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Chronic Nausea tips


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So, first of all, there is 0 chance I'm pregnant because I'm a virgin. For the past few years, I've been dealing with steadily worsening chronic nausea. I used to wake up and feel sick for an hour. Now it happens for five hours after I wake up, and then around 9:00 it strikes again at night. I've also had a headache around the clock since last October, and gotten my first migraine.

What I do for my nausea is drink lemon-water and suck on lemons. It sounds crazy, but it helps. I get water with lemon when we go out to eat, because my stomach always feels oogy, and then I suck on the lemon whenever my stomach is feeling bad. I'm actually drinking lemon water right now!

I've yet to figure out how to make the headache leave. Over the counter pain relievers don't work. It's pretty miserable right now!

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It sounds unpleasant- and I guess it isn't normal- and you should certainly speak to your doctor about it.

It may be some quite trivial thing, like cutting one food out of your diet; but you need expert advice that the forum cannot give.

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Could be anything from anemia to low blood sugar to a food allergy, etc etc.

If it's affecting your quality of life, definitely see a doctor to rule out anything serious.

Look up pressure points to see if that will help temporarily relieve your nausea. Rubbing your ear lobes relieves aching heads. There's points on your wrist that relieve nausea.

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Incredibly I can actually help someone. I have acid reflux so I can very much feel your pain. Generally for me I try to sit up, sleep with a wedge, and for acute instances I chew gum. It's weird, but it really helps to relieve the focus on the nausea. A lot of it is psyching yourself out... especially if it's reflux. You'll never actually throw up, you just feel bad. You should check if you also have reflux, and take something OTC like Prilosec daily if that's the case. Good luck...

(can't help with the headaches, sorry)

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(dodge, absolutely LOVE your Harima avatar! HARIMA IS THE BEST <3)

24Me, I'm sorry to hear about your pain! I don't have much nausea, but I do experience headaches. I usually drink water to stay hydrated, and sometimes pinch the nerve bundle in the webbing between my thumb and forefinger. Other times I will crack my back. Sometimes laying on a flat surface helps, and cold compresses may too. My dad used to have migraines as a child, and I know that headaches can be just terrible.

Best of luck, and I hope you feel better!

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Yes, chewing gum is helpful, too. I have a physical coming up, so I'll mention it to my doctor.

I have GERD, and spent a lot of time as a kid throwing up, so I'm just glad I don't have to miss school anymore!

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I find ginger tea/infusions help as well. For different people and different illnesses, different eating patterns can help. For example, for me, low fat, little and often was good.

I would re-iterate the suggestion that you seek medical advice. Nausea can be related to liver problems, and I finally discovered last year after many years of discomfort, that I had a chronic cholecystitis (gall bladder inflammation). The symptoms were very non-specific.

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Yup, echoing what others said about talking to a doctor. A friend had years of chronic nausea, ended up being a thyroid problem, and now she's fine. So there can be many reasons indeed.

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