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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Julian/Daniel story: For NightWolf

Coffee Chicken Barista

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Well NightWolf, I hope you (and everyone else who decides to read this) enjoy! This will be a multi-chapter story but if you ever start to get bored with it, let me know, and I'll wrap it up. :) Thank you so much for the Adam/Blake story. It was awesome! Also NightWolf, let me know if there's anything else in particular you want in the story.

Chapter 1:

Daniel yawned and slowly woke up, pulling Julian closer against the cold winter air. Julian smiled and rolled over in Daniel’s arms, nuzzling himself into Daniel’s neck. Daniel laughed quietly as Julian’s hair tickled his neck.

“Morning sweetheart.”

Julian smiled sleepily and leaned up, kissing his boyfriend’s lips gently. Daniel smiled into the kiss, cuddling impossibly closer. Julian kissed Daniel’s neck gently.

“I love you Danny.”

“I love you too Julian.”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

Daniel laughed as he felt some spray mist his neck.

“Bless you cutie. What were those about?”

Julian blushed slightly and kissed Daniel’s cheek.

“Allergies. My nose is itchy.”

Daniel laughed as Julian’s nose twitched adorably, already a little pink around the edges.

“Be sure to take your allergy meds before you go to class today hon.”

Julian mock glared at his boyfriend before pitching forward again.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Bless you, you allergic mess.”

Julian laughed before climbing out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Daniel watched his boyfriend, admiring his butt, as he went to go get ready before sleepily climbing out of bed and getting ready for class.


“Julian? Julian? JULIAN?”


Julian looked up at his friend John, who was glancing at him worriedly.

“Julian, man, you okay? You’ve been kinda out of it for the past few hours.”

Julian sniffled before pitching forward with a quick set of sneezes.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you man!”

Julian sniffled and pulled a tissue from his pocket, blowing his bright red nose. John wrapped a protective arm around his friend.

“You’ve been sneezing a lot. Are you alright?”

“Yeah. I think my allergy meds aren’t working today and it’s just screwing with my head a little bit.”

“You sure it’s allergies?”

Julian sniffled and nodded.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s allergies.”

John nodded and gave his friend a quick one-armed hug before returning to his work. Julian sniffled before pitching forward again.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Bless you man.”



Julian shivered against the cold winter air as he walked home from class. He had a headache, his allergies were still bothering him and he really just wanted to curl up on the couch with a blanket.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Ugh!”

Julian sniffled as he opened the front door. He felt so terrible. He just wanted his boyfriend.


“Hey baby.”

Julian smiled as Daniel walked over and pulled him into a warm hug. Julian buried his face in Daniel’s neck, kissing his boyfriend softly before pulling away and sneezing abruptly.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO!

“Gesundheit baby. Allergies still bugging you?”

Julian sniffled and rubbed his runny nose, letting out a small cough.

“I feel horrible Danny.”

Daniel smiled slightly and kissed his boyfriend’s head gently.

“I’m sorry you don’t feel well baby. Are you sure it’s allergies, hon, or do you feel like you’re getting a cold?”

Julian sniffled and put his head on Daniel’s shoulder.

“I think I might be catching a cold.”

Daniel wrapped an arm around Julian and led him over to the couch.

“How about you curl up here and I’ll make us some tea?”

Julian sniffled and nodded before pitching forward.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Bless you sweetheart.”

Daniel kissed his boyfriend’s forehead before going to the kitchen to make some tea for his sniffly boyfriend. Julian sat down on the couch and pulled a quilt over his chilled body, before letting out a quiet cough, and leaning back against the armrest. A moment later, Daniel walked out of the kitchen, 2 mugs of tea in hand. He smiled brightly when he saw Julian curled up on the couch, already fast asleep. Daniel set down the mugs and sat down next to him, before kissing Julian’s forehead.

“Sleep well baby. I hope you feel better when you wake up.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Ahhhh this is sooooooo good! Please continue <33333

I might just die of sadness if you dont...

Keep me alive and keep it up! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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*squeals* I love it! Thank you SO much! It's soooooooo cute! You've melted me into a puddle of happy goo! *squeals again* yay! Thank you thank you thank you! I love these boys (also, daniel is like my favorie name haha I just love it) you are awesome!

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KendallLuv-Oh noes! We can't have you dying of sadness, now can we? :)

NightWolf-Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Super happy! And don't worry, there will be more to come my dear!

Amberlight24-Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it! And there will definitely be more!

DeathNoteOwner-Yay! Glad you like it!

Chapter 2:

Julian yawned and sleepily blinked his eyes open before groaning loudly. He felt stuffed up and his throat was on fire. He slowly sat up and pulled the blanket over his shoulders before trudging into the kitchen in search of his boyfriend.


Daniel looked up and smiled at his sleepy boyfriend.

“Hey cutie pie. How are you feeling?”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO!

“That good, huh?”

Julian sniffled and walked over to his boyfriend, dropping his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.

“Don’t feel well.”

Daniel smiled and kissed the top of his boyfriend’s head.

“Do you wanna go curl up in bed babe?”

Julian sniffled and shook his head “no”.

“I’m okay. I have so much work to do for class tomorrow. I need to be up for at least a little bit.”

Daniel smiled and pulled his boyfriend into a loving and gentle hug. Julian smiled as Daniel began to gently rub his back, his eyes already drooping shut.

“Danny, I need to stay awake for a bit.”

Daniel smiled and pulled his boyfriend close, kissing his lips gently.

“I love you.”

Julian smiled and kissed Daniel’s lips again.

“I love you too.”


Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Gesundheit babe.”

Julian sniffled and blew his nose as Daniel wrapped his arms around Julian’s shoulders, kissing his neck gently.

“Honey, it’s late. You need to come to bed and get some rest.”

Julian sniffled and sighed.

“I still have some work to do baby.”

Daniel kissed the top of Julian’s head and put a gentle hand against his boyfriend’s forehead.

“You don’t feel feverish babe but I don’t want you getting any sicker.”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you baby.”

Julian sniffled and blew his nose again before leaning back into his boyfriend’s embrace. Daniel kissed Julian’s head lightly before wrapping the warm blanket further over his boyfriend’s body.

“Do you want me to wait up with you hon?”

“No. It’s okay. You can go to bed.”


Daniel smiled as he gently tilted Julian’s head up, placing a loving kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. Julian smiled before pulling away sadly.

“You need to stop kissing me. You’re gonna catch my cold.”

“Don’t care.”

Daniel kissed Julian’s lips again lightly before pulling away.

“Don’t stay up too late baby.”

“I won’t. Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO!


Julian smiled slightly as he heard Daniel leave the room and head for bed.


Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO!

“Bless you.”

Julian smiled at Daniel’s sleepy voice as he finally came in 2 hours later. Julian quickly changed out of his clothes and into a pair of sweatpants and one of Daniel’s hoodies before climbing into bed next to his boyfriend. Daniel immediately wrapped an arm around Julian’s waist, pulling him close and entwining their legs together.

“Your feet are cold Julian.”

“I’m warming up.”

Daniel smiled sleepily as he closed his eyes, almost immediately falling back asleep. Julian sniffled sleepily and burrowed under the covers, cuddling close to his boyfriend and falling asleep.


Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO! HSHOO!

“Bless you.”

Julian sat up and grabbed a tissue, quickly bringing it to his runny nose.

“Sorry I woke you up Danny.”

“It’s okay. You’re sick, you can’t help it.”

Julian sniffled and cuddled closer to Daniel. Daniel kissed his boyfriend’s forehead and frowned slightly.

“You feel a little bit warm.”

Daniel groaned and climbed out of bed, walking out of the room. He came back a moment later with a thermometer.

“Open up babe.”

Julian sniffled and opened his mouth, allowing Daniel to slip the thermometer in. When it beeped, Daniel pulled it from his mouth.


Julian sniffled and cuddled back in bed.

“I think I’m just warm from the blankets and body heat.”

Daniel smiled and climbed back under the covers, spooning up against his boyfriend and kissing his neck.

“Go back to sleep baby.”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HSHOO!

“Bless you.”

Julian grabbed another tissue and blew his nose loudly before finally settling back in.

“I love you Danny.”

“I love you too sweetheart.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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I request Contagion :D that part about Daniel getting sick.. Yah make that happen ;3. Anyhow continue<3

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I love this story so much! Thank you for writing it for me :) and yes, contagion= awesome :)

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DeathNoteOwner-You request contagion and contagion you shall have!

NightWolf-Yay! I'm glad you like it! Give me some new ideas if you have any!

secretsneezelover27-Thank you so much!

gummiflummi-Haha! They love you too!

Chapter 3:

Daniel woke up, blinking sleepily, before kissing his boyfriend’s neck gently. Julian stirred and slowly turned around, cuddling closer into Daniel’s embrace. Daniel smiled and began to gently rub his sick boyfriend’s back.

“Good morning baby.”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

Daniel laughed quietly and kissed his boyfriend’s head.

“How are you feeling sweetie?”

“Not great.”

Daniel pulled his boyfriend closer, nuzzling his neck as Julian sniffled wetly.

“I’m sorry you’re not feeling well babe.”

Julian groaned and slowly climbed out of bed, sniffling all the while. Daniel watched his boyfriend, wishing he could make him feel better, before climbing out of bed and following Julian into the bathroom.

“Honey, do you want to take a day off? Stay curled up in bed and just rest?”

Julian sighed and sniffled.

“I wish I could but I have so much work to…Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO!

“Bless you baby.”

Daniel walked behind Julian and wrapped his arms around Julian’s bare chest, kissing his neck gently before resting his chin on Julian’s shoulder.

“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

Julian smiled and leaned back against Daniel.

“Can I take your hoodie?”

Daniel laughed and kissed Julian’s neck again.

“Of course you can baby.”

Julian smiled and tilted his head back, catching Daniel’s lips in a gentle and loving kiss. Daniel pulled Julian closer, deepening the kiss and slowly turning his boyfriend around in his arms. Daniel pushed his tongue past Julian’s lips, pulling him even closer before Julian abruptly pulled away but not quite fast enough, sneezing directly in Daniel’s face.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H…HSHOO!

“Bless you babe.”

Julian paled and blushed simultaneously.

“Danny! I am so sorry!”

Daniel pulled Julian close and kissed his lips again.

“Don’t worry about it sweetheart.”

“But you’re going to get sick.”

“I’ll be fine baby. I promise.”

Julian sniffled and pulled Daniel into a hug, hoping his boyfriend was right.


Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HSHOO!

“Bless you Julian!”

Julian sniffled and blew his runny nose before turning back to John.

“Sorry. Where were we?”


Julian groaned before turning back to his notes. John frowned as Julian sniffled again before leaning over and trying to put a hand to Julian’s forehead. Julian ducked away at the last minute before glaring at John.

“I’m fine. It’s just a cold. Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Sure it is.”

Julian sniffled and blew his nose again.

“It is just a cold. We have finals next week and I am not allowed to be any sicker than I am now.”

John sighed but shrugged, allowing Julian to blow his wet, runny nose again.

“Just let me know if you need a break from studying.”

Julian nodded and sniffled before turning back to his notes.


“Hey hon!”

Julian looked up from his spot on the couch when he heard the front door open.

“Hey Danny.”

Daniel smiled at his boyfriend before coming over and sitting down next to him on the couch. Julian smiled and leaned over, curling up against Daniel’s warm body. Daniel kissed Julian’s head and wrapped an arm around him, cuddling him close.

“Are you feeling any better?”

Julian forced a smile, not wanting to admit how terrible he felt.

“I feel better. Still sneezy but be….be…Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HSHOO!

“Bless you sneezy.”

Julian smiled and buried his face in Daniel’s neck. Daniel kissed Julian’s head again before quickly turning away from his boyfriend.

Issht! Issht! Issht!

Julian’s head shot up worriedly.


Daniel smiled at his boyfriend sweetly.

“Before you even ask: my throat’s sore, my nose is running and I’ve been sneezing all day so, yes, I think I may have caught your cold.”

Julian sniffled and kissed Daniel’s lips sadly.

“I’m sorry baby.”

Daniel smiled and kissed his boyfriend again.

“It’s completely fine baby. Now, tell me how you actually feel.”

Julian sniffled and groaned.

“How did you know?”

Daniel hugged Julian, laughing quietly.

“I know you too well. You could never fool me.”

Julian sighed.

“I feel horrible. Danny, I’m so sick.”

“I know honey.”

“I’m not allowed to be this sick though. I…Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HSHOO! HSHOO! I have finals.”

Daniel sighed and kissed Julian’s head.

“I know sweetheart. We’ll just have to get you better before then.”

“But I have to study!”

“And I will help you. I promise.”

Julian smiled and leaned down, putting his head in Daniel’s lap.

“I don’t want you to get any sicker though.”

Daniel smiled and leaned down, kissing Julian’s lips softly.

“How about we both have a relaxing night and go to bed early? Ishht! Ishht! Ishht! I…ISHHT!

“Bless you. I like that idea.”

“Okay. But first, I wanna take your temperature. You feel warmer than usual.”

Julian pouted but allowed Daniel to stand up and go get the thermometer from the bathroom. He returned a moment later and sat down next to Julian, slipping the thermometer into his mouth. Julian sniffled, the tickle unfortunately returning to his nose. He tried desperately to hold off his sneeze until the thermometer had completed its job but to no avail.

H…H…H…Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HSHOO! HSHOO!

Julian sniffled sadly as he spit out the thermometer due to his sneezes. Daniel kissed Julian’s head gently.

“Let’s try again sweetheart.”

Julian nodded and opened his mouth again, allowing Daniel to return the thermometer to his mouth. This time, Julian managed to stave off his sneezes until Daniel pulled the thermometer out.



“Bless you baby.”

Julian sniffled and sighed as Daniel kissed his head.

“Come on sickie. Let’s go get in pajamas, curl up in bed and watch crappy TV.”

Julian smiled and allowed Daniel to help him up and lead him to the bedroom.

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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I. Am. In. Love. With. This. Story. It's brilliant! They're so cute together! I loves them! I just want to cuddle with both of them and make them feel better!

As for new ideas, maybe Daniel got suddenly get like uber sick and then Julian feels all guilty because he lands in the hospital or almost has to. I don't even know haha

Edited by obsessed
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Yay for contagion! And the hoody-scene: absolutely precious!!! More more more

God, I LOVE sick!fic.

These are awesome, just keep up the good work! Thank you!!!

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secretsneezelover27-Yay! I'm glad you enjoy it!

NightWolf-Aw, thank you! I'm so happy you thing the boys are adorable. So let me know if you want me to continue for one or two more chapters or if you want me to end it now.

DeathNoteOwner-Cool, I'm glad you like it!

gummiflummi-I love sick boys in hoodies! They're my favorites. I'm glad you like it.

Chapter 4:

Daniel sniffled and kissed Julian’s neck as he woke up.

“Baby, wake up time.”

Julian sniffled and opened his eyes, cuddling back into Daniel’s chest. Daniel smiled and hugged Julian close.

“How are you feeling sweetie?”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Ugh!”

“Bless you sweetie.”

Daniel plucked a tissue from the box by the bed and held it to Julian’s runny nose.

“Blow your nose baby.”

Julian blew his nose wetly and snuffled. Daniel kissed Julian’s cheek and placed a hand to Julian’s forehead and then his cheeks.

“You feel a little cooler than you did yesterday.”

Julian sniffled and rolled over, kissing Daniel’s lips lovingly.

“How are you feeling Danny?”

“I’m okay. Honestly, I feel a little worse than I did yesterday but I’m alright. Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you Danny.”

Julian nuzzled closer to Daniel’s chest, savoring his boyfriend’s warmth for a minute, before dropping a kiss on Daniel’s collarbone and climbing out of bed. Daniel smiled before sitting up and pulling Julian back down so he was sitting on the bed in between Daniel’s legs. Julian smiled as Daniel kissed his neck and nuzzled his cheek. Daniel wrapped his arms around Julian’s waist and placed his head on Julian’s shoulder.

“Baby, maybe you should take a day off. I know you have a lot to do but you’re still running a fever and I’m worried about you.”

Julian smiled at his boyfriend’s sweetness and turned his head, catching Daniel’s lips in a sweet and innocent kiss.

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should stay here and rest.”

Daniel kissed Julian’s cheek and nuzzled his neck. Julian smiled before pitching forward.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you baby.”

Julian smiled and got up before cuddling back under the covers. Daniel smiled and kissed Julian’s forehead.

“Feel better baby.”

“Thanks Danny. You too.”

Issht! Issht! Issht!



Daniel sniffled and rubbed his runny nose with a tissue. He had been feeling progressively worse over the course of the day and he really just wanted to go home to rest and to make sure his boyfriend was feeling better. Even though he was feeling horrible, he still worried about Julian. His boyfriend’s immune system wasn’t the best and he always felt super protective of Julian when he was sick.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! I…ISSHT! ISSHT! ISSHT!

Daniel sniffled and blew his nose before letting out a wet string of coughs.

“Bless you Dan. You feeling okay?”

Daniel looked up at Jesse and sniffled.

“Feel like shit.”

Jesse smiled at his friend and pulled him into a hug.

“Caught your boyfriend’s cold, did you?”

Daniel smiled and nodded before pitching forward again.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you Dan.”


Daniel blew his nose again and groaned, his eyes turning glassy. Jesse frowned.

“Do you have a fever?”

“No. I don’t think…Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

Jesse sighed and came up to Daniel, putting a wrist to his forehead.

“Holy crap! Dan, you’re burning up!”

“I am? Issht! Issht! Issht! I…ISSHT! ISSHT! ISSHT!

Jesse pulled Daniel into a hug and began to lead him out of the library. Daniel sniffled and leaned against Jesse as the room began to spin.

“Jesse, I feel a little dizzy.”

“Okay Dan, we’re going to get you home and let you rest, okay?”

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you kiddo.”


Julian coughed harshly as he poured himself a mug of tea. He jumped, startled, and burned his hand slightly when he heard the front door open.



Julian walked into the front room and saw Jesse holding Daniel in his arms. Jesse sighed.

“Hey Julian, Dan feels really warm. I think he’s running a pretty high fever.”

Julian frowned and pulled Daniel into his arms.

“Baby, what’s going on? You’re pretty sick, huh sweetie?”

Daniel leaned his head against Julian’s shoulder, coughing lightly. Julian kissed Daniel’s head before turning away and pitching forward.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you.”

Julian couldn’t help but smile as Daniel continued to take care of him, even though he was burning up with fever. Julian kissed Daniel’s head and led him to their bedroom, nodding his thanks to Jesse. When they got back to the bedroom, Julian helped Daniel lie down on the bed before kissing his forehead.

“Try to get some sleep honey. When you wake up, we’ll try to get some food into your tummy but for now, just rest.”

Daniel sniffled before pitching forward and burying his head in his pillow.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you baby.”

“Don’t feel good.”

“I know honey. Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you. You should rest too. You’re still sick.”

Julian smiled and cuddled under the comforter, nuzzling into Daniel’s chest.

“Love you.”

“Love you…Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Love you too.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Continue. I request Maybe a little messiness(spray) , uncovered sneezes. Ehm lets see other than that you could add allergies too. Cold+allergies=messy c: heh. So good story already :D

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This is too cute omigawsh <3

“Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!”

“Bless you.”

Julian couldn’t help but smile as Daniel continued to take care of him, even though he was burning up with fever.

AWWWW!!!! *dies*

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Oh mah goodness! Cute! Please do a few more chapters! I love these two! I'm with DeathNoteOwner, uncovered, spraying sneezes please.

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  • 3 weeks later...

DeathNoteOwner-Hey, I added a little bit of messiness but not very much. I had already pretty much finished the story. But next time around, I'll add in more.

secretsneezelover27-Aw, thanks!

glue-Aw, I'm glad you liked it.

NightWolf-Thanks dear! I hope you enjoyed the story!

Chapter 5:

Daniel woke up and frowned when he noticed his boyfriend was gone. He sat up slowly before letting out a wet string of coughs.

“Julian? Babe?”

“One second.”

Daniel sighed and leaned back down against the pillow, his head pounding. He felt so miserable.


Daniel looked up and saw his boyfriend in the doorway, a plate in his hand. Daniel smiled.

“Hey Julian. What’s up?”

“I was feeling better this morning so I figured I’d get up and make you breakfast in bed.”

Daniel smiled as Julian walked over and sat down next to him. Julian lifted his wrist to Daniel’s forehead, then cheeks.

“You’re pretty warm baby.”

Daniel sniffled before abruptly pulling away from Julian.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you babe.”

Daniel sniffled and grabbed a tissue, blowing his nose wetly. Julian smiled and dropped a small kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead before laying down next to him on the bed. Daniel smiled as Julian cuddled up against his chest, kissing his neck.

“How are you feeling babe?”

“A bit better. But still sneezy. Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you Julian!”

Julian sniffled and nuzzled into Daniel’s chest. Daniel wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, pulling him closer and kissing his neck. Julian tilted his head up and kissed Daniel’s lips before Daniel pulled away, coughing. Julian kissed Daniel’s cheek before leaning over and grabbing the breakfast plate.

“I made you eggs and oatmeal and bacon and coffee and orange juice.”

Daniel smiled and nuzzled Julian’s nose, prompting a sneeze from both of them.

Issht! Issht!


Both boys laughed quietly before turning towards their breakfast.


Daniel coughed loudly before pitching forward.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you honey.”

Julian kissed Daniel’s forehead and frowned as he noticed his temperature had risen.

“Honey, let me take your temp. You feel pretty hot.”

Daniel sniffled and blew his nose as Julian got up to retrieve the thermometer. He slid it into Daniel’s mouth and kissed his forehead. After a minute, Julian removed the thermometer and frowned.

“Honey, you have a fever of 103 degrees. Let me make an appointment for you to go to the doctor.”

“No. I’m fine. No doc…Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Ow, my head!”

Julian frowned and rubbed Daniel’s back.

“Honey, please.”

Daniel sniffled before nodding and allowing Julian to pull out his phone and dial their doctor.


Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you honey! Come on, blow your nose.”

“It hurts too much!”

“I know baby. Do you want to take another decongestant? Or maybe go take a hot shower and let the steam help?”

Daniel rolled over and buried his aching head in his pillow. Julian leaned over and wrapped an arm around Daniel.

“I know it hurts baby. That’s what happens with sinus infections.”

Daniel frowned before pitching forward.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! I…ISSHT! ISSHT! OW!”

“Oh babe.”

Julian sniffled and pitched forward.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you Julian.”

Julian smiled and kissed Daniel’s cheek.

“Do you want to just stay home and cuddle today?”

Daniel smiled and nodded, pulling Julian closer to him.

“I love you Julian. Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“I love you too Danny.”


Comments? Requests? Other things?

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I loved it! Thank you so much! I'm sad to see it end, but it was truely splendid! Thank you so much!

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  • 1 year later...

I love this story I' new on here but I absolutely in love could you maybe write a story where Danny's sick first but hides it from Julian so Julian gets mad when he finds out well I love your stories ??

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