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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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This is a story I wrote at 11....I never really was a good writer...Just wanted to share my sneeze liking, (I was 11. fetish?) at such a young age.

Cindy st on the bed next to her boyfriend, Chris, cuddling up against him. rest her head on his lap, suddenly, she drifted of. Chris, who was practically dying of heat stroke, decided that he would ruin the perfect moment by getting up to open the windows. Chris had actually gotten heatstroke before, and he did not want a repeat. surprisingly, Cindy had not woken up yet. Chris sat down beside her and played with her hair, gently kissing her on the cheek.

Cindy awoke to a weird feeling. It was this intense itchiness in her nose. Her nostrils twitched. Still drowsy, she did not know what happened. She tried to ignore it...It was too strong. She realized that the window was open. OH GOD... "Nxxt! Nxxt! Nxxt! nxxt!" She looked outside...The pollen....so high that she could actually see tiny pieces of it floating into the house....Now that itch was back....It had really never left.... But it was worse...

Chris had just gone to the bathroom, to find his girl sitting on the bed, wide awake, having the biggest, itchy, messy, sneezing fit he had ever seen. "N'ttch! N'ttch! N'ttch! ahh ah N'tttch! Nt'ttch! nttch!" It just went on like this....Chris, who had no idea what was going on, simply handed her a tissue, in which she soaked with her sneezes. finally, they calmed down just enough for her to sputter... "Oh god Chris..Allergies..Nxxt!" she got up to close the window..But chris wanted to have some fun....

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This is a story I wrote at 11. I found it when I was looking through some files on the computer...I never really was a good writer...Just wanted to share my sneeze liking, (I was 11. fetish?) at such a young age.

Cindy st on the bed next to her boyfriend, Chris, cuddling up against him. rest her head on his lap, suddenly, she drifted of. Chris, who was practically dying of heat stroke, decided that he would ruin the perfect moment by getting up to open the windows. Chris had actually gotten heatstroke before, and he did not want a repeat. surprisingly, Cindy had not woken up yet. Chris sat down beside her and played with her hair, gently kissing her on the cheek.

Cindy awoke to a weird feeling. It was this intense itchiness in her nose. Her nostrils twitched. Still drowsy, she did not know what happened. She tried to ignore it...It was too strong. She realized that the window was open. OH GOD... "Nxxt! Nxxt! Nxxt! nxxt!" She looked outside...The pollen....so high that she could actually see tiny pieces of it floating into the house....Now that itch was back....It had really never left.... But it was worse...

Chris had just gone to the bathroom, to find his girl sitting on the bed, wide awake, having the biggest, itchy, messy, sneezing fit he had ever seen. "N'ttch! N'ttch! N'ttch! ahh ah N'tttch! Nt'ttch! nttch!" It just went on like this....Chris, who had no idea what was going on, simply handed her a tissue, in which she soaked with her sneezes. finally, they calmed down just enough for her to sputter... "Oh god Chris..Allergies..Nxxt!" she got up to close the window..But chris wanted to have some fun....

He grabbed cindy, pulled her onto the bed, and held her hands behind her back...Now all the sneezes were coming uncovered, and she had nothing to rub her runny, itchy nose with. It itched SO badly. She just couldn't rub it...

"Chris...ST-STOP...Nxxt! N'ttchhh! nn'tchhh! No-no! plNxxtnnxttnxxt! please! I-I Nxxt ahh n'xhht!" Chris just smiled...He liked her cute sneezes.....Cindy's sneezing sounded so itchy...Almost as itchy as they felt...But Chris did not stop at that.. He grabbed a kleenex and dangled it in front of Cindy's face. And how much she wanted it!

Chris held Cindy's arms behind her with one hand, and with the other, simply reached over to the window, which was right next to the bed, and rubbed pollen from a flower on the windowsill all over the kleenex...Cindy thrashed around, but chris brought it to her red, chapped nostrils. She sucked in air to sneeze, but Chris pinched her nostrils closed so she couldn't. She still sneezed but barely..."nnt! nnt! nnt!"

Chris grabbed the pot of a plant and shook it, sending pollen everywhere..."Nxxt! nchnchnchnchnchnchnchnch!" the sneezes were so fast that they seemed like one sneeze. Chris let go of Cindy.

"i'm gonna kill nnnxt! you!" she said. then a smile spread across her face. "You know, it's okay. We have our nxxt! n'ttch!NXXTCHH! share of getting at eachother," she brabbed a kleenex and wiped her nose and her puffy eyes. "Just wait and see what I'm gon-gonna... nxxt do to you with dust!"

Okay...first of all...I was 11....I was in a rush......The sneezing had nothing to do with the storyline..who am I kidding, the story was just useless fluff! i made a second part with chris and dust...Not even worth taking the time to copy and paste from the file!

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You can tell when someone's on of us because they spell sneezes phonetically. Other people just always write achoo/ atishoo because they're not putting thought into how sneezes sound, since it's extremely unimportant to them.

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Beyond a shadow of a doubt you has the fetish - even though I had no idea what a fetish or even sex was I remember feeling a good funny whenever I thought of men sneezing - my earliest memories of this were in 2nd grade - so

No idea

How it started but it was there ;)

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I used to like it in third grade...Actually, there was a girl sitting next to me who liked dust....I picked up a dust bunny from the corner and sat it on my desk.....Another girl was allergic to pollen. I said "You've gotta smell this flower!" and rubbed the dandelion in her face. She sneezed a lot, then when she came back from class, there was another one waiting for her in her desk....No wonder I was known as such a weirdo when I was younger!

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omg Same here! When I was in first grade on halloween, my costuma had lots of feathers on it, and this particularally mean and cocky boy was apparantly allergic, so I got my revenge on him by tickling his nose with them XD then I just chased him around the room and untill the teacher told me to calm down. haha how could I, I was so hyped from drive of the fetish.

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This thread is so funny and brought back a memory. My grade school was next to a chicken farm and if the wind was blowing the right direction it would give this girl Lori extreme allergies - like sneezing so hard someone would have to walk her to the nurse office - and guess who always volunteered for the job? I woul put my arm around her and just stare at her tw whole time like a concerns friend when really I was a little fetishist in the making. Most embarrassing admission? Our priest had hayfever and I used to daydream about him wearing a cowboy hat with a feather in it and sneezing his head off not knowing the cause (he couldn't see the feather since it was on his head)....thank God I never told my parets or they may have sent me to confession - lol

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You know, conceptually this is actually pretty legit. There's attention to detail where it counts...I'd be interested in seeing what kind of fluff you were capable of now! ^.^

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It's only two years later, and i haven't been writing too much....I stopped writing after I was almost twelve, when I wrote a 43 page biography...but that was it. nothing new...I have been dreaming about being an author, though.

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You wrote that when you were 11? Impressive. At 15 I don't think I could write that well.

But I have never tried writing a sneeze fic, so who knows. :P

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You wrote that when you were 11? Impressive. At 15 I don't think I could write that well.

But I have never tried writing a sneeze fic, so who knows. tonguesmiley.gif

Thank you! If you don't know....Then write one!!!

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I might have to. I'm a good writer in general, but I am very inexperienced in writing stuff that people on this forum might call "stimulating".

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