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Handkerchief Survey


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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?

3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

5) Do you own any hankies?

6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?

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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)- REGUARLY USE A TISSUE, HANKY FOR SUMMER

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?- YES

3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?- WHEN I WAS 12

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?- N/A

5) Do you own any hankies?- YES

6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?- 12( 8 WHITE, THE REST ARE COLOURED)

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?- I USE TISSUES FOR COLD

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?-I USE HANKY FOR HAYFEVER

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?- MY EX-GF, HER BF, AND MY NAN LOL

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?

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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)

Both- I usually carry a hanky every day, but will switch to tissues if I have a bad cold, or if I need to be blowing my nose in front of other people (I prefer most people not to know I use handkerchiefs).

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

At age 25- perhaps unusually, I got interested in them through the fetish and eventually bought some to try.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

I still use them.

5) Do you own any hankies?


6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

About 30, in plain colours and check patterns. Colours are white, blue, purple and grey. Only 10 of my hankies are in regular use- 7 large plain white handkerchiefs (good quality and less obviously different from a tissue) and three in grey or grey-on white check, which I use more on a quiet day when people are less likely to see them.

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?

Yes, see 1.

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?

I don't get them.

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

I have met quite a few men my age who use handkerchiefs (slightly geeky, student types like me) and some older men. Of handkerchief users I've known personally, only two were women (one my age and one about fifty).

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?


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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)

Yes, I use a handkerchief every day - but also tend to use tissues sometimes (kleenex mansize, normally two together) to empty my nose first thing in the morning.

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

As a child, when I learnt to blow my nose - from about age 3-4.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

If anything, I switched the other way - my parents realised about age 11-12 that my nose-blows were shredding the family tissues we had. My mum bought me some mansize three-ply tissues, and encouraged me to stick to my hankies when I could!

5) Do you own any hankies?


6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

A broad collection, including standard mens handkerchiefs and a range of colourful bandanas which I love using - so big and thick, will take even my biggest nose-blows!

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?

I tend to use tissues when I have a cold and know that I am really going to, ahem, empty my sinuses out. But normally I stick to my hanky when I have a cold for just blowing my nose throughout the day, and carry more than one.

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?

For my hayfever blows, I love my hankies - I really want to blow hard and loud to get all the tickles out, and tissues really aren't capable of standing up to that!

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

A few of the guys at work...

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?


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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)

I rarely blow my nose but if I do, I use paper towels, toilet paper or tissues, the one easiest to get lol

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

When I was 5, maybe. I found a random children's handkerchief while browsing through my box of play and role clothes and saved it. I used it only once.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

See above. XD

5) Do you own any hankies?

I do, actually.

6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

Only 4, I think. All either coloured or embroidered.

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?


8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?


9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

No one irl.

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?

I think so o-o But well, I have no idea where my handkerchiefs are atm, so that's the first obstacle XD

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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)


2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?

As above

3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

Maybe around 5 or 6 yrs old, Was given some childrens hankies as a present, (still have some of them now).

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

Never use tissues

5) Do you own any hankies?

Yes (Many)

6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

Not really counted, mainly ladies or childrens hankies.

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?


8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?


9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

Some ppl I work with, not many!

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?


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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)


2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

As early as I can remember.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?


5) Do you own any hankies?


6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

Over forty. Mostly white, lots of lace, lots of flowers.

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?

No, but I usually make sure extra hankies are in my purse.

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?


9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

My sister.

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?


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  • 3 weeks later...

1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which) Now that my boyfriend and I have moved in together, I just use tissues or napkins :-(

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief? Of course!

3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie? Probably around 8 years old.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change? See question 1.

5) Do you own any hankies? Yes

6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like? About 60. Mens, womens, white, lace, plaid...

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference? Yes, if I have a germy cold- tissues.

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference? Hankies are the best for allergies.

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies? One of my coworkers.

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one? N/A

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  • 3 months later...

I first used handkerchieves when l was 8-9,but not so much until 15-16.Colds,allergies,flu or every day-doesn't matter--always a handkerchief,l have probably 200 or more womens' and over 300 mens' in every imaginable style,color,etc.All are large-15x15 (minimum) to 20x20 in ladies.With mens',17 1/2(minimum) to 22x22. 18 1/2 x18 1/2 to 20x20 is my ideal size.

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  • 1 year later...

1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)


2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

About 5 years old

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

I use them :)

5) Do you own any hankies?


6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

8 mens and 2 womens

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?


8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?


9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

3 guys in my university

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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)

Usually tissues, mostly because they're just more available.

2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

Probably around 6-ish - my parents always made me carry a hankie around with me everywhere I went in case I needed to blow my nose or something.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

Probably around the time I entered middle school (see #1 for reason). I occasionally use hankies though.

5) Do you own any hankies?


6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

I only have a few though since I don't use them much. I have 2 pink/red ones, one blue one and a black one :)

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?

Yes - since I'll be all germy and stuffed up I won't use hankies.

8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?

I'll try to use hankies when I have allergies since my nose'll be super runny, although I end up using tissues later because I usually soak the entire hanky with just one blow.

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

My roommate, although she normally uses tissues as well. (She owns hankies though)

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?

I probably won't use them more than I do currently

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1) Do you regularly use a tissue or a handkerchief for nose blowing? (which)


2) Have you ever used a handkerchief?


3) If so, when was the first time you used a hankie?

When I was a kid, maybe around 5. My mom made me carry a hankie every time I went out.

4) If you don't use one anymore, how old were you when you switched to tissues and why the change?

Around 15; because it's more practical to use tissue as I can just throw it away and not carry the snot around :)

5) Do you own any hankies?


6) If yes to 5, how many and what do they look like?

I don't know exactly how many. Someone gave me a box of light blue hankies as a present which I have never used. I also have 2 white ones which are actually pocket squares that I stick in my jacket pocket, and I never use them to blow my nose :)

7) Does getting a cold change your tissue/hankie preference?


8) Does getting hay fever/allergies change the preference?

When I have allergies I often use face towels at home which are thicker than hankies just to save money on tissue since I have to blow my nose a lot, and I mean a lot! :)

9) Who else do you know that uses hankies?

My dad.

10) If you aren't currently a hankie user, do you think there is a possibility of you starting to use one?

I doubt it.

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