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My hayfever is gone!


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i still get a bit of tissue allergies...but i havent had any hayfever at all this summer?

is it possible for an allergy just to disappear?

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I think it can go away. When I was a child, I used to have a terrible allergy to cats...it didn't make me sneeze, but my eyes would swell and get red and I got all itchy on my arms...then it got less and less. Now I still have a little reaction, but it's nothing compared to before. I can pet a cat without fear of dying. And this without taking meds or anything.

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It is possible! When I was very young I was allergic to rabbits. I couldn't keep one (though I wanted one) because I couldn't breathe and my mother thought I was sick, but it turns out, it was rabbit. but now, I am rabbit-safe! I no longer have any allergic symptoms.

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