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Breathing Is Boring (M, Sherlock fanart)


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Playing around with new tablet.

Trying to get some practice before I start working on trade comics and stuff. Eek.

This is far from finished, but I'm sick of looking at it, so... OH LOOK ANOTHER SHERLOCK -


And a little bonus picture for those who enjoy a bit of crying: Tear-filled reunion hugs are the best hugs.

Who let the crazy Sherlockian out? *handcuffs self to bedpost*

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Ok, both the sneezy and the teary ones were absolutely gorgeous! I love your work so much!

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Aww, it's great! :D *stares at* And tear-filled reunion hugs are the best. :yes: Best way to start the year I think. ;) Thank you lots for sharing. :D

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I seriously cannot stop smiling at ALL of the pictures. You don't know how much I worship your incredible drawing skills. :wub:

Everytime I see you've drawn something, my heart does flip flops!

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I seriously cannot stop smiling at ALL of the pictures. You don't know how much I worship your incredible drawing skills. wub.png

Everytime I see you've drawn something, my heart does flip flops!

*nods in agreement*

And Mmmmmm..... *more* Sherlock.... kahirhfljvlafnk.... :drool: And vacent look prior to... :wub: Oh... and reunion... :bounce: Yay!! And yes Sherlock deserved that. ;)

Thus far this is an absolutely *brilliant* day- I have first day of new job *and* first thread that I peer into... POOF... yummy, yummy Sherlock. :bounce:

Hope you enjoy your new tablet. :wub:

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I adore the detail of two pillows to keep him propped up and the signature dressing gown <3 Also, I always love how you manage to have Sherlock look like Benedict but still totally a VoOs style character with your own touches. Brilliant!

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DEAR GOD THAT Expression

Wow, this is effing beautiful. I can't stop looking at that flaring nostril and crinkled nose in the second image.

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Currently a mess of excitement, flailing, happiness, and crying (because reunion pic, and I am also a crazy Sherlockian ;) ) VoOs, your art is some of the very very best art and it seems that your tablet suits you and you're doing well with it an d I'm incredibly happy that you have this artist's tool now because when you have the ability to make more good art it can only mean the world gains quality and that just makes me joyful. :hug:

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Yum. You can never get enough Sherlock. Ever. And the only thing better than Sherlock is sneezy!Sherlock.

And does it look like John slapped Sherlock in the reunion picture? He probably did.

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Rachiella - I'm glad. Thank you so much. :blush:

Matilda - Nostrils are... fun to draw. Yes. Thank you!

TheCake - If they don't hug each other in the 3rd season, I am going to punch something. (and thanx! :hug: )

AppleBlossom - Oh, shush, you. >////< *hides behind hands* Showing my art to other Sherlockians on here just makes me really happy. ^^

tma - I'm glad I could contribute a little to your brilliant day. :D:hug: Thank you!

pig - TABLET INDEED. <3 :bounce:

Quite Contrary - Thank you very much. :heart: Spread the Sherlock love!

spoider - Implode? If it's from happiness, then yes. :wub: (eehee, nose crinkles ~ )

Dusty - Aww, that is a great compliment. :cryhappy: That's exactly what I was aiming for. Thank you.

Anony - He has a very expressive face, and it's tons of fun to draw. <3 Thank you, thank you. :hug:

Amyparda - I'll do my best. :blushing: *attacks Amy's comic*

Vongola - Never enough, no. And I'm not stopping anytime soon. Glad you enjoyed it! (And yes, he probably did)

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DEAR GOD THAT Expression

Wow, this is effing beautiful. I can't stop looking at that flaring nostril and crinkled nose in the second image.


Why must you be amazing!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very awesome. *looks again...and again, and again, and again* VERY.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

OMFG can I just say this is the best thing ever! You treated me to that Sherlock, then fuzzy Johnlock feels! *hugs you*

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