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Some interesting sneeze science


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So this week I came across not just one interesting bit of sneeze-related science in my usual readings, but two!

The first: a webcomic called XKCD usually depicts simple stick-people doing sciencey things, but every Tuesday the author also writes a "what if" answer. Basically, readers are able to write in with a science-related question and the author will answer, usually with humorous stick-people comics. This week's question: "If you call a random phone number and say “God bless you”, what are the chances that the person who answers just sneezed? On average, not just in spring or fall."

Find out now! - http://what-if.xkcd.com/55/

The second: an article from Ars Technica, a sciencey news site, had a very fascinating article about the effects of allergy commercials on allergic and non-allergic test subjects. Both groups were given histamine injections to provoke allergic responses, were given doses of Claritin, asked if they thought Claritin was effective against their allergies, then watched a movie with some commercials for Zyrtec and Claritin. Long study short, those who had allergies and felt that Claritin was ineffective actually had their allergies react worse if they saw the Claritin ads. It seems there's some real science behind my stab at "fakey sneeze fic science" from Start Simulation. If you have allergies, are suffering right now, took a medicine you knew doesn't work for you, and see an allergy ad, you'd probably be a bit more provoked and suffer from your allergies just a little bit more than if you hadn't seen the ad at all. Funny how the mind affects your body. Well, your allergic nose anyway.

Read up! - http://arstechnica.c...-drug-activity/

- PF

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Oh man, I love Randall. What a weird question to ask, too.

400 sneezes a year per person seems absurdly low to me, though.

Also, "I know what you did" is now the most hilarious response to someone sneezing of all time. Definitely going to be saying that to friends who read XKCD from now on.

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