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Need help in finding the right poem/monologue


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Sorry for bothering you, chaps, but I need help.

In two months or so, I will be competing in the individual drama expression competition which is a part of Croatian contest of visual arts, journalism and creative writing. And I need a poem or a monologue to tell.

Yesterday, I had a talk with my Croatian teacher on that subject, and I read the poem "To Santa Claus and Little Sisters" to her, translating it to Croatian as I was reading. She said the poem itself and the way I narrated it gave her goosebumps, but that she can't give me the allowance to perform it, at least not yet.

You see, in the education system here, there are eight grades of primary school, and four grades of high school. That competition is split in two parts: one for primary schools, another one for high schools. I, being a student of the eight grade, will have to compete in the primary schools' contest, in front of the other performers, some of them being only six and a half years old. And that poem (also having in mind that it's actually a suicide note) wouldn't be suitable for them to hear.

So, I need a poem or monologue, which can be dark, but not too dark or morbid, a bit provocative, but not vulgar, interesting, but not too hard to understand. Any suggestions? Please? Pretty please?

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No idea about like a specific piece, but I can say this: pick something that you not only understand well but can relate to or at least empathize with extremely, this way it will be a lot easier to remember when you preform it.

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Try one from 'Cats.' All the songs from the musical are actually poems by T.S. Eliot and are really famous and cool-sounding.

:heart: hope that helped

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your help, guys! :yes:

I have found the poem and it's... well it's "Jabberwocky" :laugh:

Both me and my teacher are content with my interpretation of it, the only problem is... I have to learn that thing by heart. I mean, "jabjabbird"? Really? :lol:

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"Twas' brillig, in the slivy toves did gire and gimble in the wabe"

Jabberwocky sure is a bold choice to go with, but if you bring the right intensity through your acting and performance, you could blow them away.

It's dark, cryptic, silly, and avant-Garde. And it is quite a harrowing task when it comes to memorizing it.

I had to memorize this once. I thought of it as a rap or song, that way I could remember the words by kinda sing-rapping them. Just an idea to try.

Please keep us updated on this contest. Best of luck and breaking of legs!

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"Twas' brillig, in the slivy toves did gire and gimble in the wabe"

Jabberwocky sure is a bold choice to go with, but if you bring the right intensity through your acting and performance, you could blow them away.

It's dark, cryptic, silly, and avant-Garde. And it is quite a harrowing task when it comes to memorizing it.

I had to memorize this once. I thought of it as a rap or song, that way I could remember the words by kinda sing-rapping them. Just an idea to try.

Please keep us updated on this contest. Best of luck and breaking of legs!

Thanks. :)

I have actually memorized the poem in almost no time because it just absorbed me. Today my teacher asked me to perform it in front of the class and I am quite content with the reactions. But she has also told me that one of the judges used to be the leader of the acting troupe called "The Mimsy Borogoves" when she was younger. Which means I have to put my entire heart into this. Otherwise I am screwed. :lol:

Thanks again!

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