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Did anybody else going through an anorexic period get this?


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I went through this really weird anorexic period although I'm fine now but what was really strange is I always wanted to see pictures of food or read parts in books where it describes food or watch video clips of people eating. Is there any psychological reason behind this and did anyone else get this?

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Yes, it's completely normal you get obsessed with food if you don't allow your body to get the energy it needs. And it's not only anorexic people who know that, it's everyone who did a longer diet. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to have eating disorders and now all I want to do is eat. I'm still very skinny, but I won't be for long if I keep this up. It's embarrassing!

Anyway, my advice, if this is bothering you, is to talk to a therapist, if you aren't already. I went to one for months and found her very helpful. I think I need to go again, but my parents can't afford it.

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I was anoroxic But still watch what I eat, I eat a tiny bit more nao but still a little off than normal.

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I suffered with anorexia and bulemia for years.

The psychological reason behind obsessing over food is that anorexia is a disorder and for people who suffer with it, food takes over their lives. While I was suffering, thoughts of food consumed my entire life. I rarely thought of anything else. My days were spent thinking about what I was going to (or not going to) eat, watching others stuff their faces and jealously over took watching slim people eat, having a fear of eating in front of others in case they thought I was fat.

So I knoe exactly what you went through, I'm glad you're ok now as well.

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