeze.

It quickly occurred to the Queen what the problem may have been.

"Are you allergic to dandelions?" she asked.

He managed a nod before another sneeze claimed him. "Iht'schhish!"

"Oh, Tumnus. Why didn't you say something sooner?" Lucy fretted, guiding him further away from the field. Not that that would do much good, considering they were both still covered in dandelion seeds.

"I didn't want to stop you from having fun," he said, once he'd gained a moment to breathe in the midst of his terrible allergic reaction.

"You're such a silly faun," Lucy chided gently, reaching into the long sleeve of her gown to retrieve her handkerchief. "I've lost count how many times I've offered you this."

She pressed the cloth into his hand and then curled his stubby fingers around it.

Tumnus sheepishly accepted it and brought the handkerchief to his running nose, just in time to catch another small sneeze. "Eh'tchhish!… And I've lost count how many times I've embarrassingly accepted it, your Majesty."

Lucy smiled. "Come on, then. Let's take our grand travels elsewhere."

"Yes, please," Tumnus agreed.

The pair returned to their original path, though they hadn't made it ten steps when Lucy suddenly gasped and looked at her companion with a disbelieving expression.

"I've given you a bag of dandelion tea every year for Christmas, and you never once said anything about it!"

Tumnus' eyes echoed his own laughter.

"It's good tea," he admitted with a sniffle. "I'm afraid I just can't stop sneezing when I drink it."


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"It's good tea," he admitted with a sniffle. "I'm afraid I just can't stop sneezing when I drink it."


Wonderfully in character. Poor Tumnus. :lol: Very much liked reading it. :)

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Excuse me while I melt a little. :heart:

I had the BIGGEST crush on McAvoy's Tumnus when I was younger. I've wanted to read something like this for so, so long. :wub:

Beautifully written, Spoo. I can't stop smiling. *rolls around giggling*

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Oh my goodness! This is so adorable! >///< I tried to write a Narnia oneshot earlier this year when I was working it (it was my school's show this fall)- but to no avail. THIS, however, was wonderful, and makes up for every idea I had. I love it so much :wub: great job writing it, Spoo, and thank you so much for sharing!!

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D'awwwwww STOP IT WITH THE CUTE! Lollipop has started a dangerous thing, here :-P Great work, lovely Spoo!

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  • 3 years later...

Sorry for bringing back such an old thread but dear me this is lovely! I recently rewatched these movies and plan on rereading the books soon, however I am incredibly in love with James McAvoy and have wanted to see him sneeze for quite a while. Also the last bit where he says he can't stop sneezing whenever he drinks her tea is just perfect. So in-character and the poor dear is just such a sweetheart. <3 <3 <3

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Sorry for bringing back such an old thread but dear me this is lovely! I recently rewatched these movies and plan on rereading the books soon, however I am incredibly in love with James McAvoy and have wanted to see him sneeze for quite a while. Also the last bit where he says he can't stop sneezing whenever he drinks her tea is just perfect. So in-character and the poor dear is just such a sweetheart. <3 <3 <3

It's perfectly fine, my dear! :D I uhh...totally forgot I even wrote this, to be honest. :lol: So it's really nice to get some love on it after a while~ I'm glad you enjoyed the story; Tumnus is so cute and adorable and I love himmmmm. As far as James McAvoy goes, he is the fetish gift that keeps on giving. He actually had a cold while filming Narnia!! True story, man.

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Sorry for bringing back such an old thread but dear me this is lovely! I recently rewatched these movies and plan on rereading the books soon, however I am incredibly in love with James McAvoy and have wanted to see him sneeze for quite a while. Also the last bit where he says he can't stop sneezing whenever he drinks her tea is just perfect. So in-character and the poor dear is just such a sweetheart. <3 <3 <3

It's perfectly fine, my dear! :D I uhh...totally forgot I even wrote this, to be honest. :lol: So it's really nice to get some love on it after a while~ I'm glad you enjoyed the story; Tumnus is so cute and adorable and I love himmmmm. As far as James McAvoy goes, he is the fetish gift that keeps on giving. He actually had a cold while filming Narnia!! True story, man.

oh he did? I thought I might've heard a bit of congestion in his voice but I thought maybe it was my fetishy imagination. ^_^ But yes this is a gorgeous fic and I honestly may have to write my own Tumnus drabble in the future!
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  • 6 months later...

Spoo this is utterly adorable and we'll written. I am begging you, please let me do a role play with you. Please Please Please!!!

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