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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wondering if anyone has ever wrote an observation about you.


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I have always wondered this, if a fellow fetishist (who you don't know about) has written something about you on the forum, unlikely I know, but never-the-less still interesting and intriguing. I always look on the observations, especially when people write about work obs or maybe college (even though I left in the middle of 2012)

Has anybody else thought about this? Or even checks the forum... I'm sure it would difficult to tell however, but I always look... I don't know how it would make me feel if I saw one that I suspected would be about me.

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I never sneeze in public, so I don't have to worry about that. :laugh:

That's what I wanted to say!

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I've not thought about it that much, but I think it would be kind of exciting to know there was another fetishist in my area. Unless of course they seemed really sketchy :laugh:

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That's an interesting idea! I've often wished that I was lucky enough to be in a relationship with someone who shared the fetish...my ex-boyfriend once wrote a short piece (at my request) about the first time we met...his impressions of me...that sort of thing, and I loved the singularly unique perspective of catching a glimpse of myself through his eyes. I would love, love, love to read a fetish-oriented obs written about me!

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I have thought about this. I've imagined a few times stumbling across an obs written about a friend, and then realize, "Hey, that sounds familiar. Wait a minute... I was there!" Then you would simultaneously discover that your friend had the fetish.

When I wrote my first few obs I was paranoid that one of my friends was secretly one of us and would recognize my post and discover me.

I would love to find out that one of my friends had a sneeze fetish. Then I would give some convincing fake sneezes around them just to toy with them. Oh the fun. :D

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I can be pretty sure no one has ever written one about me, since i mostly never sneeze in public, which of course means i never had a fit in public ( i had about 3 - 4 fits in my entire life)

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Agreed. That mental block is fierce. I don't really give other possible fetishists' around me much to work with, if anything at all.

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