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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Kudos to all of you lovely people

Coffee Mug

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As many of you, I have a Facebook account and I have just realized that I post way more on here that I do on FB. This forum is far more interesting!

You awesome people know me so much more than all of my friends of FB, seriously. The only difference is that you don't know how I look like. But who cares?

This forum is so great that I can post about EVERYTHING on here.

I post about every random stuff like the music I love and that I listen to, about the things I eat about movies I like, I can open topics about my favourite actors and people actually respond to it with interesting answers and opinions about their own favourites and it's so cool!

I can rant about every single shit that happens in my life.

I have talked about very private personal issues and people not only have answered me but have supported me in such a sweet way that I didn't think was possible. Were else could this happen?

I would never ever post my personal shit on facebook, no way.

And of course, free porn stuff all the way :D discussions, awesome observations, suggestions on the media and brilliant stories and artwork from talented forumers.

I really would like to contribute back to the forum with stories and more articulated answers and stuff but it's really hard some time to translate my Italian thoughts into a decent English sentence, but I'm working on that :)

Ok, enough of this. Just wanted to spread my kudos to the whole SFF.

Night sweety-pies :D (it's 3 am here. I actually should start thinking to go to sleep...err.)

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Right back atcha, girl! Kudos for being so brave and share your inner self with us. You are a lot stronger than you think, and I hope being on this forum can help you see that yourself. I know it has helped me through some hard times.

(also, you're not a native English speaker? Wow, you certainly fooled me.)

Yep, this is the best place on the Internet. Kudos to you all for making it that way.


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