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Scared English Major


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On the whole, I'd say that I'm satisfied with my choice of major about 95% of the time...then I remember that civil servants generate roughly the same income as a dead weasel that's missing its back pair of legs, and I could kick myself for not going pre-Med.

Seriously, is anyone else around here an English/Education major or already teaching? I am so terrified that I won't be able to find a job in this economy...but at the same time, I really can't imagine doing anything else with my life.

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I'm an english major! I have almost nothing encouraging to say about it. It took me a year after college to find a paid internship. Which ends February <_< Oh well, you gotta do what you love, right?

Good luck and try not to die!

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I'm an English/Journalism double major, and I used to be scared about finding a job (especially since I graduate in May), but I think the key to any sort of career (at least a happy one) is to pursue something you love to do. Granted, my passion in life sort of fell into my lap this time last year when I was diagnosed type I diabetic. I've been interning with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and have made all sorts of connections at that nonprofit. What I've come to learn is that a lot of people don't even end up going into what they majored in. The beauty of an English major is that it helps you with everything. Just find some niche that you like (i.e. nonprofits, book editing, education, et cetera) and pursue it. If you've got the passion and can make the connections, I think you'll be just fine.

Plus worst case scenario you can go to law school. Haha. Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine!

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I just finished my masters degree in Elementary Education. Part of me wishes that I liked medicine or things with computers- stuff where I could actually *get* a job.


Teaching kidlets is what I am *meant* to do. My passion for kidlets and for education is absolutely clear- if only the people who aren't completely and utterly head over heels about teaching would just get out of it.

Currently I'm director of education programming at a church part time and am substitute teaching- and taking classes part time for additional certification in literacy. I'm a total education geek and honestly if I didn't need to work for money I would volunteer at a school- that's right, I'd work with kidlets for FREE.

The market is brutal- I won't lie to you, but if you need it as badly as you need air and/or would do it for free if you could, then to me that is what you are meant to do- keep at it.

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On the whole, I'd say that I'm satisfied with my choice of major about 95% of the time...then I remember that civil servants generate roughly the same income as a dead weasel that's missing its back pair of legs, and I could kick myself for not going pre-Med.

Seriously, is anyone else around here an English/Education major or already teaching? I am so terrified that I won't be able to find a job in this economy...but at the same time, I really can't imagine doing anything else with my life.

a) I know several (UK based) English majors and several education majors, some of whom are on the way to teaching, some of whom who aren't. The thing to remember is that you probably won't starve being a teacher. You just won't get rich either. At the end of the day, if you can't find school employment straight away, you can try tutoring (it is possible to make the beginnings of an income doing this), but I really think that you'll be ok:)

b ) I'm doing my second, horrendously expensive degree (and this one doesn't have a loan behind it yayyyyy) and working in politics. I will never make any money ever.

But it's awesome. You're going to have a degree. That's badass! I'm going to have two! It's wicked!

Edited by ShiningLight
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I'm teaching middle school special ed. right now. I studied special ed. and communication disorders (I wasn't technically an education major), and I'm in a two year teaching program before I go to school for a degree in audiology or speech pathology. And like you said, it dosent pay so well--for now, I also waitress a night and a weekend day a week so that I can pay my loans from undergrad and afford to pay for grad school while being financially independent. But like tma said, it's really, really a passion. I haven't ever done anything more rewarding. Medicine pays well, sure, but there wouldn't be any doctors without teachers. I don't think you could've chosen a more important career.

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Thank you all so much for the responses! My university is primarily a science/medical one, and there are very few English majors. All of my friends are pre-med (something my parents never fail to remind me of), so it's easy to become discouraged when there really isn't anyone to discuss these things with. It's definitely a struggle...my father was a computer engineer, and he made a great salary...but the hours were horrendous and he hated every minute of it (especially when his job was outsourced overseas!). Ha, at this point I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of...being poor or miserable in a job that pays well but I hate.

I don't mind earning a pittance of a salary...there are so many things that are infinitely more valuable than being wealthy...but I am afraid of not being able to secure a job that pertains to my major at all. I guess these are fears that never truly go away when you decide to follow a passion. I think you're all right though...it is definitely worth it.

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Ok, so let me try to make you feel better by comparison. It could be worse; you could be me. I have a BA in Theatre and 40 grand worth of loan debt. I'm 24 and live with my mother, and am just now looking for my first job ever. Trying to be a professional actor and make a living at it is kind of like playing the lotto for a living; if it works, you look awesome, but it usually doesn't work. I feel you though. I watched my father drudge through a job he hated for 20 years to support me, and found I just had to follow my passion or die trying. I think I'm doing the right thing, and that you are too. So cheer up! Your odds are halfway decent. Mine, well, let's just hope I'm Han Solo and this is my asteroid field.

(P.S. I hope that didn't sound all whiny. I really wasn't trying to be. I love my life!)

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Wow. Haha, I have to say...that certainly did make me feel lucky in comparison! I think you're right though that you have to do what you love. One of the pitfalls of modern-day capitalism is that we feel so driven to be "successful", and there's this constant panic that we'll somehow fall short of this ambiguous goal.

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Successful? Heck, that's a fool's errand. I just have expensive tastes and want a good quality of life, and want not to be a drain, however welcome, on those I love. On the whole, though, I'm not sure I'd want it much different, economically. More free, certainly, but having things guaranteed? No such thing, and wouldn't be good even there was. From the struggle of it is genius born.

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Haha, as long as I could make enough to be able to support myself and afford a nice bottle of Moscato every once in a while...that would be enough for me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

What do you do with a B.A. in English? What is my life going to be? Four years of college, and plenty of knowledge, have earned me this useless degree!

... I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.

I'm in... not quite the same, but a similar situation... I'm doing a Bachelor of Biomedicine, majoring in Microbiology and Immunology. Which you'd think would have a fairly large scope... but 1. Not with my GPA and 2. Not with just a Bachelor. I'm stuck to research, or more study.

That being said... don't discount more study! I mean, BA's in general are GREAT. It's such a great platform. Why not try for whatever your Honours equivalent is? Or, a Masters of Teaching on top? Or Journalism... Try writing a novel?

Or aim for post-grad stuff? I think I saw Law mentioned... And, hey, over here in Aus, as long as you sit the GAMSAT you're welcome to apply for Med with any Bachelor degree. And, things like nursing it doesn't matter... if that interests you at all.

But, honestly, don't do whatever it is because of the salary - and don't let the tiny salary dissuade you from what you enjoy. Because, if you actually enjoy doing it, the salary shouldn't even factor in. Not for a few years, anyhow!

And, just throwing it out there... There are always other countries that need jobs of all sorts. And, there are things you can do to make yourself more hireable too!

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