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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Unusual Scenario.


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I'm not really sure where to start this, so I'll just dive in head first.

There's a member on here who I've been talking to for a while now. Me and him are pretty good friends (I'd like to think so anyway). We don't talk every day or anything, but very often.

I've been thinking lately about how adorable he is, I mean, friend wise, I love him to pieces.

But then, last night, I had a dream where we somehow got to meet up in person. It was all nice for a while, we just hung out, then we went back to a house (no idea whose house, you know how dreams are) and started kissing. There was nothing 18+ at all, we just kissed, he had no top on etc then we were walking around holding hands. And it was amazing. It felt so nice to have someone who genuinely cared and was so loving in my dream. It was a nice break from my reality, and I woke up kind of wishing it had happened :lol:

Obviously, I know this is no more than a crush, I mean, he lives thousands and thousands of miles away, so it's all innocent, I just can't help but crushing on him :lol:

I'm in 2 minds whether to tell him, as it is just a bit of fun, it's not like I'd leave my life here and up sticks and move over there, that's just crazy, but I'm torn between telling him and just keeping it to myself (I know I've posted here, I mean, revealing said person's identity).

I find it amusing that I had this dream, I've not had anything like that in a while. I'm not obsessing over it, itse just a nice thing to be able to think about from time to time :P

Edit: correct spelling mistakes :P

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