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Favourite actors and actresses

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Hi everyone!

Just another topic to know more about your preferences tonguesmiley.gif

Personally my favourites are, in no particular order:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

I saw ALL of his movies and he's awesome and I think truly underrated (and God is he hot!!! marry me please????heart.gif)

Leonardo Di Caprio

Followed his rising career since Titanic and he never ceased to amaze me with his acting (even with his movies before Titanic)

Anne Hathaway

I just like her sweet smile and she's so sexy without being obnoxious about it. Loved her acting in The Devil Wears Prada and in Havoc and Les Misérables

Jack Nicholson

Jack is so brilliant in his acting I just have to put him in my list

Robert De Niro

Mr. De Niro has an awesome career behind him and I love him in every movie he is in. He's brilliant

Helena Bohnam Carter

Helena caught my attention in Fight Club. She's quite a type and isn't afraid to challenge different characters (The King's Speech - Alice in Wonderland - Les Mis - Charlie and The Chocolate Factory). I liked her best in Fight Club though. Such a nutcase smile.png

Maybe I'll add more in the future but at the moment these are my favourites.

I'm curious to see yours now ^_ ^

Sorry if this topic has already been posted in another place, if so, I did not see it and I apologize bag.gif

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Meryl Streep. She is the boss. I wasn't much of a fan of hers early on though, because I had only seen "She Devil" and "Death Becomes Her", and while the movies are fun and she's good, I thought she was... you know, over the top. It wasn't until later that I realised that both roles actually were meant to be played over the top. :lol: Her acting in "Devil Wears Prada" was delicious (but too scary for me to enjoy back then because I had a boss pretty much like Miranda), in "Silkwood" she's a complete different character (not to mention the best acted sneeze), she's funny and awesome in "It's Complicated", and while I didn't care much for her characters in either "Mamma Mia!" or "Hope Springs", her acting is flawless. And "The Iron Lady" is probably the best piece of acting I've ever seen. So. Yeah, Meryl.

I'm also a fan of Anne Hathaway, because she has the ability to turn very mainstream characters into someone you find interesting. Not to mention she's classy and her smile makes me melt like wax. I also enjoy the fact that she's a girl who isn't afraid to play "clumsy" characters. I particularly liked her in "Devil Wears Prada", because she and Meryl acted so well together.

Helen Mirren. Because, well... her portraying of queens are outstanding. :lol: "The Queen" is an acting masterpiece, and she's not bad as an agent either (Red), or a calendar girl (Calendar Girls).

Goldie Hawn: I've mostly seen her in quite shallow romantic comedies, but she does those with gusto. And she seems to be such a sweet and fun person to be around, too. "1st Wives Club" is one of my favorite movies.

Gaaah, I have more to add, but I really have to get off the computer now...! So, I'll be baaaack! ^_^

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In no particular order:

Tilda Swinton

She has that striking, otherworldly quality that always gives me shivers. The best kind of shivers. I first fell in love with her after seeing her as the White Witch in the first Narnia movie.

Rebecca Hall

Incredible screen presence. Crazy talented. And possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Ian McKellen

That. Voice. The moment he opens his mouth, I can't take my eyes off him and am hanging on to every word he utters. His Macbeth was mind-blowing. I loved him in Gods and Monsters. Also, he is Gandalf. Your argument is invalid.

Ben Whishaw

Another actor whose voice and delivery I just adore. And the man himself is such a small, soft-spoken, delicate little creature. He was amazing in The Hour and Cloud Atlas, and the only good thing about the film-adaption of Süskind's Perfume.

Cillian Murphy

Batman Begins, Sunshine, Breakfast on Pluto, Peacock, Red Eye, Inception... Whatever the role, Cillian is always completely mesmerizing to me. I'm especially impressed by his role as a trans-woman, and another female role where he plays both a man and a woman sharing the same body as a result of a split personality disorder. I love a man who can play female characters convincingly.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Yet another ridiculously beautiful voice. Belonging to a true chameleon. He completely disappears into his roles. He becomes them. I enjoy him the most when he's playing vulnerable and/or awkward characters, like Vincent Van Gogh, the terminally ill James in Third Star, Bernard in Small Island, or Martin Crieff in Cabin Pressure, but he's equally convincing as super-confident heroes (Sherlock, Edmund in To the Ends of the Earth) or villains (Khan, The Angel Islington). I can't wait to see him as Julian Assange and Smaug the Dragon.

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Oh, we could be here a while. heh.gif First row to sprout from my mind, in no particular (or unparticular) order:

- Alan Rickman (his voice, how he carries himself, his wonderful acting... goosebumps wub.png )

- Stephen Fry

- Emma Thompson

- Hugh Laurie

- Maggie Smith

- Joseph Gordon Levitt / Benedict Cumberbatch / Martin Freeman

- The Goodies (the wonderful Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie)

- Colin Firth (Mr Darcy, need we say more?)

- Michelle Dockery / Anne Hathaway (I'm an absolute sucker for elegance)

- Ian McKellen

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James McAvoy- I mean...I think you could guess that. In addition to possessing most of the physical characteristics that I find attractive (brown hair with blue eyes, facial scruff, slightly floppy/shaggy hair, accents!). I love that he can play high-class and low class, action/superhero star, classical acting and more mainstream, theater and film, and he's really good at a lot of different accents. And I like that he's cheeky, playful, and a family man (I totally respect he's not into the Hollywood scene and award shows, etc, even if it means he isn't always crowding up the talk shows and press for my own entertainment).

And of course, there's that film "The Last Station"....

Ben Whishaw- I, like VoOs, find him captivating. He's very unassuming and slight, but fascinating to watch. And he tore my heart to bits in "Bright Star"

Keira Knightley- I don't actually think she's a terribly good actress, but I LOVE period films and she's in so many, I can't help but like her movies in general. I think she's very well suited to them anyhow and lovely to look at in all those fancy costumes!

Mark Ruffalo- He's kind of an enigma for me when he's on screen. He plays such unique characters and he's got such a specific 'vibe'. He feels familiar and yet untouchable all at once...I admire his subtlety.

Tom Hanks- He's like my favorite uncle. I like him in almost everything. His performance in "Philadelphia" is a favorite.

Rachel McAdams- From 'Mean Girls' to 'The Notebook'? I mean, c'mon! Total transformation. I think she's great.

Emma Thompson- Breaks my heart in 'Love Actually' and cracks me up in 'Harry Potter'. And I love her in "Angels in America".

Liam Neeson- Doubly breaks my heart in "Love Actually".

And of course, the classics.....Helen Mirren and Judi Dench and Maggie Smith are all astounding. Ditto to the lovely Michael Caine.

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I knew I'd be back in this topic, so here we go... the list continues:

Kathy Bates; her acting in "Misery" is fantastic, and then she goes and top it with her "Dolores Claiborne" - not to mention pretty much anything she's been in. Like Meryl, she can do anything.

Cher; much underrated as an actress. Her acting in "Witches of Eastwick", "Silkwood", and above all others in my opinion, "Mask" is awesome.

Tara Fitzgerald is one of my favorites because of her raspy "whisky and cigarettes"-voice. It sets me on fire. I particularly like her in the BBC series "Waking the Dead", as well as in the quite weird movie "In a Dark Place".

I really loved Angelina Jolie in her early movies but after Tomb Raider I lost a lot of that admiration. Can't say why.

I never considered Julianne Moore much of an actress (in fact, I thought her acting was quite horrible) until I saw her portray Sarah Palin so convincingly I actually thought she was Palin in certain scenes. Great acting, and what I've seen from the upcoming remake of "Carrie", it wasn't a fluke. Or I just saw something I had never seen before. Either way. :lol:

As for the men... I usually don't care much for males, I hardly notice them at all, but there are a few actors that I really like:

Morgan Freeman, of course. He can do anything. Cop, God, president, criminal - everything delivered with complete perfection. "Shawshank Redemption" is the greatest movie of all times in my opinion, and he's the one making it what it is.

Jeff Bridges; from bowling loser in "Big Lebowski", to psychopathic killer in "The Vanishing", to kind-hearted millionaire in "Seabiscuit"... not to mention all other roles he has played with perfection. Awesome, dude. ^_^

Pierce Brosnan: will always be James Bond to me. That's it, and that's all.

Denzel Washington: one of the very few men I would go at least a little bi for. Not to mention he's a great actor. "The Bone Collector" is my favourite movie starring him.

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