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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Gauging interest in a picture prompt kinkmeme, of sorts


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Sometimes, when I want to see sneeze pictures, I go onto stock photo sites and browse their "sneeze" selections. I've found some really good photos that way, but sometimes the pictures beg for a background. And when I joined this forum, I had a weird idea...

It's sort of a combination of the "How would they sneeze" game elsewhere on the site, and a kinkmeme. I see it like this. Person A would post a link to a picture they like. Person B would then write a short story for it (anywhere from 100-1000 words, I think), and then post their own picture.

I think it could be a lot of fun. Is anyone else interested in doing that? And mods, would just linking to the picture from the site count as hotlinking? (I'm not good with technical stuff).

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Can't answer as to the techie question (so nice to know I'm not the only one bad at it!), but as to the idea itself, I think it sounds like fun. Out of curiosity, were you thinking of only specifically sneezy pictures, or just ones we see a fetishy background for (like the "bed" shot of Ioan Gruffudd from "Warriors"...which I will Photoshop one of these days, mark my words!)?

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(like the "bed" shot of Ioan Gruffudd from "Warriors"...which I will Photoshop one of these days, mark my words!)?

Ha, I see I'm not the only one that sees that photo and thinks, "Hmm, that bedside table looks like it needs a box of tissues..."

Anyway, I was thinking that it would be sneezy pictures specifically. Typing "sneeze" into stock photo sites gets a lot of results, several of a caretaking nature. But maybe I'll open it up, if other people are interested in your idea.

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(like the "bed" shot of Ioan Gruffudd from "Warriors"...which I will Photoshop one of these days, mark my words!)?

Ha, I see I'm not the only one that sees that photo and thinks, "Hmm, that bedside table looks like it needs a box of tissues..."

Well, what did you think I was going to Photoshop into it? ;)

Anyway, I was thinking that it would be sneezy pictures specifically. Typing "sneeze" into stock photo sites gets a lot of results, several of a caretaking nature. But maybe I'll open it up, if other people are interested in your idea.

No, no, yours totally works! I was just thinking maybe in terms of people like me, who tend to write mostly fanfiction. But then I realized, well, I can get inspired by anything (where others see an empty green field, I see allergic!Luke Fitzwilliam), and opening up to overall pictures actually lessens the likelihood of things going anywhere, because they might be too fandom-specific. So, yeah, I think your way is good! :)

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Thanks for the input!

(And now you've inspired me to make a long overdue LJ post about...certain Ioan images I've found. It'll be up shortly.)

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Thanks for the input!

You're always quite welcome. :)

(And now you've inspired me to make a long overdue LJ post about...certain Ioan images I've found. It'll be up shortly.)

Argh! Evil girlie, to taunt me just as I'm going to bed! I'll get you, my pretty...and your little 'Ratio, too! *runs off, cackling madly*

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And mods, would just linking to the picture from the site count as hotlinking? (I'm not good with technical stuff).

It depends on the manner of linking. If you were to simply post the url, that's not hotlinking. If the picture displays on here, it is. We allow hotlinking from websites that explicitly say it's okay to hotlink the images on it (so tinypic, tumblr etc), so if you want to display the pictures here so people won't have to click a link, you can do that. :)
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Thank you!

Since the images come from stock photo sites, I'm guessing they won't like hotlinking. I'll just provide a link to the site.

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