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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Pre-Internet sneezing fetishists. Any traces of their existence?


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Has anyone ever seen or heard about sneeze fetish material (recordings, art, stories, etc) that were obviously before the Internet era? I'm sure there have always been sneeze fetishists and some of the more adventurous ones probably found a way to express themselves and find others.

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I don't think there were any to this certain extent. Yes there were probably people who liked sneezes but they probably didn't think about it as much as we do ecspecially because we have the forum and stuff to know that this type of thing does exist. Like if I never found this forum I'd probably still like sneezes but I don't think it would be like I do now.

But you do have a point, I mean some people did create this forum not knowing that this existed.

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I was active in the pre-internet era. I wrote stories on notebook paper and made recordings on a micro-cassette machine.

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:lol: :lol:

Yes, the world *did* exist before the Internet :o:P;)

I wrote some "sf" stories pre-Internet, and I used a *GASP* tape recorder ;) and used it for a TV episode that I knew had some "yumminess" in it. They weren't shared because I had absolutely NO clue that there was anyone else who felt like that.

I'm sure that my experience was true of lots of others around here. I've heard some people talk about things that were "organised" a bit pre-Internet (even just trade w/ 2 people), which would be totally interesting to me, since then I would imagine that you'd have to be comfortable enough with yourself to admit to your desires before knowing that anyone else felt the same way at all. I think that is totally gutsy, however I'm sure that it happened.

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In wish I had saved the link to this, but someone once posted on here a link to an article from the 1800's or early 1900's that was a case study done by a psychologist of a man who very clearly had a sneeze fetish. That's the only documented case of our existence that I know of.

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Before I had regular access to the interwebz, I wrote stories in the ringbinder allocated to self indulgent stories. And rewatched certain movies. :P

But then again... I'm young enough to not be *really* from the age before the internet (I remember a time when computers weren't internet-compatible... *waves cane*). If I had been, I probably would've continued writing in a separate ringbinder and rewatching certain movies but not really reached out to others.

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In wish I had saved the link to this, but someone once posted on here a link to an article from the 1800's or early 1900's that was a case study done by a psychologist of a man who very clearly had a sneeze fetish. That's the only documented case of our existence that I know of.

when you say "that's the only documented case of our existence" it kind of feels like were some sort of a special race :D

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In wish I had saved the link to this, but someone once posted on here a link to an article from the 1800's or early 1900's that was a case study done by a psychologist of a man who very clearly had a sneeze fetish. That's the only documented case of our existence that I know of.

That's the kind of stuff I thought this topic was about, rather than what we personally did before the internet (though I may be mistaken, and if that's the case then yes, I drew my own Scooby-Doo sneezy comics and filled out sneeze MadLibs AND SHOWED THEM TO MY MOM :dead:)

I'm also curious about this psychologist's work. I feel like I might have seen it before but I'm not sure. More stuff like that would be interesting. I'd love seeing how people dealt with it back in different times and societies.

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I definitely remember (and I suspect there are many others like this) that before the internet I thought I was utterly alone in my fetish. Once the internet allowed you to investigate things like fetishes with anonymity, that was the first time I had any idea that there were other sneeze fetishists out there and I suddenly did not feel quite so weird :D

However, interesting question - was there material being provided for sneeze-fetishists pre-internet (not just personal wavs and stories)?

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I've always said that people in their mid 20's and older today are the last generations who can remember a time before the internet was such a big part of our lives. I remember the days when the internet was just starting to take off and become widespread, right around the mid to late 90's. I was in Jr. High at the time. It was also when my family got our first computer and I was first introduced to the web in the school computer labs. In early High school, I still used the labs to satisfy my online curiosity until we finally got the internet in our home a year later. That's when I started finding places like sneezing girls & Tarotgal's realm. It was certainly an awesome moment to realize that I wasn't alone. Then I found this forums a few years later and the rest is history.

So what did I do to satisfy my fetish before the online era? Mostly I just recorded cartoons and shows that had some sneezing. Eitherwise, I mostly used my imagination and remembered various obs I'd seen from cute girls in school (I was a very imaginative kid). Sometimes I still use my imagination every now and then.

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The first indication that I was 'not alone' came in 1983. I happened to notice a brief article in a newspaper that mentioned a man that was 'turned on' every time his partner sneezed. Of course it got my immediate attention big time, as this was the first indication that another sneeze fetishist existed.

The piece went on to say that this chap had sought help from a London psychiatrist, Dr Michael King and that Dr King had written a scientific paper about the case.

To cut a long story short I eventually met Dr King who provided me with a copy of the said document. It turned out to be 3 or 4 pages of jargon that when translated into common English concluded very little. The person seeking help turnred out to be a 24 year old gay man who was a budding actor. Dr King had used a technique called 'thought stopping' to discourage the man from thinking such thoughts.

Personally I didn't really hit it off with Dr KIng. I found he had a rather condescending attitude and I did not seek his treatment. He definitely made me feel a bit like a 'Lab rat'

In conclusion: I feel I have learnt 100 times more about our fetish from the discussions that have taken place in this forum and those that predated it, but I do wonder if the man went on to be successful as an actor and whether he has ever made a contribution to these pages.

Edited by haymaker
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