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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I WROTE A STORY... this isn't going to end well.


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Well this was going to be a drabble but I guess not writing in over a year took its toll and this kinda happened… yeah.

Basically I saw a post on the media board about dating sim and being someone who had never played one before, I decided to check one out. After a while I found a sim called ‘wonderland days’ it was a twist on Alice in wonderland where you are trapped there for a month, and you talk to the people there. It’s quite a fun game with each character having an interesting back story. if you get a minute go play it (it will make the story easier to understand) so I’ll put the link here. I fell in love with King Elliot! A young king trying to make his father proud. Anyway this is set just after you arrive but before you meet the Elliot.

I really wanted to do his character justice so there is hardly any sneezing. It’s more cold/fever style story. However I might continue this with your character taking care of him… but that’s your choice.

Sick day in wonderland

King Elliot sat in his blue velvet chair gazing out the throne room’s window at his kingdom. It was winter and the streets were covered in about 10 inches of pure white snow. His beautiful rose maze, now an awe striking crystal cavern, containing the perfect hiding places for the kingdoms youth to house their snowball wars. Elliot couldn’t help but feel saddened by the site, his thoughts racing back to the snowball fights him and his father used to have. Elliot’s father created the maze for Elliot to play in but to also keep him safe from any attackers. Elliot knew the maze like he knew the halls of this empty castle; however his father would always manage to sneak up on him. Elliot smiled to himself recalling the shock of frost that would hit the side of his face and the booming laugher of a gentle giant from behind. Elliot spoke quietly ‘I hope I’m doing you proud father, but ruling a kingdom isn’t always easy’ he sighed deeply and returned his gaze to his mahogany wood desk covered with letters and documents for him to read and sign. The king grudgingly went to grab a pen to begin the horribly mundane process ahead, but couldn’t find one. ‘Damn pens! Why am I always losing them?!’ his mind shouted. Frustrated he got up from his desk to check the nearby draws. Suddenly he shivered, ‘wow its cold in here’ he thought as he searched the draws and pulled out the almighty pen. Elliot pondered whether to go retrieve a blanket from the store room but decided it would be best just to get on with work so he could go to bed. He felt like he hadn’t slept in weeks, with all the ruckus of a ‘person from the surface’ arriving in his kingdom. Gazing out the window one more time and seeing the moon start to peak its head over the horizon and the towns folk retreating into their homes, he sighed wholeheartedly. Tonight was going to be another all-nighter.

The king awoke with a start! A loud banging was coming from outside the door to his throne room. He lifted his head up and sluggishly removed the papers that were stuck to his face. At this moment he realised 3 things: 1, he had fallen asleep in the throne room. 2, he was absolutely freezing and 3, there was still an incredible banging coming from the door. Elliot clutched his head in agony as the noise felt like someone was drilling through his skull. “Leave me alone” he exclaimed, his throat feeling scratchy and sore. The banging on the door stopped to his relief. However, hearing his own voice confirmed it, he was sick. ‘het-sheww’ he sneezed openly into the air and producing a light mist to fall onto the sea of crumpled documents in front of him. Elliot slowly stood up feeling extremely lightheaded and stumbled to the store room. As he arrived there, he grabbed a big fluffy blanked and hurriedly rushed back to the throne room, making sure no one saw. The other kingdoms already looked down on him for being the youngest king, and finding him shivering in his own throne room wrapped in an old blanket would make him the laughing stock of the whole of wonderland. No he couldn’t afford that. ‘het-shuu’ ‘HEESHEWW!’ the second sneeze was so forceful he lost his balance and tripped on the grand rug in the centre of the room and fell in a not so graceful heap on the floor. Groaning and rubbing his head, he grabbed onto the table he had previously been working on and hauled himself up. Getting back into his chair he pondered what to do next, but it seems the cold and the fall had taken its toll, and he passed out.

He awoke at the entrance to his red rose maze, this must be a dream he thought. In the distance Elliot heard a voice, beckoning to him. ‘Dad…’ Elliot’s mind called. He ran into the maze in search of his father, but the paths were different. Every way he went lead him on a series of paths before reaching a dead end. After what felt like hours of running Elliot collapsed, exhausted. Tears streamed down his face. ‘Dad!’ he cried out, but his voice came out as nothing more than a whisper. His body vigorously shaking with sobs. Suddenly a gentle hand was placed on Elliot’s shoulder. He turned still sobbing to see a muscular old man wearing a shining crown. Dad’ Elliot exclaimed. The man smiled. Elliot scrambled up and tried to hug the older man, but his arms just went through his body. ‘Dad?’ the man spoke he voice soothing and quiet “I don’t have much time but I have come to teach you one final lesson.” Elliot sat transfixed but managed to choke out a small “ok” “Elliot, a king does what is best for the kingdom and for its people. he is compassionate but stern, he fight for what he believes in…but a king knows the difference between showing a sign of weakness and between making a sensible decision to improve his heath so he can get back to his job. A king who is so focused on being a good king and doesn’t look after themselves is a bad king… You are a good king, my son. Its time you give yourself a break” Elliot stared stunned for a minute, swallowed and whispered “I will father” a far off voice called in the distance “sire… SIRE” the maze stared to become blurry. The old man spoke once more “I’ll always be watching over you” as the man started to walk away Elliot called out “I’ll make you proud dad!” the old man chuckled “I know you’ll do me proud. You always have… sleep well my son” and with that the maze faded and Elliot became aware of a voice shouting to him and a familiar banging.

“Sire you have a royal meeting with the king of diamonds in 20 minutes, you’ll be late!” Elliot rubbed his head, all his symptoms returning to him ‘ heshuu!’ he sneezed with a shiver. “just a...” Elliot started to say but stopped. There on the desk in front of him was a perfect, flawless red rose. He stared at it for a moment before calling to the servant “tell him I’m sick and I can’t make it” “sire you’re sick?! Ill inform the local doctors immediately hang in ther-” Elliot quickly interrupted “thank you but that won’t be necessary, it’s just a cold”

“A cold? But sir” the voice protested “this meeting is important and the king would be most annoyed I say you’re not coming because of a cold! What should I tell him?” Elliot paused, and then laughed “tell him I’m being a king… HESSHUU!…a good king!”

Thank you so much for reading and please tell me what you think! <3

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