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Betas (pre-readers) - what are your thoughts?

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**NOTE:- you do NOT have to use a beta to post a story- nor does the lack of a beta mean that a story is lacking (I've come across that opinion on some LJ groups). **

Sometimes I'll use a beta- othertimes I won't. It depends on the story. Sometimes I will even float out part of a story or an idea to a fellow writer friend to see what they think.

I know that sometimes people (especially if they are new to sharing stories, and/or are new to the forum) can be really nervous, and part of my thought was whether having someone to "proof" or "run thoughts past" might be of any use?? I'd be interested in even cooridinating a list of people who would be willing to beta, so that if someone wanted a beta but didn't know who to even start with asking- they could get some ideas. :)

As a writer who has used a beta- I've had lovely experiences. Additionally- I have betaed for friends before and can I just share that having someone ask if you would pre-read their story is the *Best Thing Ever*!! :bounce: It's lots of fun- I don't see it as something that is a pain.

Anyway... I would put myself on the list. But prior to making a list- I want to throw it out there: what do people think about betas and/or having a list of people who could be supportive and encouraging for members who'd like a second pair of eyes.

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I think a list of people who are up for beta-ing is a great idea. I've never used a beta reader for a full fic, but I've shared bits of stories I'm working on with people as well as lots of bouncing ideas of people and it's always been really helpful. I've also beta'd a couple of fics for other people and would be happy to add my name to a list if one gets made :)

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I think it sounds like a good idea :) I've never used a beta (apart from my friend who i wrote a story for and she read it before I put it on here if that counts) or been one for someone else but it sounds like an option that could be good to have on here! I would also be happy to have my name put on a list if one gets made

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It's a great idea! And it really helps some of the more beginner writers here to encourage them and have them know that at least one person likes their stories. Put me on the list! (please)

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I remember, one time I was writing a story for a different site that was supposed to be very, very special, and I wanted to make sure everything was PERFECT, so I worked with three different betas and the story went through like a million drafts. It was a lovely experience! Probably the best thing I've ever written, too. I definitely love having a beta (and I've been a beta a few times as well, which is also always fun.)

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Me, I'd be up for it! I don't consult anyone before posting, myself, but that's a personal choice. I'm hoggy with my creative babies. But if there are people out there who need someone to read their things over and work with them, I'd be more than glad to lend my attention and elbow grease.

Sidenote - When did the internet collectively begin to call proofreading beta-ing? Was it around the same time it decided that exclamation points were necessary indicators of description between an adjective and a proper noun? Or should I say proper!Noun? I suspect the "beta" term has something to do with the gamer community, but it still makes me fidget. Ah well. Whatever you call it, I'm in!

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When did the internet collectively begin to call proofreading beta-ing? Was it around the same time it decided that exclamation points were necessary indicators of description between an adjective and a proper noun? Or should I say proper!Noun? I suspect the "beta" term has something to do with the gamer community, but it still makes me fidget. Ah well. Whatever you call it, I'm in!

My fandom experience may be different from yours, but I don't see proofreading and beta reading as exactly the same thing. Proofreading, in my view, focuses more on mechanical and stylistic corrections. Beta reading goes a little deeper into the story to critique things like characterization, plot, narrative devices, etc. Certainly, beta readers also double as proofreaders sometimes, so there's overlap.

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I haven't written a sneeze story since 2006 and given that my writing time for the most part is limited to the weekends (and sometimes on my lunch breaks when I bring my small notepad) I'm not sure I'll ever do another sneeze story again, at least not anytime soon. I do have a beta reader that I send portions of my current work-in-progress novel and rewrites of my other novel which I had been revising and may start up again at some point and I do find the feedback helpful. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer to use a beta reader (which I define as sonewhere between an editor and a copy-editor, to answer that question) for most of my works, though not all of them. And I can say from experience that having someone in the community who's willing to look over stuff you might not be willing to share with your usual beta(s) is a great thing. So yeah: I'd love it if we had an ongoing beta list.

(That said, my schedule is pretty hectic right now, so...please don't put me on said list at the moment. :shy:)

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I think this sounds like a wonderful idea! My own experience with betas has been limited, but I've found them to be really helpful whenever I've had the privilege of using one. I'd be interested in being included on such a list!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually have never had a beta of my own, but I have been a beta for someone once and I think it was a great experience for them and me. Beta readers are pretty much pure awesomeness; they change you're story for the better, and even if they have nothing to provide they still boost your ego when they look it over. If a beta list gets created, I'd be more than happy to be included. :)

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Now that I have my laptop back- (Horray!!!) I'll make up a list. I'll have to see if the list can be stickied to make it easier to find. *I'll check with our awesome Staff people*

That's great that people like the idea! :) :)

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  • 6 months later...

Bumping this to see if tma or anyone ever managed to get a list together of people willing to be beta readers? I rarely have people read my stuff before I post it (mostly because I feel like the people who are genuinely interested in what I write about are few and far between :lol:) but I've kind of been struggling lately. I was about to make a post asking if anyone would be interested in reading this thing I'm in the process of writing, but I thought hey, why not just have one thread where people can request beta readers? I think if we can get one master topic with people listed who are willing to beta and where people can request readers it would make things more organized.

I'm obviously totally willing to help get this shit together too if there's enough interest.

Edited by AnonyMouse
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