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Doctor Who nostalgia?


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We all know that Doctor Who is a show that is constantly changing and broadening its cast. There's been so many great actors work on the show, and they've given us so many amazing, iconic characters over the years that we've all loved and grown attached to. Due to the nature of the show though, many of these characters have moved on in some way or died.

So I was wondering. If you could bring back any character (whether it be a specific incarnation of the Doctor, a companion, a smaller supporting character or even an alien antagonist) from both Classic Who and New Who, who would it be?

I'll kick it off and say Captain Jack Harkness. He's had a good run with the Doctor, but I believe given his immortality, versatility and love of/loyalty to the Doctor you could see him fitting in with any situation the Time Lord could get in. Plus I just love the dynamics of his character, his mysterious, intriguing backstory and how he's so complex and so much more that the 'cheeky, flirtatious' image he protrudes that most of us have come to love.

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As far as characters it has to be The Master, no question. The Doctor is never better than when he's going up against another Time Lord, and especially The Master. Though really, I'd love to see any of the significant Time Lords/Ladies back on the scene, though it's obvious a bit tricky now given the time lock on Gallifrey etc, etc. Still it's Who, I'm sure they could find a way to bring back The Rani or Romana.

I think it would also be fun to see companions from Classic Who show up again. The return of Sarah Jane Smith was such a great moment, it would be cool to see how a reunion with some of The Doctor's other significant companions would go.

I'd also love to see Jenny (The Doctor's daughter) show up again. We know she survived and at the time it certainly seemed like the writers were opening the door for her to return at some point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First response would be the Master, but I know he's going to come back. [You can't have the Doctor without the Master and vice versa.]

I'd really like to see the Doctor meet up with Susan again. [i'd also say Sarah-Jane and Harry, but that's just not possible. =( ] Really would like to see Romana again as well. Oh and Wilfred Mott would be extra nice. =3

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For me. the greatest companion was Zoe, played by Wendy Padbury [Mrs Melvyn Hayes]. And the best Time Lord villain was the Meddling Monk.

Interesting to see Carol Ann Ford appear at the 50th Anniversary Dr Who Prom. Can it portend anything? [ Of course, only COWRIES can watch it, but the unsound presumably can....]

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And the best Time Lord villain was the Meddling Monk.

The 8th Doctor radio dramas featured a new incarnation of the Meddling Monk played by Graeme Garden- it would be cool to see him do that on the TV show.

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Difficult to pick just one. But from the companions i would say Ace, due to the series being cancelled we never got a satisfying closing to Ace's character, she just walked off with the Doctor into the sunset at the end of Survival, off to new adventures and when we next saw the Doctor in 1996 tv movie Ace had gone and there was no mention of what happened to her, i know we had a mention of her in 'Sarah Jane Adventures' , but it would be nice to find out more. I'd also like to see Jo Grant back again as i just love Katy Manning, and Peri- she never had a goodbye scene with the Doctor, he thought she had died but it turned out she was married and living as a Queen on some planet- but she never actually said a goodbye to the Doctor so it would interesting to continue that story as it feels unfinished.

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