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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Dangan Ronpa!(with spoilers)


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Honestly, I haven't been keeping up with the episodes, but Ive read the translation on Orenoren's Somethingawful posts and (spoilers if you have not read past Chapter 2) when Fukawa sneezes she turns into Genocider Syo, and that part has been GIFed by someone on tumblr! Now I dont have to go through the whole episode to find a sneeze!

Here is the link: http://aimugifuu.tum blr.com/post/59707307315 (ive put a space so it does not directly link to the blog but just copypaste it into the browser and remove the space)

She induces a sneeze with the end of her braid, gaaaaah I hope they show that more in the anime, maybe then I would be more motivated to watch it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah, you beat me to posting this! First off, Fukawa is the biggest cutie and I love her sneeze. I'm afraid I forgot which episode her sneeze is in (I THINK 8. Don't hold me to it, though, I watched 5-10 in one sitting so they all ran together). And in the most recent episode it was Genocider Syo who sneezed, but it wasn't on screen and only a background noise while another character talked.

But the whole anime is extremely awesome and all the characters are adorable so I would definitely suggest checking it out

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