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Sneeze Fetish Forum

On Train (F)


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Here's a 3-page comic I did for Spoider as my part in an art trade. The character is Maetel from Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999.

They're in a train, and yes the train travels through space. Isn't it awfully cold in space? And all the germs of foreign planets... there's bound to be a lot of colds going around. aaevil.gif




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And there it is. <3 With all its beautiful colours. <3 <3

Lovely work, as always. Your "signature" at the third page bottom right makes me smile.

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Oh wow, now that is beautiful <3 What a wonderful piece of work :)

I particularly like how you've done the drippy, congested speech bubbles for Maetel, especially the one for the noseblow, brilliant idea :)

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This is incredible work. I love the color and detail.

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D'aww, it's cute xD I haven't actually watched this series, but I have seen it around on a few occasions. Maybe I should watch it...

I especially love the little pig in the corner, too. That's just such a great little touch. And that feather. xD

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VoOs - thanks! smile.png Support was definitely well needed along the way. <3

HOL - glad you like it! The random scribbles for a noseblow is something I've learned from Spoider. Another reason why this forum is awesome.

Chronosynclastic - Thanks! smile.png

AdamoToiRB - Thanks, I'm glad folks noticing the details, I tend to get a bit caught up in them...

Blah-San - I haven't watched the whole series either, but still quite a bit of it. It has a very interesting concept.

Kshu - thanks smile.png

Spoider - so glad you like it. hug.gif You know I cherish your Harlock comic. Too sexy.

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Why didn't I reply to this the first time I saw it? Who knows!

Beautiful work, as always, Pig! You're the queen of mess!

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Oh, I had missed this. Damn but those watery eyes are just fantastic. How sick and tired she looks.

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