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I was just wondering, given that we have quite a few anime/sci-fi/fantasy fiction fans around here and how often the subcultures cross, just how many dice and paper Role-players we have around. I've been a proud tabletop and Live Action Role Player for the last 27 years now, mostly as a GM in tabletop and I was wondering how many other geeks and proud of it are around the forum.

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I've never done LARPing, but I'd love to try it someday.

As far as tabletop RPGs, I've played a couple. I played some Dungeons and Dragons with my friends once, but it was just too complicated for our lot of simpletons. I mean, we could handle it, but we didn't enjoy it quite enough to justify the hassle. However, on the side, one of my roommates has been making one of his own tabletop games, so whenever we want to play one now, we play his to help him test it. Hopefully it'll go somewhere, since I think it's a lot of fun.

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Played for years. Not currently but that is because the last DM I played with was an <deleted bad word>.

A couple of years back I was part of a good group. The DM made one of the other female characters catch a cold and her sneezing kept alerting monsters and others to our presence. It was fairly awesome.

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I used to play some D&D over skype and have many a tabletop game I would love to try out if I could find a local group (Shadowrun, World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, etc). As for LARPing? I've never done it, but would love to someday oneday maybe. For now I'm more of a video gaming nerd and substitute local RPGs with MMORPGs.

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I have played hella tabletop rpgs in my day, of many different systems (conventional DnD is filled with needless rigamarole and should never be attempted by sane people, imo). Me and my friends have actually cooked up a number of our own systems for the odd game.

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I used to play D&D when I was a young sprout. As to it being filled with useless crap, it can get complex if you tack on a lot of supplements, but the basics aren't too bad. In college, when we slapped together a group, we taught two of the players' girlfriends to play in 15 mins.

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  • 2 months later...

I love role-playing. I've only ever actually played DnD, but I would love to get into a World of Darkness or Shadowrun game sometime.

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Me, me, I do that! :D I love to play tabletop games, even though i'm still not very good at them and it is SOOOO HARRRD to find a decent DM, gosh. But yes! I enjoy this activity. :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never played tabletop games or done any LARPing. I've always wanted to, but it's never happened.

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