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Taking care of a baby blackbird- need help


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Hello, chaps and chapsettes!

My aunt found an abandoned baby blackbird today and brought it home. We fed it, got it warm and made it drink, but besides that we have absolutely no idea what to do with it. Does anyone have any experience with rescuing wild baby birds?



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Yeah, I don't think this is the best place to ask. if you're serious, try searching pages from your local wildlife rescue or charity. Even a google or ask search to find what a vet says might yield better results!

... that said. If it's not hurt, try putting back where you found it and waiting a few hours. A lot of babies look abandoned because the moment humans come near the parents fly off, and won't return until humans are gone.

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If it's not injured it's best to get a cardboard box and line it with grass and stuff and tie it up in the tree that it fell out of as high up as you can get it(if you know which tree it is). It's a myth that mother birds will abandon a baby bird after a human has touched it due to the smell(most birds have a very poor sense of smell). I once did this and later observed the mother bird feeding the baby bird in the box I left it in.

If it is injured then you'd best take it to a wildlife rescue center. Also I'm not sure what you are feeding it, but in general you have to be very careful when giving baby birds food and water because they can accidentally aspirate it and die. This happened to a childhood friend of mine that tried to take care of a baby bird without really knowing what they were doing.

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