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have you ever wanted someone to continue their story instead of asking if people liked it?


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sometimes, I wish people would stop asking, "should I continue?" and just keep writing....You know there are always a few people who want more, and you don't want to leave them hanging. Plus, when has anyone said, "No, don't continue"?. Nothing to offend he author, but I'm just really impatient. Anyone feel the same way?

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haha, I totally get what ur saying, I see it can be annoying, but I think that authors like to know what people think of their writing, as fromexperience, a lot of people read the stories and dont comment, which is absolutely fine, im guilty of doing that as well, but if no one left a comment about wanting to hear more then authors sometimes think that people dont really like what they're writing.

I'll be honest, I sometimes ask if people want me to continue, and part of it is wanting that reassurance, but its also a prompt for people to leave feedback.

or it might just be me lol :bleh:

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Whether readers are impatient or not, people who write here do it voluntarily and are withing their rights to leave people hanging just as much as they please. Fussing people in a demanding tone to write more sooner is generally frowned upon, and for a good reason.

I think leaving a kind comment is the best way to encourage people to continue. Personally I can say that even if I write for myself, wrapping together the last chapter or two of a fic can sometimes feel difficult and tiresome, and even if I try to finish my fics out of principle (to show myself I can finish things, not just start), I am more likely to manage it and manage it sooner if there are people commenting so I can be sure my fic is being read and enjoyed.

I have also a couple of times continued fics that were meant to be one-shots because there were many comments and some (politely!) asking me to continue.

Generally, if you like it, comment it. I know I always do. It only takes a minute and means a lot to the writers.

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Usually I ask because it seems kind of pointless to continue if nobody is reading it and everybody hates it.

Besides when I do ask usually I already started continuing on the next part anyway even if there isn't a comment yet.

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Hmm... Yeah, it would be nice to get more and more and more right away of everything for all eternity, sure. But these other people who have commented here. As a writer it really feels nice to know that people are reading what you have written, like it and want more. I can say from experience that not getting comments can make you stop posting, like I did with my drabble thread a couple of years ago. It can make one (or at least me) feel like they are not good enough and won't be even with a lot of practise, since no one was interested enough to post even a simple "This was nice. (:" -comment. Or that the idea/s aren't the least bit interesting.

So... Asking "should I continue" is often a way to nicely guide people towards leaving a comment. Everyone enjoys a little boost to their self esteem at times, no matter how good is to begin with.

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I'll admit that this is a little bit of a pet peeve of mine. :blushing::bag: (I'm not even necessarily thinking of here, but even LJ, or fanfic, or whatever).

Especially if the person only posts say 6 sentences where the story hasn't even started and then they stop it there.

I *do* understand leaving stories unfinished... *guilty look*- because sometimes life gets in the way, or lose inspiration, or writer's block, etc. I also completely understand authors wanting to share things that other people enjoy. I just sometimes want to encourage people to just continue to write things that *they* like. :D

Sometimes, if I read something and it doesn't necessarily interest *me*, I still want to encourage the person to just "go for it"... I'm just not sure how to express that. Or if a person hasn't put up enough of a story to even really get the "flavour" of the story, it is really, really difficult to say, "Yes! Please! This is brilliant!" In the latter situation in particular, I do confess that I'd rather just have them keep writing so that I can have enough to make an opinion.

Plus... I do rather agree that people aren't likely to say "No. Stop. This is horrid." At least around here, I think that this is a really very, very nice place. :wub:

Sometimes it is very tough, but I always think that people can/should post, share, etc. things that *they* like to draw, write, etc. Even if people aren't responding straight away- you never know who might be loving it, either now or down the road. :D :D

**Oh... and I most absolutely do love to leave comments because getting lovely (but non-pestering) replies are brilliant and make people's day.**

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sorry Pig! I am not saying that leaving people hanging is wrong... i am just an impatient person...I especially think this because there hasn't been a story here that I don't like!w00t.gif So for me, asking whether or not I like the story is pointless...I love all the stories on here!

tma.......that last part about pestering people has got me thinking....i do that a lot! I feel that when somebody writes a pestering comment (PLEEEEAAAASE KEEP GOING BEFORE I DIEEEE! NOOOOWWWWW!) it makes you want to continue....at least I like it that way....Like, the person not only likes your story, but wants more! So maybe waiting for comments that pester isn't such a bad idea.......but that's just proving myself wrong.....so does that mean that I should write comments or not......I like pestering comments, but I don't like waiting....... JEEZ NICOLIAS! You need to get your thoughts sorted out! And stop talking to yourself.....Why do I even bother! well...I guess I don't mind comments that much after all!blushsmiley.gif

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:hug: It's ok. :hug: I totally ramble all the time!

And I know what you are saying, and I agree too. I guess I was meaning not acting like pressuring or snotty about it or something. I know that when I write something and someone says, "Write more- NOW!! Must have more!" or something like that it makes me :bounce: And... ummm... I'll leave comments in that general vein with stories that I'm just dying for more (I don't just keep asking) but I definitely make sure that the author knows that I'm waiting on tiptoes for whenever they put more up. **crouching like a tma waiting to... POUNCE!! :P **

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I write, and I very much understand the need for validation/motivation from comments (I stalk my own stories almost obsessively for the comments, good or bad), but writing should be done for the enjoyment and interest of the writer, not for the acknowledgement of others. Personally, I wouldn't stop writing a story I loved just because no one gave a crap about its existence, and I wouldn't continue a story I wasn't feelin' the mojo for just because heaps of people wanted me to.

I really hate people asking that. And, although it might be a bit mean, if I see that at the bottom of a story then I won’t comment. To me it sounds like the writer doubts or doesn't care about the story.

It's nice if people comment, but it shouldn't be or seem necessary and, really, the story itself should be motivating enough to make readers comment (or writers write) without being prompted.

... and that's my two cents.

Edited by Mercury
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Hey now need for sorries here, I was wording in a bit too stricly perhaps. But we're all friends here right? hug.gif

I think tma pretty much hit the nail in the head there. I think a "PLEEEEAAAASE KEEP GOING BEFORE I DIEEEE! NOOOOWWWWW!" is sweet and fun, but a "So no more of this coming like you promsed, huh?" is arsey. It's all about the attitude I guess.

If a story is just 6 sentences and then "should I continue", they will have to be pretty damn good 6 sentences for me to want the person to continue enough to ask for more. If the writer doesn't really care about their own story more than that then perhaps I'm not likely to care either. But I kinda do get it that people post, say, a chapter and then ask. I often write down bits and pieces and ideas and then wonder if it's worth polishing them into a more fic-like form or not, especially if the idea is a bit "out there". While I'm impudent enough to then just go on and post without questions if I do "write it out", an encouraging comment makes me feel that perhaps I'm not the only one who finds the given idea/scenario sexy and it's worthwhile to edit the later parts into something readable and post them too. But even if I don't ask for them usually, I do cherish every comment.

And there's one thing more - I wonder if I'm the only one who gets a total thrill out of other people finding something sexy that I have written and drooled over too? Especially when people comment on details, or stuff like "oh poor dear he must be sooooo sick" blushing.gif That actually gives me a fetish-kick of it's own. blushing.gif Dunno why.

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I wonder if I'm the only one who gets a total thrill out of other people finding something sexy that I have written and drooled over too? Especially when people comment on details, or stuff like "oh poor dear he must be sooooo sick" That actually gives me a fetish-kick of it's own. Dunno why.

*nods* Oh yes!! It gets me all melty and :bounce: and :wub:

It is *such* a kick to know that someone got a buzz off of something that I created (and especially cool when it is something that I particularly loved as well). :blushing: Squeeing = fun!!

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I can understand both sides of this.

When I write something, it's nice to know that others are reading along and getting invested as I write. It makes me want to write more when I feel like I've got some people in my corner going "yeah! woo! we love it!" Though I don't think I've ever gone full "Should I keep writing this??" - I start writing something because I want to write it, and may popular opinion be damned. :XD: Besides, even if no members leave comments, there's always the anonymous folks who watch the board. Maybe they like it!

On the flip side, I definitely cringe when I see writers do the whole "If I get x amount of comments then I'll put the next chapter!"/"Someone tell me they like this or I won't keep going!" thing (ff.net is full of 'em). It's like they're holding the story for ransom, and it just comes across as really desperate and crass and joyless, like they're only making something to get praise from others and not because they enjoy the creative writing process and the story they're telling.

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On the flip side, I definitely cringe when I see writers do the whole "If I get x amount of comments then I'll put the next chapter!"/"Someone tell me they like this or I won't keep going!" thing (ff.net is full of 'em). It's like they're holding the story for ransom, and it just comes across as really desperate and crass and joyless, like they're only making something to get praise from others and not because they enjoy the creative writing process and the story they're telling.


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Yeah, I agree with pretty much everything that's been said.

First, I know the reason I usually ask for comments (NOT just here, but on figment, fanfiction, wherever else) is because if no one comments, I will genuinely assume people hate it, and feel too embarrassed to post more of it, even if I write more. *shrug* My writing tends to be pretty private, I guess, regardless of the subject matter and while I lovelovelove concrit, because it means someone's being awesome and wants to help, no comments at ALL tends to make me feel... uncomfortable. Like, however vain and ridiculous and implausible it is, that everyone's saying behind my back how much I suck. (Again, I'm not really referring to my writing on this website, just my writing in general). (Also, another reason I ask for comments is because to me it just seems polite... like, you just spent all this time reading this! I care what you think! kind of thing)

But, that being said, I would never not continue something because of only one comment, or something - as long as I know SOMEONE is interested, I'll probably keep going no matter what... unless I just like, lose interest myself, which is often probable with me. *sigh*

Also, I have never understood the problem with "please continue" comments, though I agree with pig that the attitude matters a lot. But, on other fanfic-specific websites in particular, those kinds of comments are particularly considered loserish and annoying, and I've never understood that. Yeah, the lengthy comments are I guess more fun, of course they are, but I always, always think it's sweet that people want to read more, and that they care enough to say so.

Sometimes, I know I just have no idea what to *say* to some stories, because I feel like I can't put into words what's so awesome about it, and saying I want more of it is the best I can do.

Okay, sorry, that's a long comment haha.

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People do that for two reasons.

1. Fiction writing is a world of rejection. Care to test the idea? Write your best short story, get a list of outlets that publish and submit that story 100 times. Chances are (even if you're a good writer) you'll get 100 rejection letters.

2. Let's face it, the things we write about are considered weird by virtually everyone in society. That adds an element of rejection to the fiction rejection which is already present.

Combine those two and you have some very tentative writers. I write a popular serial that has tons of views and many nice comments (for which I am very thankful) but it took me about 10 years to reach the level of confidence to put my writing out there.

I think the attitude present in this post if the very reason why people do it. We need to strive to make a more accepting environment here so that budding writers, whatever their skill level, can display their work and get it read.

If you have courage enough to post your deep desires about sneezing, noseblowing, colds, or whatever else here then you have earned my respect. If it means that I need to tell you to continue then I will happily oblige.

Writing is about interaction between author and audience. How are you interacting with the author?

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@ ella- I completely understand and am sympathetic to the fact that writing takes guts. This forum IS an extremely supportive environment.

I have written things which I've posted on here and other areas. I've had items get responses and other things not get responses. In fact the very first story that I shared online *ever* (in this community- but not on this particular forum)- got NO responses. It was tough. I felt odd because at that point there wasn't an interest in the type of character that I wrote. Sometimes a particular genre or fandom won't have an audience at that exact moment- but you never know... down the road it might.

I have no difficulty encouraging people. I *hope* that everyone around here who knows me has only experienced me as supportive and encouraging. What is tough for me is when something is written and there honestly is *not* enough for me to tell whether or not I'm going to like it. I'm not going to love every story- as much as I might love the fact that the writer is being brave and putting themselves out and sharing themselves.

I guess that as I am processing this through typing- perhaps if I come upon this situation I can simply say "Go for it." or "Go where your muse takes you." or something. :) I do want to encourage, but in a sincere way. Thanks for making me think about this. :)

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So many different prospectives ....I guess there are lots of ways to think about such things... thanks for writing...I feel like I have been...ENLIGHTENED!

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I guess that as I am processing this through typing- perhaps if I come upon this situation I can simply say "Go for it." or "Go where your muse takes you." or something. :) I do want to encourage, but in a sincere way. Thanks for making me think about this. :)

That's good, love it!

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I dislike it when people beg for comments... I mean, if you think something is worth posting, you should probably believe it is worth commenting on without you having to desperately request it.

However- in the case of long, multi-chapter stories (which I personally do not write) I think it's fine to pause after a chapter and ask if people are enjoying it. Posting all the chapters of a long story without any feedback would be a lot of work, without any acknowledgement that someone is reading it all. When I post stories I want comments, I want to know explicitly that someone has read it. I don't write them 'just for me', and I doubt that many people on the forum do, if we are honest.

Edited by Heathcliff
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