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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Unwittingly Running into Fellow Fetishers?


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I wonder...how many of us are there? Is it possible that we meet and interact with our on-line peers daily...without even knowing it? o.O

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Not likely I would imagine but possible of course!

I admit, whenever I sneeze in public I get a thrill out of imagining that another fetishist is watching me. :P

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I suspect like anything else it depends on where you live. If you live in a city there's probably a good chance that you've walked past another fetishist without knowing it, even if only once. If, on the other hand, you live somewhere rural, it seems unlikely that there would be anyone else around who shared this fetish.

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I always try to look for tells in people. Sometimes I'll even start up a topic and see if anyone reacts. I hope to find someone someday.

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Yeah; it would be awesome to meet someone! It just doesn't seem that likely sadsmiley.gif

I feel the same way! Just to meet someone who gets it, you know?

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Hmmm, that would be an adventure for sure. I'd love to, but if I recall rightly, I think there was only one other fetishist on the forum that lives in the same province as me and they aren't exactly close by lol.

I suspect like anything else it depends on where you live. If you live in a city there's probably a good chance that you've walked past another fetishist without knowing it, even if only once. If, on the other hand, you live somewhere rural, it seems unlikely that there would be anyone else around who shared this fetish.

Off topic but I stared at your signature for a very unhealthy period of time. (also, Hey DS <3)

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Daily? I think that's unlikely, but I think it's likely that, if you live in a reasonably populated area (and get out enough) you've at least once passed by someone with the same preferences.

For myself, I suspect I've passed a certain fellow fetishist on the streets at least a few times before getting personally acquainted. :lol: So it's not impossible. ^^

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When I was in 7th grade, I had just moved schools. New friends and all. 3 years later I have discovered 2 out of 3 of them had a fetish but they definatly weren't sneezing fetishes ^ ^;, I've also met someone online (Who I feel no need to name, but she knows who she is) that was a sneezing fetishist that lives near by, but has yet to join the forums or actually accept that she was one. I had also learned my best friend from before moving schools has a fetish, so yea.

Admidiatly, I feel like a magnet. But it's nice knowing some people who might not share the same interest, but understands that 'feeling' of a fetish. :) I don't think I would like knowing someone closely with a sneezing fetish, but our RPs would definatly be amazing. I'd just feel awkward.

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Every so often I like to repeat how absurdly we underestimate our numbers.

For example. we know of several cases where our members have discovered that they are at the same university at the same time. We could start then from the idea that the very minimum number could be around one in 10.000. Worldwide, then , this minimum would yield 600, 000 in total.

If you work in a big city it is more than possible that you pass 10,000 people in the street over a few weeks, if not daily.

A more realistic total might be 6 million.

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I really don't think its that uncommon. I mean I obviously don't know because people don't outright say it. But for a nontraditional fetish, it seems to be logical, makes sense.

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I've thought about that before, and it's actually one of the reasons I try my hardest not to sneeze in public. To imagine that someone would hear me and get all aroused...it's weird to me. I'd feel like I was flashing my boobs.

And then I start wondering if there are any fat fetishists around me. Are they staring at my muffin top? D: If I scratch at my bra a little is there going to be an itch fetishist who sees me doing it? Is a feeder watching me eat when I'm out a restaurant? WHERE DOES IT END?? @___@

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And then I start wondering if there are any fat fetishists around me. Are they staring at my muffin top? D: If I scratch at my bra a little is there going to be an itch fetishist who sees me doing it? Is a feeder watching me eat when I'm out a restaurant? WHERE DOES IT END?? @___@

Haha! I'm sorry you have such thoughts, but that cracked me up! One of the absolute funniest things I've heard all day!!!

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I've thought about that before, and it's actually one of the reasons I try my hardest not to sneeze in public. To imagine that someone would hear me and get all aroused...it's weird to me. I'd feel like I was flashing my boobs.

And then I start wondering if there are any fat fetishists around me. Are they staring at my muffin top? D: If I scratch at my bra a little is there going to be an itch fetishist who sees me doing it? Is a feeder watching me eat when I'm out a restaurant? WHERE DOES IT END?? @___@

Surely you would appreciate being appreciated everywhere you go!

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Every so often I like to repeat how absurdly we underestimate our numbers.

For example. we know of several cases where our members have discovered that they are at the same university at the same time. We could start then from the idea that the very minimum number could be around one in 10.000. Worldwide, then , this minimum would yield 600, 000 in total.

If you work in a big city it is more than possible that you pass 10,000 people in the street over a few weeks, if not daily.

A more realistic total might be 6 million.

Hmm...I would love to do a poll and see (out of America, at least) how many of us are from which state...

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Every so often I like to repeat how absurdly we underestimate our numbers.

For example. we know of several cases where our members have discovered that they are at the same university at the same time. We could start then from the idea that the very minimum number could be around one in 10.000. Worldwide, then , this minimum would yield 600, 000 in total.

If you work in a big city it is more than possible that you pass 10,000 people in the street over a few weeks, if not daily.

A more realistic total might be 6 million.

Hmm...I would love to do a poll and see (out of America, at least) how many of us are from which state...

I wish there werer some kind of dynamic map where we could like put a *pin* or something on a pinboard of where we were from (general area- not specific lol) so we could 'see' where everyone was distriubuted out twords

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I know someone else on this forum and I have talked because she worked with one of my friends from elementary school. The person she worked with also knew my twin sister, which means she's met at least three people with a sneeze fetish for sure. Interesting coincidence, considering there wasn't a meet up or anything like that.

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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I know someone else on this forum and I have talked because she worked with one of my friends from elementary school. The person she worked with also knew my twin sister, which means she's met at least three people with a sneeze fetish for sure. Interesting coincidence, considering there wasn't a meet up or anything like that.

Your twin sister also has the fetish?! :o

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Well, maybe?

I have hardly met any fellow forum members, since the only other Croatian member (as far as I know) here is Satan, and the distance between the places we live is about 40 miles.

But still... who knows?

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It happened to me, in London. I was visiting my close friend P who knows about my fetishes, having a few fetishes himself, and he introduced me to his crush, S. A few nights later I got a text saying "You'll never GUESS what fetish S has!" So we were two fetishists hanging out together for a weekend and neither of us knew. :yes:

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Your twin sister also has the fetish?! 7.gif

Yes, I've mentioned it many times on the forum so I hope no one is getting sick of me bringing it up. xD That's not to say I'm annoyed by people who don't know though. :> It's kind of weird to explain because I think people will not believe me, but that's just how it is.

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