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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cough that triggers sneezing

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Does it ever happen to you guys? Often when when my throat itches and I have to cough then shortly after the itch spreads to my nostrils and I sneeze once or twice. I also noticed that I've become a photic :D off topic I know but lol

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That happens to me sometimes, but usually only if I'm coughing really hard from a sickness or something. I do howerver think it's really hot when that happens though!

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Ugh, I wish! After living through a life filled with inhalers and respiratory tract infections, I sure wish I sneezed after coughing too hard.

My dad does it. :/ Eurgh. But yes it is veeery delicious to hear eheheh! (When it's not dad!)

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I had a girlfriend once who would go from a coughing fit into a sneezing fit. I always thought the coughing irritated her sinuses.

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I'm wondering if it's a difference in the way an individual coughs? Tongue placement or air-trajectories or something? Of course I have no data. Interesting topic, though. I personally, do not experience this phenomena, though I wish I did. Every time I catch cold it goes straight for the throat.

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This has happened to me once or twice :) Usually pretty overwhelming, though, seeing as the cough and the sneeze are almost on top of each other, and I'm usually coughing pretty hard in the first place. Still like it, though, even though it makes me pretty darn lightheaded afterwards.

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  • 3 months later...

My friend does that alot. But I never really do that. I can't think of anytime I did that haha.

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Yeah this happens to me sometimes, and it generally causes a sneeze that is impossible to hold back which gets a bit annoying if I am in public. I really like it when it happens to other people though. A little coughing fit before the sneeze just adds some extra vulnerability

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I often know when hubby is going to have an allergy fit bc it often starts with coughing. And then he has a short, almost cough like sneeze that blossoms into larger, bigger sneezes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All the time, especially if I'm coughing from choking on something. It's not that what was in my mouth goes in my nose, but the cough itself that triggers a sneeze (or three.)

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I made fish last week and was putting a ton of different spices on it. Made me cough a lot and then of course, spread to my nose and gave me a bit of a fit. Kind of a weird feeling..

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This doesn't happen to me, but I think I know what you're talking about. I've seen people (three women that I can remember at the moment) who sneezed in this way. They would start with cough-like sounds a few times, and the coughs seemed to get stronger, before culminating in something more recognisable as a sneeze (something more like an "ah-choo" sound).

I always assumed they were not coughs, but a series of cough-like sneezes. One woman I knew who sneezed like this was actually my girlfriend, who knew about my fetish. Something she said implied that, for her, they were all sneezes- not coughs.

Interesting topic by the way!

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My father does it, my mother does it, and my sister does it. Cough-cough-cough... and then: disaster. One sneeze or two from my father and sister, my mom can unfortunately do it up to ten times. It's horrible.

Let me put it this way; I'm very glad to be living on my own nowadays.

Personally, I've never experienced it. I have sneezed and coughed at the same time when I've had a really bad cold, but having a cough trigger a sneeze? Never.

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  • 1 month later...

My bf does this... Starts off coughing from swallowing a drink the wrong way etc then it turns into 3 rapid sneezes and usually a sneezing fit anywhere from 10 to 20 sneezes

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My bf does this... Starts off coughing from swallowing a drink the wrong way etc then it turns into 3 rapid sneezes and usually a sneezing fit anywhere from 10 to 20 sneezes

Woah!! There's a lucky one of us :)

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The fizz and smell of ginger ale first makes me cough, then I almost always sneeze. But only after my first sip. I drink a lot of ginger ale. ;)

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Yes I've done this a few times, but not very often. Usually I have to have coughed really hard or almost be choking on something and then it will trigger sneezing right afterwards.

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