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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Yes, all bad jokes aside, I would like to humbly request a Lord of the Rings story featuring Frodo with an illness as bad as (and possibly worse than) Bilbo's. :> They say history repeats itself. Also, I personally think Elijah Wood did a brilliant job with his fainting scenes which made me fangasm to a point at which I imitated his curtsy-style fainting in Mordor.

TL;DR (even though it's like three sentences): Please write me a story about Frodo.




With 8 varieties of exotic fruits cut in exotic shapes on top.

Please? I'm totally desperate LOL

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sam caretaking sounds beautiful omg ; A ;

I really want to read someone else's beautiful work. I mean it's nice to write my own and have others appreciate it but I'd like to appreciate other people sometimes too.

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Ok, the website is a bit weird about linking to individual stories, but there's a lovely Frodo story to be found at http://sfarchive.beastlet.com/ It's called 'The River', the author is Paulie and you can find it by going http://sfarchive.beastlet.com/ -> Fanfiction -> Lord of the Rings, then searching alphabetically.

I also vaguely remember reading a story with no sneezing but where Frodo is really feverish in the Houses of Healing and is watched over by Sam and also Eowyn, who is spending some time there too. No idea where it was from or who wrote it, but if anybody recognises that description and can locate it for me I'd like to read it and I'm sure you would too.

Yours, Sal

(resident whore for fevers and fainting.)

Oh, I just remembered the passage in Fellowship where the party have just escaped from Moria and Aragorn is concernedly caring for an injured Frodo. That was one of my earliest memories of really appreciating the hurt/comfort dynamic. If any Frodo stories come to light I'd enjoy them too!

Edited by Salamander
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:D That was so adorable T w T Thank you! Looks like I'll have to dig around because that definitely didn't settle my craving. I feel so greedy :'D Maybe I'll settle down after reading the series. But Frodo, argh. /le begs.
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