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spin721 Why I deleted my channel


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Hi Everyone!

After almost 7 years of posting videos, I decided I just could NOT take anymore of the BS and stuff that goes on with my channel. I dumped the whole damn thing. I apologize to all of you sweet individuals (male and female) who always encouraged me and watched my vids. It just is not in me anymore to continue to post on YouTube and deal with such mean spirited, demanding, insensitive and totally crazy viewers.

I know that does not include anyone in this forum. However, there is a high note. From now on, ALL of my videos will be made private or just posted by a private link. I have NOT decided on a username yet, but when I do....I will certainly let this forum know. I have not even decided when/or if I will post new vids.

I REALLY tried to keep my channel up, but the onslaught of things that were occurring were just too much...I did NOT enjoy the whole video thing anymore. I believe I made the best decision for myself.

Thanks for listening,


You can always contact me at the email address in my profile.

Edited by Blah-San
Removed posted personal information.
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The general public is a bunch of morons. Just do what I always do; post the vid as private and post the link here. Only forum-ites can see it.

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I would also suggest that you turn off the ability for people to comment on your vids in the future if you do decide to start putting things back up.

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Some people are just jerks. Hopefully you can post some private videos for the forum, you truly make some of the best ones out there!

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Oh I will make new vids. That is no problem. I will be sure to let people know about them. Thanks for all the support. It really has nothing to do with the comments that people make on my videos......BUT that is a good point.

Anyway, I will let everyone know.

And please do not share my links when they are private. thank you.



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I respect your decision, although I regrett it so much. Hope you will find a way to let us know, if you make new videos sometimes.

All the best for you! Wil miss your videos! :-(

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  • 5 weeks later...

Your a really strong person to take all of that BS for 7 years.

Dont worry~ your loyal supporters will always be here for you <3

Dont give up dooooooooood :))

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  • 3 weeks later...

You really are amazing for putting up with all of that! Please do let us know, I'll be eagerly awaiting your return :)

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  • 1 month later...

New vids are on the way. I will post the links soon. I am just getting the channel ready. Thank you all for being so kind. I know I need to work on my attitude sometimes....but some of the comments or messages get me so frustrated. Ugh. Anyway....I will be back on YouTube soon . Thank you all!



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I love your videos Spin and have been following you since a long time now. I'm really sorry there's always the usual pricks around but you shouldnt care too much about them :(

We are there for you and WE are the ones who support you!

Thank you for your awesome contributions! :)

xxx missy (ex MissyLovesSneezes)

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