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Princess Bubblegum in the BMO App


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Recently Cartoon Network released a (free) app that lets you play BMO from Adventure Time. It's super cute, and it has all sorts of stuff you can do, like games and pictures and stickers, customizable alarms, and there's a lot more stuff you can do that hasn't been released yet, like get ringtones and wallpapers. There's also a 'soundboard' option, where you can hear sound clips from the main characters (Finn, Jake, Ice King, Princess Bubblegum, BMO and Lumpy Space Princess). One of Princess Bubblegum's soundclips is a sneeze.

It's really cute, I can't stop listening to it. I would spell it out for y'all and all that jazz, but I think it'd be more fun to hear it yourself. uvu The app is spelled "Beemo", I think, and it's totally super free~~~

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I knew that thing was good for something! I saw the commercial for it the other day when my sister was watching Adventure Time, thought it was cute but didn't press on it.

Gonna have to download that when it's not 2 in the morning and my iPod isn't downstairs, lol.

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Thanks for sharing Galaxy (: downloading the app at the moment.. Oh & another adventure time app is "adventure time : legends of ooo"( not sure if it's free, no sneezing doe). But yah thanks for sharing (:

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